
Chapter 54: Energy potion and double experience card (Edited)

[Wand (black plum wood, dragon heart fiber, twelve and one-third inches), Compatibility 79%]

Tom fiddled with his loot, which was good. After all, he was previously too restricted by the International Statute of Magical Secrecy to use his wand to cast spells outside of school, but now he could use this wand to cast spells.

Thinking about this, Tom couldn't help but smack his lips. The former owner of this wand was also a ruthless character, and could easily use the Imperius Curse and similar spells, it could even be seen that he was very good at using the Imperius Curse, as even General Dimitri, who participated in World War II, was controlled.

Probably a dark wizard of some renown, but he had died easily, the wizard's attack and defense proved once again that it is not an empty statement that a wizard only has a high amount of damage and a low defense.

The remaining two items were rather ordinary, the pack of cigarettes, which was nothing special, and had even been smoked by Yuri. The book was suspicious, after all the cover did not look new, but inside there was not a single word, only the word "Tartaglia" on the cover.

I knew the word meant "macho", having been exposed to a bit of improv comedy, in which the stereotypical character: the macho, was the word.

The characteristics of this book, the old and the new, suddenly aroused Tom's vigilance. He pointed to it with his pen and drew two strokes. After a while, he discovered that the ink marks had not changed, and he was relieved. Tom tucked it into his backpack.

It didn't take long for the plane to arrive in London. As they left the airport, Yuri gave Tom a small packet of gold bullion and Tom had earned his tuition for the next school year.

Tom returned to the Granger home.

"So, what did you do?" was Hermione's question, and Tom couldn't avoid it, he had to answer.

Tom organized his words, "Out with a friend to get rid of the remaining Soviet weapons."

This rather euphemistic answer managed to dispel Hermione's doubts. In the days that followed, Tom and the Grangers had a quiet Christmas and, thanks to the good news of Christmas Day, all of England was in a good mood.

The day before school started, Tom and Hermione returned to school on the Hogwarts Express. After a good Christmas recharge, they were able to spend time in the library again. But they spent most of their time in the library doing homework: the teachers were leaving more and more homework.

Tom was even busier than Hermione, as he also had Quidditch training three times a week. The pressure was on the Ravenclaw team at the moment, as Harry had shown incredible talent as a Seeker: first he had snatched the Golden Snitch from the Slytherin team when their broom was out of control, and then he had broken the Hogwarts record by catching the Golden Snitch with incredible efficiency against Hufflepuffs.

Against a Gryffindor team in such form, Ravenclaw would have to beat them in a straight match against Gryffindor to win the Quidditch Cup.

In such circumstances, Tom found himself living in a library, in addition to completing his daily homework, he had an audacious plan: he needed to review his first year knowledge, as he believed it was almost time to book an exam with the professors.

The review was taking up a lot of his time and energy, so he decided to use one thing.

"Hermione," Tom called out to Hermione on his way back to the castle after Friday's flying lesson, "Are you free tomorrow?"

Sound waves vibrated in the air, transmitting the message, which was picked up not only by Hermione, but also by other young wizards around her. In an instant, gossip radars were activated and everyone's ears pricked up.

Tom and Hermione could be considered the school's little celebrities. What Tom said to Hermione just now is a way of asking girls out on a date, isn't it? It's definitely an invitation to a date, isn't it?

The fire of gossip burned in everyone's heart.

Some of the younger witches were even more excited: it was so brave to ask a girl out on a date in public directly! They began to imagine what they would do if they were Granger....

But Hermione knew Tom a little better than the little wizards, and although she too almost misunderstood him and her heart flipped, she reacted quickly: Tom didn't want a date, but....

"Why don't we go to the library tomorrow and study? Let's study in the library all day." Tom said.

At these words, the fire of gossip died out in the hearts of the boys and the deer in the hearts of the women was crushed to death. They all left with disappointed faces.

Hermione felt a buzzing in her head: although she had a feeling, Tom had still made her misunderstand him. Listen to that, is that context human? But on second thought, it sounded like a great offer to her! After thinking about it, she was tempted: after all, there was still a lot she didn't understand and didn't know, so she could use a day to work on it.

So early Saturday morning, Tom and Hermione showed up at the library. Friday night, Tom went to the Room of Requirement to pick up the rewards from his previous quests: the Double Study Card (8 hours) and the Invigorating Potion.

The Invigorating Potion is a magic potion that clears the brain of fatigue, while the so-called Double Study Card is a packet of powder. Tom had to drink the powder with Hermione...

This sounds strange, and looks strange, and when you think about it, it's very strange, and being seen by others could land Tom straight in Azkaban.

But Tom did it anyway. On Saturday morning he poured Hermione a glass of cold pumpkin juice, mixed it with the packet of powder, and drank a glass himself after Hermione had drunk it, and then he felt as if his mind was clearer and sharper than usual.

This feeling was confirmed in the library.

Texts that used to take an hour to memorize could now be remembered in less than half an hour, and problems that were not understood in the past could finally be understood.

The eight hours passed in a jiffy, and only when the experience card was over did the couple come out of their study state, as if their clear thinking had been cut off, and their thinking speed was like a water pipe, which was now blocked by a stone.

"Today's study efficiency is very high!" Hermione put down her book and stretched, she didn't notice anything unusual, she just felt that she was in a very good place today, and the loss of that state was due to exhaustion.