

"I know I am"

I know that my aunt will not come tonight. Its a Saturday. She will stay with some friends at their house. She works as a receptionist in a restaurant. The pay is not bad. I know because one day I heard it . She was talking about it with her fiend on the phone. In the evening I cook some hot pot for my sister and brother. I look after them a little and take them to sleep. I arrange everything in the kitchen and after that, take a bath. Tomorrow my schedule will be packed.

I am not really sleepy so I browse a little on the net and I remember something.


Name Alan Dos Santos

Age. 16

Height 1.80

Weight. 70kg


Appearance 89

Agility. 80

Strength 80

Reaction 80

Stamina 90

Jumping 70

Determination 90


Shoot (A+)

Accuracy (A+)

Foot work (A+)

Kick and Run (A+)

Ball cutting (A+).

Vision (A+)

Dribbling (A+)

Passing (A+)

Shooting (A+2)

When I first see my stat I was really depress didn't all the MC are OP. It was not the case for me. All of my stat was at (D+) an my physical abilities are at least 20. But with a lot of work I raised them. Now I am a little satisfied because It really take me many effort to be there.

Juanary 3, 2010

First I participle in the open ceremony for my transfer. There is a lot of journalism. I make some freestyle with the ball take some pictures and answer some questions. I was not intimidated, there was not many people. I can understand that because the club is new. But it seems that they invited a lot of journalism to make some publicity.

After that someone take me to the physical examination. There they make some blood test, lung capacity, rayon X ect. It's take me some time to finish them. After that someone give me a general understanding of the club and the new facility and procedure. They give me the schedule of the previous match and the match that we didn't play yet.

What surprise me the most is that a club like this that is new is already at the 4 place. The ranking is like this.

1- Willem

2 - Chaves

3 - New Castle

4 - DSL FC

The next match will be against the Heerenveen Team in 3 days.

Just like that the day pass. In the next two days I go to train Whit the team. I didn't have a bad integration because I know some of the player there and they welcome me. Some of them with a smile and some with gloomy face. I can understand them because their seat is in jeopardy. This is a fierce competition, the club is new Everyone want to be the hero and some of them want to perform well because they want some elite club to buy them. The coach name is Tariq he is a Spanish.

Beep !!

There is two team in the field. The blue and the red. I was in the red team. We will be doing some training. The coach want to see the performance of the new member of the team. It's only a 50 minutes of exercises. Many of the players are young they are between 16 to 20. So they are very energetic. The blue team play many match together so they know each other. For the red team it's a little different so we decide to play with a 4-2-2 formation.

I can play as a striker or a midfielder. So I decide to play as a midfielder. we are ready and.


The blue team engaged the match. They pass the ball in a triangle formation. I didn't take action yet I just calm down and try to see the pattern try circulate the ball. 25 minutes later I saw an opportunity to take the ball. I use my skill vision, accuracy and ball cutting to take ball.

"What the ..."

Its been 25 minutes that we are passing the ball. We have decide to crush the opponent and make them a little scare because nobody here is happy to give away his place in the starting team. I am a striker and my position is in the left. I here the news about Alan. It seem that some of the player there know him already and they say he is really good with the ball. I don't want to give my place so when the team come with this plan I agree. But I didn't care what they say about Alan because I am the star in the team and already scrore 12 goals int the tournament. As receive the ball I saw him running towards me but I know my level of skill and know that I will pass him with ease.



This was all my wishful thinking because we take the ball with ease at my feet. Stunned I was truly stunned and a little humiliated. When I saw this I decide to redeem myself. So I run after him but he run farther an farther away for me I couldn't do anything.

The coach saw this and said to his assistant.

"The kid is good What do you think"

"Yes at the beginning he didn't do anything he just give some oder to the other players and they prevent the senior team to unfold their game. And he began to read the pattern of the ball. And when he has a chance he takes it."

"Yes you are right and Stockley didn't take him seriously too. This is why he lose the ball so quickly."


"I will take him in the next game"

"But the next game is important"

"I know it is this is the reason I will take him. And don't you see anything else. Look at how his teammates listen to him, this is the first time they play together but look at that coordination between them. It's not perfect but it's enough."

"Yes natural leadership"

When I take the ball I run to the opposite team I pass the defenders with ease and make a shoot at 20 meters nobody think that I will shoot at a distance like that.



The ball was already in the net the goalkeeper cannot do anything because he was surprised.