
Drawn Together - A NathMarc Tale

"Drawn Together" follows the intertwined lives of Nathaniel and Marc, two young artists in the bustling city of Paris. As they navigate the complexities of friendship, love, and self-discovery, they find themselves caught in a web of mystery and danger. When Paris falls prey to an unexplainable darkness, Nathaniel and Marc embark on a thrilling journey to uncover its origins. Along the way, they encounter enigmatic characters, unlock hidden secrets, and face formidable challenges that test their courage and resilience. With the help of miraculous powers and the unwavering support of Ladybug and Chat Noir, Nathaniel and Marc discover their true potential and the profound impact art can have on the world. "Drawn Together" is a tale of art, adventure, and the indomitable spirit of two young artists as they strive to bring light to Paris.

Mordrowned · TV
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13 Chs

The Beginning

Nathaniel's love for art was deeply ingrained in him from a young age. He was always captivated by the way colors and lines could come together to form something beautiful and meaningful. Even as a child, he would spend countless hours immersed in his own little world of creativity, drawing and painting his heart out. His passion for art only grew as he grew older, and by the time he reached high school, he was eager to explore this passion even further.

Nathaniel was overjoyed when he learned that he could take an art class in high school. It was an opportunity for him to refine his skills and delve deeper into the world of art. But as excited as he was, Nathaniel couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive on the first day of class. After all, he didn't know anyone in the class, and he was worried about fitting in.

As he walked into the art classroom, Nathaniel was immediately struck by the sights and smells that surrounded him. The room was awash with the intoxicating scent of paint and charcoal, and the walls were adorned with breathtaking artwork created by the students who had come before him. Despite his initial nerves, Nathaniel couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and belonging in this space.

As he settled into his seat, Nathaniel looked around the classroom and couldn't help but feel inspired by the energy in the room. There was a palpable buzz of excitement as the students chatted amongst themselves, eagerly anticipating the start of the lesson. Nathaniel felt a sense of kinship with these students, as if they were all united by a shared love for art.

Nathaniel felt a wave of excitement wash over him as he settled into his seat and started setting up his supplies. As he arranged his pencils, erasers, and other art materials, he couldn't help but glance around the room, eager to see what his fellow classmates were up to.

It was then that he noticed someone sitting across from him, scribbling away in a notebook. The boy had shaggy black hair and strikingly bright green eyes that seemed to sparkle with an inner light. Nathaniel couldn't help but be drawn to him, feeling a sense of curiosity and intrigue as he watched the boy at work.

As he peered over, Nathaniel caught a glimpse of the boy's drawing - it was a cartoon of a superhero, with bulging muscles and a cape fluttering in the wind. Nathaniel couldn't help but grin - he had always been a big fan of superheroes and comics himself.

Before he could even say anything, the boy looked up from his notebook and caught Nathaniel's gaze. "Hey," he said, grinning broadly. "I'm Marc. What's your name?"

Nathaniel felt a flutter in his chest as he introduced himself. "I'm Nathaniel," he replied, feeling a little shy.

But Marc didn't seem to mind Nathaniel's quiet demeanor. In fact, he seemed even more excited to talk to him. "Cool," Marc said, leaning back in his seat. "Nice to meet you, Nathaniel. You like comics?"

Nathaniel's eyes widened with excitement. "Yeah, I love them. Do you?"

Marc's face lit up with a smile that seemed to light up the whole room. "Are you kidding? They're my favorite thing in the world," he exclaimed. "I have a huge collection at home. You should come over and see it sometime."

Nathaniel felt a sudden surge of warmth in his chest. He had always felt a little bit like an outsider, someone who didn't quite fit in with the rest of his peers. But now, it seemed like he had found someone who shared his interests and passions - someone who might even become a friend.

As the art class progressed, Nathaniel and Marc found themselves chatting more and more. They would share tips and techniques, swapping stories and experiences about the world of art. Nathaniel was amazed at how much he had in common with Marc, and how effortless their conversations seemed.

It was as if they had known each other for years, even though they had only just met. They bonded over their shared love of superheroes and comics, and soon enough, they were eagerly discussing their favorite artists, styles, and techniques.

