
Dreamer of Red(English)

Albert Crimson is a 23-year-old man, who since childhood always wanted to control his dreams, when suddenly, a few weeks ago, he began to dream of a red dragon.

MoonDevourer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

[Dream Orbs]

Destroying the entire Rizevim mansion, Lorien watched from his height, like the demons below him. They trembled with fear when looking at him, since the size of him could be noticed from several kilometers away.

Ignoring the demons that couldn't move because of he presence, Lorien turned he gaze to Ophis, who was floating next to he face - "Is that the plague you wanted to eliminate, Lorien?" - Nodding to Ophis's question, Lorien it floated several meters above the ground.

"Yes, it is a very annoying pest. His dreams began to include me in him, so I decided to eliminate him "-Were the words that Lorien said to Ophis, since he did not want to tell about his knowledge of his world.

"But he was weak, I don't think he could do anything to you." With a 'confused' look on her expressionless face, Ophis said those words to Lorien, at which he just 'smiled' in her direction.

"It's because you have a lot to learn Ophis, the ants may be finding a way to hurt you, that's why you have to eliminate it before it discovers it" - Nodding with a look of 'compression' on her face, Ophis sat down again on Lorien's head.

"Then people will find a way to hurt me, if I give it enough time?" Cocking her head as she asked that question, Ophis waited for Lorien's answer.

"Right, you have to prevent your enemies from finding a way to hurt you" - Nodding at Lorien's words, Ophis stared at him again without blinking.

"Thank you for this information" - Ophis said to Lorien - "Thank you is the correct word?" - Then to ask something again.

"Of course, thank you is the right word" - Ophis nodded at Lorien's words.

"Now let's focus on these people of interest" - Lorien said towards Ophis and Bastet, who was silent.

"Why are they persons of interest?" - Ophis asked towards Lorien.

"I'll tell you later" - "Smiling mysteriously" at her, Lorien concentrated on the four figures approaching him being 3 men and 1 woman, with serious and concerned looks on his faces.

"Then I'll wait for it Lorien" -Nodding at Lorien's words, Ophis concentrated on the 4 figures that were approaching them, while she stared at them in search of what makes them interesting.

Tensing they bodies upon feeling the gazes of the two most powerful beings in the world, the four people approached with careful steps towards them.

With the first they appear approaching being a man with red hair, which Lorien recognized as Sirzech followed by Serafall, Ajuka and Falbium, these being the current 4 Maous of the underworld.

"[Great Red] and Ophis, could I ask what your business is here" -Asking as tactfully as possible, Sirzech awaited they answers as well as them companions.

Hearing Sirzech's question, Lorien stared at him, making the pressure he felt become stronger, and then calmly answered - "And why should I tell you what I do?" - Starting to break out in a cold sweat upon hearing the words of [Great Red], the 4 Maous were looking for a way to apologize.

"You are lucky that I am in a very good mood, because I will tell you" - Trembling when hearing the deep voice full of magic in them direction, the 4 Maous nodded when hearing the words of [Great Red] - "An ant had dreamed of kill me and use me, so I came to kill him so that he would leave that stupid dream "-.

"That wouldn't bother me, but those kinds of dreams were becoming very common, so I came to finish it before I put it to the test, plus I did them a favor. They should be grateful "-.

"The demon named Rizevim had plans, which could put the demons in a bad position, and their dreams of peace would be destroyed instantly" - Opening they eyes in shock upon hearing the words of the being in front of them, the 4 Maous deeply thanked the [ Great Red].

"We thank you for preventing that catastrophe!" - Bowing towards Lorien, who only nodded slightly and then ignored them.

"Well, it's time to go" -Saying those words, Lorien continued to float towards the sky, while he opened a rift towards the [Dimensional Gap].

Sighing in relief to see that the [Great Red] is go, the 4 Maous were thinking what to say, when the next words of the [Great Red] put they nerves on edge.

"I also have to say that I will become more active, also I gave myself a name, so you can call me Lorien Crimson" - And with those words, Lorien went through the crack towards the [Dimensional Gap], making the 4 Maous look towards Lorien shocked.


Once in the [Dimensional Gap] with Ophis on he head and Bastet on he back, Lorien observed two pinkish orbs in he hands that showed images as if from a movie.

"Now show me happiness, Lorien" - Leaving his thought upon hearing the tone expressionless from Ophis, Lorien nodded at her words.

"Then relax, I'll create a dream for you to experience happiness" - Speaking in a 'soft' voice, Lorien began to sleep to put Ophis to use and make her experience happiness. As a [Sleep Aspect], Lorien can make the person experience a 100% realistic dream.

Which is very useful if you want to kill someone from dreams, since being 100% real, people can die in the dream if they dream of that kind of thing.

"Nn ~" -With those last words, Ophis closed his eyes and then fell asleep in Lorien's head, since being the [Aspect of Infinity] she can do various things, such as having infinite mana. Although the latter is a passive aspect.

Ophis used infinity to stay in Lorien's head without being affected by moving at extreme speeds, thus affecting reality and staying unaffected, since the distance is infinite at a certain range from it, causing various things to not affect it.

Lorien seeing that only shook he head to focus on the pink orbs in his hands, those orbs were [Dream Orbs], which allowed Lorien to keep anything in them, since they were treated as a dream.

Being in one of those orbs, all the memories of Rizevim and in the other the soul of him, since Lorien had seen too much anime. As if to know, that leaving the soul of an enemy to gods of death was a bad idea, since they could revive them.

"Now what do I do with you?" - With those thoughts in mind, Lorien 'consumed' Rizevim's memories, while the second orb was kept in Lorien's [Dream World].


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