

Tarot divination has upright and reversed positions, and the interpretation of the two positions is different.

Jiang Yanche knows nothing about Tarot cards. His research direction is ancient literature, and he doesn't care about this kind of metaphysical stuff at all.

"Old woman, this..."

He raised his head and was about to ask for an interpretation, but there was only an empty space in front of him.

What old woman, what Tarot card booth... It seems that they have never existed.

With a light exclamation, Jiang Yanche looked around, empty. The elementary school students had left school two hours ago, and the empty campus was like the open mouth of a giant beast, slowly swallowing Jiang Yanche's inner peace.

Damn, in broad daylight...

He looked at the ground with his peripheral vision, and there was an abrupt black spot. He lowered his head and saw the familiar dark blue back of the bottom card - this was the only evidence that all the strange phenomena just now existed!

He hooked his fingers lightly and turned the card over. There was a bright and shining star on the front, and below, a naked person knelt on one knee by the lake and poured a bottle of water into the lake.

Tarot main card 17 [Star]!

The result of the divination will be interpreted by three tarot cards together, but the other two tarot cards that have not been turned over disappeared with the old woman. Jiang Yanche frowned as he stared at the thin card between his fingers.

He subconsciously put his right hand into his jacket pocket, but it was empty. The mobile phone that should have been in it was missing.

Something is wrong...

Jiang Yanche's pupils shrank, and he thought about what happened all day today. He seemed to be in chaos:

The daytime passed quickly, and the mobile phone in his pocket disappeared...

Jiang Yanche's breathing became rapid. In front of him, the world seemed to be falling. He turned around, put [Star] in his pocket, and rushed towards home.

Along the way, he met many people, but these passers-by looked at him with a surprised look, as if they were looking at someone else.

Without thinking too much, Jiang Yanche knew that at this moment, his expression was extremely ferocious, but he couldn't control it. It was like a fire was burning in his heart, and his irritability reached a peak.

He broke into the room and saw his phone lying on the bed. The lock screen was full of unread messages and missed calls - he had been in a state of almost zero social interaction today!

But he had no intention of replying to any messages. He pulled out the table and chairs, turned on the computer, and searched for the meaning of the upright [Star]:

The future is bright and full of hope. It means that when you get the energy of hope in your career, your future will be extremely bright...

The meaning is very long. In short, it means that Jiang Yanche's future will be bright and he doesn't need to worry too much.

But even if it is a positive meaning, it is filtered by Jiang Yanche's inner irritability, and all that is left is doubt.


Tsk, it's confusing...

He slowly walked to the bathroom and stared at his eyes in the mirror. Compared to when he just got up in the morning, he looked thinner, and his face had turned from pale to sallow.

No matter how you look at it, he is a dying man!

Taking out five bottles of coffee from the cabinet, Jiang Yanche sat at the desk and drank two bottles of coffee to refresh himself. Under the effect of caffeine, his anxiety became more vigorous, and he couldn't help grinning.

Isn't it just a broken dream? What's there to be afraid of? The way to counter nightmares is very simple - stay awake all night!

He tilted his head, the curtains were half drawn, and outside, there was the sound of the city. However, everything in the outside world - flashing billboards of various colors, the hustle and bustle of the road, and the hawking noise of the crowd - was completely blocked by the glass windows, and it was difficult to penetrate the room at all.

Inside the room, outside the room, two worlds.

In the distance, large groups of dark clouds moved in, and the light between heaven and earth was dim. The shadow enveloped the tall buildings, obscured the light, and at the same time, embraced Jiang Yanche.

Wrapped in darkness, in a trance, the sense of chaos in the world reappeared, as if an invisible big hand pushed time, the pointer rotated, and the night fell completely.

Sitting there, the anxiety in his heart was in a state of continuous rise. This was not a solution. Emotionally unstable but still rational, Jiang Yanche turned on the computer again and browsed the content about tarot cards.

As he watched, his attention was somewhat diverted, and his anxiety was relieved to a certain extent. However, because his mind was always on nightmares, as he watched, the small square characters gradually blurred. The originally static characters seemed to have life, flying in front of Jiang Yanche's eyes, like countless flies.