Nathaniel found himself fascinated by Marc's art. He was impressed by his attention to detail and his ability to bring his characters to life. Marc's sketches were filled with energy and movement, capturing the essence of each character in a way that was both captivating and inspiring.

But Marc was equally impressed by Nathaniel's work. Nathaniel had a talent for capturing emotions and expressions in his art, using colors and lines to convey a sense of mood and atmosphere that was truly impressive. Marc could tell that Nathaniel had a deep passion for art, and he admired his dedication and focus.

As the art class drew to a close, Nathaniel and Marc exchanged phone numbers and Instagram handles. "Let's keep in touch," Marc said, flashing Nathaniel a grin.

Nathaniel felt a surge of excitement as he watched Marc walk out of the classroom. He knew that this was just the beginning of something great, and he couldn't wait to see where their friendship would take them.

As soon as Nathaniel got home, he eagerly sat down at his desk and pulled out his phone. Excitement coursed through him as he searched for Marc's profile on Instagram. When he found it, he immediately hit the follow button and waited for Marc to follow him back. A few seconds later, Nathaniel's phone beeped with a notification that Marc had indeed followed him back.

With a sense of anticipation, Nathaniel began to scroll through Marc's feed. He was immediately struck by the incredible artwork on display - superheroes with bulging muscles, monsters with razor-sharp teeth, and robots with intricate details. Nathaniel couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy as he looked at Marc's illustrations. He knew that his own art was good, but it didn't have the same level of action and movement that Marc's did.

But as Nathaniel continued to scroll through Marc's feed, he stumbled upon something unexpected - stories. Marc had posted several short stories, each one with a unique plot and a cast of characters that jumped off the page. Nathaniel was amazed by how effortlessly Marc wove together plot and character, creating a world that felt so real and vivid.

Nathaniel had always considered himself more of an artist than a writer, but seeing Marc's work made him realize how much he had to learn. He made a mental note to ask Marc for tips on how to improve his own writing, while also admiring how Marc had seamlessly combined his love of art and writing. Nathaniel knew that he and Marc had a lot to learn from each other, and he felt grateful to have made such a talented and like-minded friend.

He decided to message Marc and compliment him on his stories. "Hey, Marc, I just checked out your Wattpad. Your stories are incredible!" he typed.

"Thanks, Nathaniel! Your artwork is pretty amazing too," Marc replied.

Nathaniel was fascinated by Marc's stories and asked him to share some of them in detail. Marc was happy to oblige and began describing one of his favorite stories.

"It's called 'The Rise of the Steel Knight'," Marc started. "It's about a young man named Jack who lives in a world ruled by an evil dictator. Jack's father was a resistance fighter who was killed by the dictator's soldiers, and Jack has always dreamed of following in his father's footsteps and fighting back."

Nathaniel listened intently, picturing the world that Marc was describing in his mind. "What happens next?" he asked.

"Jack discovers an old suit of armor that belonged to his father and decides to use it to fight the dictator," Marc continued. "But the armor is powered by a rare crystal that the dictator also wants, so Jack has to fight off his soldiers while trying to find more crystals to keep the armor running. Along the way, he meets other rebels who join his cause, and they all work together to take down the dictator."

Nathaniel was amazed at the level of detail in Marc's story. He could imagine the clanking of the armor, the whirring of the crystals, and the intense battles that Jack had to face. "That's incredible," Nathaniel said, feeling inspired. "You're really talented."

Marc smiled. "Thanks, but it's just a hobby. I wish I could draw like you do."

Nathaniel felt a surge of pride. He had always been self-conscious about his art, but hearing Marc's praise made him feel more confident.

Over the next few weeks, Nathaniel and Marc's friendship continued to grow, with each day bringing new discoveries and revelations about each other. They exchanged messages almost every day, eagerly sharing their latest artworks, stories, and ideas for their favorite fandoms. Nathaniel loved how supportive Marc was of his art, always providing insightful feedback and encouragement. And Marc, in turn, admired Nathaniel's artistic talent and often asked for tips on how to improve his own drawing skills.

