
Dream sovereign

A boy filled with expectations to get his ability got a huge shock. With a ability that gives him protection during his sleep. When he gone to sleep a huge change happened caused him to sleep for 1000 years when he woke up the whole world changes and now he was left all alone in the world. The boy ignorant of the changes caused a phenomenon on waking up caused the world's will shiver. On his 1000 years of sleep he attained something that most of the overlords of the universe may get to know of its existence. The rulers authority of dream, that made him sovereign of dream. This is his journey to the peek from where he fell down, and to go beyond and find those reason for his fall. *Hello guys this is my first time writing a story other than writing on exams. Most of my story is based on my inspiration on the novel I read and some personal imaginations on what if it happens on reality. And also English is not my language so bare with writings and comment your thoughts on it*

beymad_1804 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs








Cultivation technique-


Qi / Chi/ Mana type-

Unique skill-



Race - It represents current evolution stage of the chosen race from the possible options if there exists an option for race change

[mostly it will be human some special conditions are to be fulfilled to get race change options]


Bloodline- Natural /Artificial bloodline

Bloodline from beasts are extracted and customized as per required are artificial bloodline but natural bloodlines are either born with or got from the beasts that are willingly sacrifice their bloodline for the person.


Physique- Innate / Acquired / Awakened physique


Level - One have to use significant amount of Qi to level up.

It is collected by hunting beasts

Or by absorbing neutral Qi from Spirit stones


Path - Mage/Martial Artist/Cultivator


Cultivate- Mana

[(-50% physique) + (+50% spirit) + (-50% close combat) + (+50% range combat)]

{every spell leads to mass destruction if used properly}

[Martial Artist]

Cultivate- Chi

[(+50% physique) + (-50% spirit) + (+50% close combat) + (-50% range combat)]

{singe proper warrior can cause massacre of an army}


Cultivate- Qi

[No change ]

{training can only help you survive}


Cultivation technique- Mana/ Chi/ Qi - type technique

One can only choose only one Origin technique, but can use normal technique before choosing origin technique.


Cultivation- There are

9 Mortal stages

9 Immortal stages

9 Divine stages

3 Paradox stages...


Qi/ Mana/ Chi type- Each type of cultivation technique result a unique type of Qi / Mana


Unique skill- Mostly self created skill or Inherited skill fulfilling strict condition as per the skill.
