
Chapter 23: Lesson (Edited)

Tom did not rush to sleep, but first took stock of what he had learned. He had completed the third stage of his "Travel the Magical World" mission in the Room of Requirement, and the fourth stage required him to travel to eight magical locations. But the reward for the third stage was a bit strange: a feather! The quill didn't look like anything special, but it was defined as a five-star item, but it was so crappy that the note simply said: an ordinary quill, but one that could write without ink.

Tom shrugged: at least he wouldn't have to buy ink. He seriously suspected that the system had forced a five-star rating on the pen to make it look generous. And the most outrageous thing is that he has to pick it up himself! The system can't deliver it to his door.

Tom was so angry he wanted to complain, but realized bitterly that he didn't even have a way to do that....

He looked at his main mission again and found that after completing the first chapter, there was nothing else, just a message that he had to [Study hard and improve].

Tom checked his magic skills, that is, he clicked the "?" after the experience bar of a spell, and the system told Tom that the most he could do with any spell was 1 and 99 experience, and that he could only go to level 2 after completing the first level advancement quest. To go from 0 to 1, he had to learn systematically, and it was useless to just use spells to increase proficiency.

After confirming his gains, Tom closed the system page and went to sleep, he had to get some sleep because Ravenclaw had Potions classes tomorrow morning, with Potions as his first class at Hogwarts, Ravenclaw kids were really miserable.

But they can take solace in the fact that they are improving; they've already had Potions, so there's nothing to fear. You can't say they're getting better, though, because the second class on the first day of Ravenclaw's first year is History of Magic...

This is straight up guidance! This way of organizing classes is just insane! Look at the first day of class for the Gryffindors: no classes in the morning, Herbology in the afternoon and History of Magic in the evening! They even took into account how well young wizards sleep.

The next morning, Tom got out of bed and went to the common room. To his dismay, he saw Hermione coming down the stairs as if nothing had happened last night.

Obviously, last night was so sudden, so intense, so... fierce, that Hermione should have been sore and unable to get out of bed, why was it as if nothing had happened last night?

"Hermione, your foot...?", Tom opened his mouth in surprise.

"I met a seventh year student when I was out of the dormitory, and she used a spell on me, and I was completely healed." Hermione was talking excitedly to Tom about the incredible sight she had just seen.

For wizards, the one thing they didn't fear was physical harm, as long as they weren't killed on the spot, they could save themselves. For example, they could easily heal broken bones, sprains, cuts and even make bones grow back overnight. A sprain that in the non-magical world would take a month to heal, in the magical world would only require a spell from a trained physician.

After a brief chat in the common room, the young wizards headed in small groups to the Great Dining Hall for dinner. There was a bit of fun in the morning: a large group of wizards blocked Harry from catching a glimpse of the "boy who survived," passing him in the hallway and looking back at his scar with more enthusiasm than the Japanese would have for a panda.

This caused Harry a lot of trouble, and even affected his ability to remember the path. For all new students, the most important thing was to remember the way. You had to know the way from the common room to each classroom in your head, or you were reprimanded for being late.

It was especially difficult at Hogwarts: there were one hundred and forty-two stairs, some with traps, and they all moved, and to top it off, some of them even led in different directions at different times! This was all Mrs. Ravenclaw's doing. The fact that no one was killed by the stairs only means that Lady Ravenclaw is really good at what she does, or that the four Founders were lunatics. After all, if one of the Four Founders wasn't a lunatic, the stairs at Hogwarts wouldn't be so excessive!

Aside from the stairs, there are many doors, some of which you have to politely ask to open, or poke at certain places before they open. Sometimes it's hard to remember where you're recalling iconic objects, because everything seems to be in constant motion: people in portraits, armor in hallways....

It is said that a new student once skipped class after using directions provided by foul-mouthed gentleman riding a stallion in a portrait.

On the first day of class, the new Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students filled their bellies and headed merrily off to their potions classes in the basement; the kindly seniors didn't bother to inform them of their sad futures. Some of the young wizards had been warned by their older siblings at home, but they didn't take it seriously: they had exaggerated the separation ceremony earlier, only to end up wearing hats. By analogy, the Potions teacher must have been very nice and friendly, right?

The Potions classroom was in the basement, so it's a bit cooler than the main castle building. The walls of the classroom are lined with glass jars in which were animal specimens. Some of the jars have been soaking for so long that the liquid in them is cloudy. The smiles of the new students faded as they arrived, and there was an unpleasant smell in the air.

Professor Snape entered the classroom on cue, dressed as a large black bat. This time he was very close to the young wizards, who could clearly see his waxy skin, his hawk-like nose, his hollow, cold eyes, and his greasy hair....

The little wizards were no longer optimistic.

Snape strided toward the podium, his black robes fluttering behind him like the wings of a bat. He stood next to the podium and pulled out a roll call. After roll call, he didn't forget to sneer, "Good thing we don't have a big savior in class today, otherwise the hallways would be packed."

By now the classroom was silent, Snape spoke in a voice barely above a whisper, but everyone could hear him. It took only a few minutes for him to take control of the classroom.