Their conversations soon moved beyond just art and into more personal topics. Nathaniel confided in Marc about his struggles with anxiety and how drawing helped him cope. And Marc opened up about his own experiences with depression and how writing gave him an outlet to express his emotions. It was refreshing for Nathaniel to have someone who truly understood him and could relate to what he was going through.

One day, as they were chatting after class, Marc suggested that they visit a comic book store together. Nathaniel's heart skipped a beat - he had always wanted to go to a comic book store, but never had the courage to go alone. The thought of going with Marc made him feel both excited and nervous.

The day of their planned outing, Nathaniel made sure to dress his best, eager to make a good impression on Marc. When they arrived at the store, Nathaniel's eyes widened as he took in the rows and rows of colorful comic books, action figures, and posters. He felt a rush of excitement as he saw all the characters he loved come to life on the pages of the comic books.

Marc led the way, showing Nathaniel his favorite comics and graphic novels, and even recommending some lesser-known titles that he thought Nathaniel would enjoy. Nathaniel was impressed by Marc's knowledge of the store and the comics. Marc seemed to know everything about the different characters and their backstories, and he even pointed out some easter eggs and hidden references that Nathaniel would have never noticed on his own.

Nathaniel was struck by the vast array of comic books, action figures, and posters that filled the store. Every corner was a treasure trove of colorful and imaginative characters, each with their own unique story to tell. Nathaniel's eyes widened as he took it all in, his imagination running wild with the possibilities.

"Wow," he breathed, turning to Marc with a wide-eyed expression of amazement. "This place is incredible."

Marc chuckled in response. "Told you it was cool," he said with a grin. "Come on, let me show you my favorite section."

Nathaniel eagerly followed Marc through the store, taking in everything around him. He saw posters of his favorite superheroes, action figures of the coolest monsters, and rows upon rows of comic books with vibrant covers. He couldn't believe how many stories were waiting for him to discover.

As they browsed through the store, Nathaniel and Marc chatted animatedly about their favorite comic book series and characters. Nathaniel was amazed at how much he had in common with Marc - they seemed to like all the same things. They talked about the unique strengths and weaknesses of each hero, their favorite plot twists, and the moments that had left them on the edge of their seats.

As they made their way to Marc's favorite section, Nathaniel felt his excitement building. He wondered what kind of amazing books and characters they would discover. Finally, they reached the section, and Nathaniel's eyes lit up as he saw the wide variety of books on the shelves. Marc pointed out a few of his favorite titles and Nathaniel eagerly picked them up, eager to dive into the stories.

As they flipped through the pages, Nathaniel found himself getting lost in the worlds of each comic book. The vivid illustrations and intricate plotlines kept him completely engrossed, and he felt a sense of wonder that he had never experienced before. He felt grateful to Marc for introducing him to this incredible world of storytelling, and he knew that he would never forget this experience.

Nathaniel couldn't believe how much he had in common with Marc. They both loved art, comic books, and video games, and they had similar senses of humor. As they walked out of the store, Nathaniel felt a mix of emotions. On one hand, he was thrilled that he had made a new friend who understood him so well. On the other hand, he didn't want the day to end.

As they walked down the street, they chatted excitedly about their favorite comic book characters and what they wanted to be when they grew up. Nathaniel talked about his dream of becoming a professional artist, and Marc shared his goal of writing a graphic novel someday.

When they reached the corner, Marc turned to Nathaniel and gave him a quick hug. Nathaniel was taken aback at first, but then he felt a rush of warmth in his chest. It felt good to be hugged by someone who cared about him.

"Thanks for coming with me today, Nathaniel. I had a lot of fun," Marc said, grinning.

Nathaniel felt his face grow hot. "Yeah, me too," he said, smiling back.

As he walked home, Nathaniel couldn't stop thinking about Marc. He felt like he had found someone who truly understood him, someone who accepted him for who he was. He thought about all the conversations they had had over the past few weeks, about their hopes and dreams, their fears and insecurities. He felt a deep sense of connection with Marc that he had never felt with anyone else.

Nathaniel couldn't wait to see what the future held for him and Marc. He imagined all the adventures they would have together, all the art they would create, and all the stories they would share. He knew that he had found a true friend, someone who would be by his side no matter what.