
The Corgi

Soon the Moon went down and the Sun rises in the morning beautifully on the side of Asia and on the other Side was Night.

6:00 AM | Park's House

Mother Park was always the first one to wake up before the other member of the family, she had already prepared dinner and hot water for her kids and was now waking them up.

"Denz! John! Ellie! It's time to wake up!" Mother Park shouted sweetly as the echo went all around the house.

On John Park's Room, John Park slowly opened his eyes before rubbing it with his hands.

"Uah..." John yawned as he continued to rubbed his eyes.

He looked at the time first before getting up, he gently arranged the bed sheet, pillows and blanket that he always slept on.

"I wonder what's today's breakfast!" John said as he run towards the door and hurriedly opened the door and saw his Older Brother and Younger Sister was also leaving their own rooms.

"Morning Brother! Morning Lil Sis!" John greeted them with a smile before running towards the kitchen.

"Brother!" The youngest of all, Ellie shouted as she runs towards the kitchen as well.

"This fellas have lots of energy in the morning." The Oldest Child, Denz sighed as he move his body forward to the kitchen.

The first one to reach the kitchen was John as he greeted his Mother, "Morning Mom!" Then, Ellie was the second one as she greeted her Mother as well. And finally Denz was the last one to reach as he was clumsy as ever as he greeted his mother tiredly.

Soon, all of the member of the Park Family was now in the kitchen, except for Father Park who always wake up late than the rest.

In the Table were, cooked eggs, hot mixed milk, rices, and some healthy foods that was always eaten by kids every Morning.

"Pray before you guys eat!" Mother Park exclaimed as she took the lead to first as her kids follow her lead and start praying.

"Let's eat!" Ellie was the first one to speak as she digged in her plate excitedly.

Mother Park smiled as she also started to eat, as well as John And Denz slowly eat their breakfast and milk on the table.

Soon, all of the Park was finished eating breakfast as they went to their bathroom and to wash their teeth.

John and Denz shared the same bathroom except for Ellie who used her private bathroom with her Mother to help her bath.

Both of the brothers seriously brushed their teeth as they looked at each with pure competition who will be the one to finished and the one with cleanest teeth.

"I'll not lose this time!" John said competitively.

"Hmph!" Denz replied.

The two brothers finally finished their competition and showed their mouth to reveal their teeth if there is anything still not brushed off.

"You got some on your deepest side, I win." Denz proudly smiled as he showed his mouth as well.

John checked his brother's mouth and found their is nothing but was truly well brushed as he said, "Nooo! How could I lost!"

"You rushed too much, Lil Bro." Denz said as he walked towards the shower and turned the switch on as water started to pour on him.

John slowly accept his defeat and went to the other shower as he started to soaked himself. Both of the Brothers scrubbed their own bodies with seriousness.

While on the Other Bathroom, which belongs to Mother Park and the Youngest Child, Ellie was bathing together on the tub as Ellie questioned her Mother many times and only received a bucket of water being poured onto her by her Mother.

"Cold! Mom your so mean!" Ellie puffed her cheeks as she felt cold around her body.

"Hurry up, Lil Miss, your Brothers will be the first one to finished." Mother Park smiled as she picked the shampoo and soap, as she washed her daughter's body.

While on the Room of Father Park, Father Park was sleeping comfortably as he snores hards that will make others make fun of him while he sleeps.

A couple of minutes past, it was now 6:45 AM as Denz, John and Ellie was now in their proper school uniform as they went out of their room and going down through the stairs, and exiting their house as they saw their Mother waiting beside their Car, which is worth $18,000 Dollars and can fit six people inside and was also very fast.

"Hurry or you guys will be late!" Mother Park said as she opened the door of the cars as her three kids hurriedly went inside the car.

Mother Park was always the one driving the car except for Father Park since he always wake up late and was clumsy as Denz.

Soon, the Park's Car was now driving through the road towards their schook, which is the Private Fatima School which was one of the good schools in their country.

John is on 4th Grade, Denz is on 6th Grade and Ellie is on 3th Grade, which is still good that they still can visit each other or meet with each other on some area.

They saw lots of students was also walking towards their schools and some were riding their vehicles or cars with their parents.

It was a very sunny day and full with life, the Guards was seriously doing their jobs to prevent suspicious people from getting inside the school.

Finally, the Park's Car stopped on the parking lot as John, Denz and Ellie got off the car.

"See you later, Mom!" Ellie said to her mother before going inside the school as she greeted her friends and also the guards.

"Later, Mom." Denz said as he wave his hand off before turning around and entering the gate.

"I'll see you later, Mom!" John said as he hugged his Mother first before going inside the school.

"Bye, sweeties." Mother Park wave her hand off as she went back to the car and driving it towards her workplace.

Those who seen Mother Park was charmed and stupefied by her beauty, after she left the people who was charmed slowly returned to normal state as they mind their own business.

John who was about to go inside his classroom when a dog started to bark behind him, he turned around and saw the dog is a brown fluffy corgi.

The Corgi kept running and barking towards at him, while the students and teachers looked at the Corgi who is too attracting to the eyes, since it was too fluffy and cute.

John widened his eyes when the Corgi jumped at him as it licked him with somewhat pure love.

"Oh my god! Look at that Corgi!" A Female Teacher yelled as she was charmed by its cuteness.

"I wanna fluff it!" A 4th Grader Student yelled.

"It's so adorable and fluffy!" Another 4th Graded yelled.

While the Corgi was licking the student named John Park, John Park suddenly remembered something in his dreams that this corgi is one of his dream last night.

"Sho?!" John exclaimed

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