
Chapter 211: Unicorn Blood (Edited)

"I want a portable pistol that is easy to operate and reliable."

Reliability was all Tom was looking for, and low recoil was certainly a plus. As for accuracy, Tom didn't demand much, and to keep Yuri from turning his mind back to the AK47, Tom emphasized "portable," which after all was good value for money, reliable, and easy to understand and maintain.

"I remember I sold you an Uzi once..."

"Not the Uzi, I'm low on bullets." Tom flatly rejected Yuri's proposal. If there was enough ammunition, the Uzi would be a good choice, but Tom's ammunition was handmade and limited by the materials used, so there shouldn't be many rounds, and with the Uzi's rapid rate of fire, it would empty its magazine in seconds, so Tom couldn't afford its consumption.

"The revolver, then!" Yuri immediately found an alternative: "Revolvers don't suffer from jamming, they are stable and safe, and very easy to handle."

The revolver suited Tom's needs perfectly, with few drawbacks, except for the small number of cartridges and slow ammunition change.

Tom took Yuri's advice.

"So, what do you want to add to the bullets?" Once the type of gun was agreed upon, it was time to talk about the ingredients.

Yuri saw the boy in front of him pull a glass vial from his pocket containing a shiny silver liquid that exuded nobility.

"Unicorn blood." Tom answered Yuri's question without waiting for him to ask it and handed him the vial. The blood came from the unicorn that Quirrell had killed in the Forbidden Forest.

Yuri's expression changed instantly, to him unicorns were legendary creatures and it was amazing to see unicorn blood in his life.

He stared at the glass vial in his hand, rubbing it gently, his eyes showed a look of longing, as if he had been immersed in a shimmering silver dream.

"Ahem," Tom had to cough twice for Yuri to sober up, "Unicorn blood can provide the life force that restores life to the dying, but this blood, obtained by killing, can also bring a curse. For this life force, the greedy will pay a terrible price."

Hearing that the blood before him had such a negative effect, Yuri managed to tear his eyes away from the vial in his hands.

"But this blood is also quite lethal to dark creatures, so I'd like to add it to the bullets."

Yuri thought about it for a moment and, having made up his mind, got up and motioned for Tom to come downstairs with him. He left his house and drove to the outskirts of London. Yuri was a man who kept his work and life very separate and, as a gun dealer, he didn't even have a toy gun at home.

Of course, he is not completely defenseless. If anyone tries to get in his way, he'll be dealing with his shadowy guards. With a low profile in his business dealings, Yuri, who lived in one of the safest neighborhoods in London, never thought too much about his own safety.

A businessman had leased a vacant lot on the outskirts of London and turned it into a warehouse with thousands of containers. For a sum of money, he could rent a container for miscellaneous goods, and the warehouse manager never asked him what was in it.

For a man like Yuri, these warehouses are fantastic. He rented a large container for a long time and paid the rent for 20 years in one go. Then he converted it into a huge weapons workshop.

Yuri opened the door of the container, reached out and flicked a switch, the lights came on and Tom could clearly see inside the container. He had the feeling of entering a museum of modern small arms. All the classic Cold War weapons were here, hung according to the camps by Yuri on the left and right walls.

In addition to the Cold War light weapons, the museum also housed some of the classic WWII weapons: American Thompson submachine guns, M1 carbines, M1 Garand rifles, Browning automatic rifles and M1911 pistols, German MP40 submachine guns, MG-42 machine guns, Karl-98 rifles and STG44 automatic rifles, Soviet Poposha submachine guns and Mosin Nagan rifles, British Sten Submachine guns....

Yuri sat down in front of a table, opened a drawer and took out a precious revolver.

"American Colt Rattlesnake revolver, 229 mm overall length, 1190 grams, 6 round capacity, uses 9 mm pistol ammunition."

It seemed to Tom that Yuri, who was talking about guns, had something on Mr. Ollivander.

He handed the pistol to Tom, "Try it in your hand."

Seeing that Tom felt nothing out of the ordinary, he nodded in satisfaction and pulled more boxes out of the drawer, containing spare parts for the bullets. He put on a pair of black gloves and began to assemble the bullets with dexterity.

The bullet consisted of a bullet head, a case, a primer and a propellant charge; the firing pin struck the primer, the primer ignited the propellant charge and the propellant charge ejected the bullet head.

The parts Yuri had were basically half finished, for example, the primer was already on the casing, so all he had to do was add the right amount of primer to the casing, place the head in the casing and paint it with sealant. However, Tom's special cartridges required the application of a coat of unicorn blood to the tip of the cartridge before it could be placed.

The shiny silver unicorn blood, so thick that it dried in a jiffy, made the cartridge appear to be painted silver-white.

Yuri made nine of the 9mm cartridges, and when he tried to make the tenth, he had run out of unicorn blood.

Tom inserted the modified bullets into the revolver's magazine, one at a time, and passed the last three to Yuri.

"Keep these, they'll work wonders if you encounter dark creatures."

Tom felt he had annoyed Yuri several times before, even interrupting him when he was "on business", and this time he would be going to Egypt and Yuri had done a lot, so he felt bad for having "annoyed" Yuri, and decided to show a little sincerity. A bullet stained with unicorn blood, which has strong purifying power, would be a perfect gift for Yuri's protection.

Yuri was surprised to learn that he had been given three bullets. According to his common sense, bullets made with unicorn blood had to be very valuable, and he was a little surprised that Tom was willing to give his three. He didn't object, smiled and took the bullets Tom offered him.

The two of them left the secret base together.

As they were about to separate, Tom handed Yuri a little bottle, winking at him, "This is a magic potion, it will restore your energy, you can drink it with water when you are tired."