
Chapter 3: Their Destiny

Today is another day... I mean after the incident yesterday I have to move on and ask this girl if she's okay. Because I still feel guilty for what happened to her father.

As soon as I'm inside the school I search for the girl only to find out that she's not here. I know that she is crying so hard and devastated. If only they believe us, this might not have happened.


Lunch came this afternoon and I'm heading into the cafeteria to eat when I suddenly bumped into someone. And his name is Terrence, my classmate. He's a gangster when he looked at me I know I'm in trouble so before it takes too long I bowed my head and said sorry but he just ignores me. I think he's on good terms that's why he didn't punch me...

So I ignored it and continued walking to enter the cafeteria when I got there, I search for the vacant table just to eat alone. I'm not that talkative nor friendly person. I just want to be alone. While eating someone standing in front of me. So I looked for whoever it is and to find out that she's one of my classmates too. Her name is Hannah, she's too friendly and talkative. An opposite of me.

"hi! can I share a table with you? I mean, I tried to find one but there's no more vacant. And then I found you, you sit alone here at the table. So I want to ask you if can I sit ahead of you?" she's said while smiling too widely.

"uhh.... sure it's no big deal," I said while smiling at her. She smiled back and she replied.

"thank you" then she placed her tray on the table and sit ahead of me.

We're currently eating when one of the crowd shouts as something is happening in the cafeteria. I and Hannah tried to peek only to found out that there were gangsters everywhere fighting in the cafeteria.

I remembered this guy, I muttered in a silent voice. He's the one I bumped before I entered the cafeteria. And I know he's a gangster but I didn't know he was just like another gangster who fought brutally. He's dangerous, I knew that for sure. So we should not meet again or else I will be DAMNED!

I told Hannah that we have to leave before they see us, but Hannah stood there looking seriously at this gangster-like there's something connection between them. Then she runs away in the middle of those gangsters and shouts.

"STOP THIS ALL OF YOU!" as I was looking at her, she was angry. I feel worried as I want to grip her out away from the fights. But instead of helping her, I stayed where I am and I admit that I'm not that strong enough to protect her.

The gangsters stop fighting as they looked at her like saying "do you wanna die?" But instead of being afraid, she looks at them like she can beat all of them.

"Stop fighting here in the cafeteria, if all of you wanna fight do it outside the school. And will you please get your ass out of here... You're ruining the cafeteria" she said.

I can't believe how brave she is. I was amazed by how she argues with the gangsters.

"Watch your word Hannah if you don't want to messed up with us!" Terrence replied.

"Just leave in the cafeteria Terrence and I will never bothering all of you especially if you want to fight," she said. They stared for a minute before Terrence and the others out of the cafeteria.

After Terrence and the other gangsters leave the cafeteria all the students breathed a sigh of relief, as if everything had returned to normal. Then she walks again towards me with a smile on her face.

"Why did you do that??? What if Terrence hurt you?" I couldn't help but say that to her full of concern.

"don't worry he can't hurt me, he knows what will the consequences if he does that" she replied.

"but that's not an excuse... What if Terrence angry? You might be in trouble" I answered.

"don't worry I can handle this situation, so let's just finished our lunch before the class starts again," she said. I sighed and followed her where are the tables. After we finished eating our lunch we back to our rooms before the bell rings.


After class just, as usual, I went to work. While working Terrence suddenly entered the restaurant, it has a wound on his left eyebrow but has a band-aid attached. I just ignored it until Hannah is entering the restaurant too but the shocking truth is that she is going to where is Terrence... What is going on in here? If only I am near them I can hear what they're talking about. It's not that I'm gossiping or whatever, I just want to know what's between these two... Are they relatives? or are they in a relationship?

I was trying to get near them when my boss called me. I've panicking so I quickly went in to do what the boss ordered.

After I finished working I tried to look around but I could no longer see them anywhere, and because of that I went straight to my apartment to go home so I can relax my mind and body after a long day of school and work. I turn off the light and went to sleep.


I dreamed about Hannah and Terrence. They strangled Terrence that causes him to die and Hannah was brutally raped. I can't believe what I just saw, it will happen when Hannah tries to save Terrence. But when will this happen? I have to warn Hannah and Terrence about this. I don't want anyone to die again.

I woke up again as if I'm gasping for air, full of sweat all over my face. when I search the clock it's midnight AGAIN??? What is wrong with me? Why am I having nightmares about this?

I drink 2 glasses of water. And made up a decision that I should change their fate. I need to find a way for them to escape from disaster.

While I'm on my way to school, I saw a familiar face, not Hannah nor Terrence. Those are the ones that Terrence fought yesterday, and those bruised shown on all over in their body... Someone's telling me to follow them, so I changed my course and followed them where they were going.

They stop in the abandoned building, it looks like this is their hideout. I need to be careful so no one can saw me. I looked up left and right to see if there's someone following me. And when I did not see anything, I went inside to the abandoned building to find them. I carefully not making noises while I'm walking until I found them sitting with cigarettes in their mouth. They were talking about Hannah and Terrence and I was right they were the ones planning to harm Terrence and Hannah. I carefully listened to what they are planning so that I can be told to Terrence and Hannah to believe me. I opened my phone and put it on the Voice Recorder so I have evidence that they were planning against them.

After I heard their plans, I ran outside to their hideout to tell Terrence and Hannah what they were up to, so they will survive. And I hope this can help me change their destiny.