Blinking, he was distracted and sleepy. Jiang Yanche forced himself to stay alert and paced back and forth in the room. He played with the [Star] in his right hand. He didn't know what material this tarot card was made of. No matter how hard he bent it, there was no crease left on it after the deformation was restored.

But in the dark, it seemed that something was at work. Although he was anxious, his vision gradually blurred. Everything in sight began to lose its color. The footsteps that were originally moving suddenly became empty, and Jiang Yanche fell on his back on the bed.

It was a mess... Everything was a mess...

What on earth was going on...

This was Jiang Yanche's last thought before he lost consciousness...

The same corridor, yellow light.

This time, in the dream, Jiang Yanche woke up much later. When the surrounding scene came into view, he had already jumped off the rooftop.

The tenth floor, the ninth floor...

The whole falling process was extremely short, but in Jiang Yanche's eyes, the world seemed to be in slow motion. Looking up, he could feel the god of death waving at him from below. On the side, was the city in the dream, which was no different from reality, with neon lights illuminating the night sky and sirens disturbing the night.

Hanging in the air, Jiang Yanche looked at the brilliance in front of him and looked down at the comings and goings of people. In his eyes, there was loss and sadness. He seemed to be incompatible with this prosperous place. No matter how the city developed, he was ultimately a "remainder" in it.

This steel forest hides too many things...

Thinking like this, Jiang Yanche had fallen to the height of one floor, less than three meters away from the solid ground!

The feeling of suffocation came suddenly, the weightlessness of falling from a high altitude, the chill of the night breeze, the numbness of impending death... all came to Jiang Yanche's mind at the same time, oppressing his nerves. Then came the inexplicable electric shock in his limbs and the pungent smell at the tip of his nose.


Looking up at the night sky, just as Jiang Yanche was waiting for the end, the dim night sky suddenly flickered. Jiang Yanche's eyes blurred, and the night sky, the city, the busy streets and alleys all disappeared.

Instead, there were bright colors everywhere.

Green mountains, clear water...

I seemed to have come to an unknown place, and the surrounding scene had completely changed. The beautiful scenery of the surrounding mountains and rivers was incompatible with the original steel forest.

This is...

Jiang Yanche found himself standing on the edge of an island, and in front of him was a flower garden. A watering can was overturned under his feet, as if it had just fallen from his hand.

He tried to move his body, but the feeling of weightlessness and despair from falling from a high altitude still existed, and Jiang Yanche did not regain control of his body.

Where on earth is this?

He only felt that his brain was more confused. Just when he wanted to try to bend down and pick up the watering can, everything in front of him that looked like a fairyland dimmed again, as if the scene in front of him was just a picture, and someone adjusted the opacity.

When the green mountains and clear waters completely disappeared, a strong sense of fatigue surged into his heart, and Jiang Yanche's eyes went black and he lost consciousness.

"Why did the brain nerve destruction system stop? Don't tell me it's because of your damn sympathy!"

In an unknown place, a dark room.

A roar tore through the silence of the room like a sharp blade, and the door was pushed open heavily, and a man with a tendency to baldness shouted.

If Jiang Yanche came to this room, he would definitely be shocked.

For no other reason, there was a whole wall of display screens in this room, and on each display screen, there was a shabby figure about to fall to the ground, and Jiang Yanche was one of them.

But at this moment, all the images were frozen, and a huge red exclamation mark flashed on many screens.

"Director, look at this."

There were originally five or six people sitting in the room. One of them, who seemed to be a leader, stood up and pointed respectfully at the screen where Jiang Yanche was.

Unlike the other screens, Jiang Yanche's screen had a green tick.

There were seven other green ticks.

"Another one passed at the last minute, so Director, I stopped the system on my own initiative. I will ask you for instructions next time."

The director did not speak, but waved his hand casually:

"He is lucky. Let's go. It's time to greet him."

"Director, the others..."

"Follow the original plan. Trash, no right to live."