
Chapter 28: The Couple's and The Cupid

I'm late for school! But I'm still sleepy... I quickly take a bath and I manage to pick up my things so I can get to school by nine in the morning. I feel so tired and I haven't seen Sapphire yesterday until this morning, maybe she's in school and she didn't wake me up because I'm in the middle of sleep.

When I arrive at school I noticed weird today. There are chocolates, flowers, gifts and the most important couple. What was today's month? It's still September and it's not February there's no Valentines' day, so why there are bunches of Couples in the Lobby, even the Teachers are dating! What on earth is going on?

I was about to ask someone when the ring bells it means a start for classes, I was about to go to where my room when I noticed all my classes and all the students seems not to understand the situation. Aren't they heard the bell? It was supposed to be all students running in the hallway before their teachers entered their classes. Then why all students and teachers standing in the lobby talking to each other and it seems they didn't care if they running late for their classes. What is happening???

Forget it, I run in the hallway to find Terrence, Hannah, and Sapphire. I think Diana is still in their House. I opened my room only to find out Terrence, Hannah and Sapphire were the only ones inside the room. Nevertheless, there are no other classmates inside the room, it's just us. I approached them as soon as possible and asked them about this.

"Why all the students and teachers seem like this month is February and Valentine's Day, it's still September and they supposed to be in their classrooms," I asked. Sapphire look at me then she pointed out to the window which is there's two look like a baby with wings together with bow and arrows but their bow and arrows unlike one of them and then she said. "It's because of the Cupid, they're competing with each other. I think they were trying to prove themselves to each one of them."

"Why would they do that?" I asked referring to those cupids who are competing outside the school.

"They don't need help from each other that is why they strike all the students with their cupid arrows not wondering what will happen if they make a wrong move. That is why all students and Profs are in a couple of situations which it should not be. Yes, few students are in a relationship. But they're pairing them to the wrong person. It will make more mistakes if we didn't do something about this." Sapphire replied. The cupid girl's arrows are pink with yellow shining on the surrounding, while the boy's arrows are blue with white shine on the surroundings. And bow they are fighting. They keep striking all students and they didn't care who will strike their arrows. I think they were challenging to each other. The students are now in the range of anger. When the cupids are now arguing also students and teachers are arguing too.

"Then how they didn't strike you all their cupid arrows? They're supposed to see us they're just ahead of us and we were still not onto relationship yet. And then now they're arguing." I said referring to us which they didn't strike us their arrows it's too obvious that they can easily target us in one range but it didn't.

"I used invisible dust for us to be invisible that is why they didn't see us. Look to our surrounding there's dust on the ground encircled us. Which is the invisible dust to make us invisible." Sapphire said and pointed in the ground which there's yellow dust on our surroundings that shines in white when the sunlight strikes it.

"Then how are we supposed to stop them?" I asked. We were thinking about the possible way when Sapphire had a crazy idea.

"There's a crazy idea pop on my head but I'm not sure if this will work." She replied.

"Let just try we can't just let them strike all the student and teachers like this," I said. They nod then Sapphire told us the crazy idea which is we involve in this. We looked at each other then Hannah's face turned red as if she was embarrassed by this crazy idea. She turned around to not face me. Sapphire's idea was me and Hannah should pretend that we're in love that the pink and blue arrows show that they already strike us to be a couple. Then Sapphire and Terrence would be the other couple, we only need is to pretend that we're sweet to each other so the cupids wouldn't notice that we were just faking the act. Then we will meet and confront them make them realized that helping each other will show that they can make a perfectly matched couple.

We nod to this crazy idea and we get out of the invisible dust for the cupid to notice us. Which is they took the bait, they were now looking at each other with confusion because they seem that their arrows making us be a couple. They're striking the student and teacher with the same arrows which are blue to blue and pink to pink. But it is supposed to be like a blue boy strikes the pink girl. But instead, we strike ourselves with two different arrows we showed them that they should be helping each other to make a perfect couple. The blue arrows were shown to us boys both I and Terrence while the pink arrows were shown to these girls Hannah and Sapphire. We want them to notice that their arrows can help them make a perfect couple.

Both cupids look at each other then they flew to where we are, now the act should be realistic to see but I and Hannah don't know what to do. I know that I should be the first to make a move or Hannah make a move but we were just too embarrassed to pretend that we're in a relationship. Hannah keeps blushing while I don't know what to do. I've never been into a relationship so how to be like a sweet couple? How to pretend that we're in love? I look at Terrence and Sapphire it seems that they know how to act like a real couple but both I and Hannah don't know how to make a move.

Hannah slowly takes a deep breath and opened the lunch box she made, she then takes closer to me which makes me unease as to where am I sitting. Why am I feeling like this? Then when she's beside me, she takes a piece of food then she's trying to feed me like a married usually does this thing. Hannah can't look at me in the eyes, and me either but I gladly accept what she's trying to do like a sweet couple. I ate it and told her that I love her cooking skills which makes her even more blushed.

The cupids are now watching us like they're enjoying what they were seeing. Then Sapphire suddenly stood and approached those cupids which makes them surprised that we were just pretending like real couples. Hannah and I both sighed as if we already finished pretending.

"Why both of you strike all the students with your cupid arrows?" Sapphire said.

"I just want to know how good I was by making a perfect couple." The girl cupid said.

"No! You're wrong I'm the one making perfect couples, not you!" The boy cupid roared at her.

"No! I'm the one making a perfect couple." The girl cupid said.

"Not you! Me!" The boy cupid said. Then they start arguing about which one of them makes a perfect couple. All of us looked at each other then I notice that all the couples are now arguing like they were into fights. I think what they doing will also happen to those couples. I stopped them arguing before it would make it worst.

"Both of you make a perfect couple. We may be pretending at first but I know if both of you help each other, maybe you can make a perfect match instead of fighting why don't you work together?" I asked.

"I don't want to make a couple with her. She always telling me that person I strike was not good for the person she's stricken also with her arrows." The boy cupid said. That makes girl cupid look at him in confusion.

"That's not true! Yes, I may be judged on how you strike someone but it doesn't mean that I can't appreciate your efforts to find the right person." The girl cupid said.

"Really? I thought you don't like who I hit with my arrows." The boy said.

"No, I maybe don't like it but I know you're good at this too I'm so sorry, I will never judge you again. I promised." The girl cupid said. Then the boy cupid smiled and they hug each other. So this case is finally solved.

"So umm... I don't want to interrupt both of you but can you back all the students to normal? It's quite obvious that they should be in classes not in a romantic way." Terrence said. All of us laugh also both cupid laugh then they raised their hands which all arrows that strike to all the students vanished. And all the students we're finally beginning to entering the classrooms. Other students and teachers are wondering what had happened to the school. Well, maybe we can explain that to them some other time.

Both cupids bade their goodbye to us and they thank us for helping them realized that helping will make them a perfect match then they flew away with holding hands together.

We finished our mission. But there's something wrong. If this is just a dream then why I'm awake? I didn't know that I imagined this or daydream about this but why this is happening? Before I know the answer I came back to my senses which is I'm in the clinic. Hannah, Terrence, and Sapphire are beside me. So it means all of that just a dream?