

A Greater Dragon descends, heralding a new era.

Mark1681 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs


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I lazed at the edge of the pool, splayed out like a starfish as Sephillia dutifully washed me, and if she paid a special interest to a particular aspect of my anatomy, who's going to complain? I grunted, and bucked my hips upwards as her delicate fingers brought me to orgasm for the third time today.

"Come here." I say, pulling the Demoness onto my lap. She wiggles, nestling my cock between her asscheeks as she rocks back and forth at a leisurely pace. My lips meet hers, and her serpentine tongue slithers into my mouth, coiling around my own as I knead her delicious backside.

After a few minutes of swapping spit, I break our liplock, and tell her, "You're Mine." but she already knew that. Our Bond had been forged the moment I'd inseminated her, a not-unwelcome surprise, but a surprise nonetheless.

Dragons are flawed, as are all living beings, and one of the 'flaws' Sephillia and I were abruptly made aware of was something known as a 'Life Link'. Our lives were now intertwined. If either of us were to perish, for whatever reason, the other would follow shortly.

The formation of our Life Link has me pondering the other 'flaws' of my new existence. Stereotypical of Dragons, I have a desire to collect and hoard valuables, ranging from gold to precious metals, gems, or beautiful women, my libido is greater than a dozen teenage boys, and my appetite for destruction and mayhem are particularly prevalent. Lastly, my actual appetite must be incredible as I'm feeling starved, but that could have just been the workout Sephillia put me through.

The flaws I'm aware of thus far, barring the Life Link, curiously tie into several of the Seven Sins; Gluttony, Lust, Greed, and Wrath. I might as well add Pride to that list of flaws as well - wouldn't be much of a Dragon without an ego the size of a continent - after all. What I'm more worried about are potential weaknesses. Most, if not all Dragons, have fatal weaknesses. Some more obvious than others.

'Until my weaknesses are made obvious, I can't mitigate them.'

My thoughts got that far, before I shook my head and focused on the matter at hand. Sephillia is an obvious weakness that I can eliminate. 'That would sound really bad out loud.' I thought, smiling as I nipped her neck.

"Don't resist." I tell her.

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Malgoroth paused in his movements as a Mana Signature with all the subtlety of a tidal wave slammed into his senses. A wicked smile split his lips as he spoke, a whisper to himself, "Things are sure to become lively." He resumed his intricate runework, putting the event out of mind, or at least he tried.

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The Mana in the atmosphere was so dense it was visible, yet I continued to draw on my reserves, empowering my Spell to the absolute limit of what was sustainable. There are no 'sub-classifications' for Spells, being either Tierless, 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Tier, however, you could unofficially define my Spell as the 'peak' of 3rd Tier Magic. A stone's throw away from the vaunted 4th Tier, yet infinitely far way at the same time.

How did I intend to eliminate the weakness Sephillia posed? By granting her Immortality, True Immortality.

At the Spell's 1st Tier, one would achieve eternal youth. Agelessness. At the 2nd Tier, one would acquire a powerful regenerative factor on top of their youth. At the 3rd Tier, one could bestow this gift unto another, making them impervious to physical, mental, and spiritual damage, granting them 'True' Immortality.

Why, then, are there not countless Immortal Mages running about unchecked? Well, as one would expect, the spell possesses a fatal drawback on top of being perhaps the most difficult spell to learn. The 3rd Tier version of the spell cannot be self-cast, can be undone by slaying the caster, and cannot be cast upon one who has cast the spell upon another. In essence, even if you had two Archmage-level Spellcasters that knew Bestow Immortality, an infinitely unlikely scenario, they would not be able to cast it upon one another.

In my case, this fatal weakness is irrelevant.

[Bestow Immortality] was engraved upon my Soul during my descent, it was a Spell I had not expected to use for quite some time, but plans never survive contact with the enemy. The 3rd Tier version requires an exorbitant amount of Mana, nearly half of my reserves in fact, and is nigh-impossible to conceal. The 'Mana Signature' given off by this single spellcast - a phenomenon those attuned to Mana can detect - would be felt across all of Infernus, drawing the eyes and ears of every Demon on this plane of existence.

Still, I have no choice but to forge ahead, regardless of the consequences. 'Let them come.' I thought, snorting in amusement, and returning my focus to the task at hand.

Sephillia had frozen for a moment when she felt the Spell initialize, but had wrapped her arms and legs around my torso as her head leaned into my shoulder, patient awaiting whatever outcome was in store for her. Her seeming lack of care was a result of her status as my slave, and the knowledge that I couldn't kill her without condemning myself.

The difficulty in casting such a powerful spell came from the 'weight' of the Mana necessary. You could liken it to actual weightlifting, but rather than the 'weight' being physical, it was mental, requiring enormous concentration and force of will to bear such a burden.

The Mana necessary was gathered with a bit of difficulty, and now it was time to materialize the desired effect, a process that was infinitely easier. The burden my Mind bore lessened at a constant pace as the Spell took 'shape', before vanishing all at once.

I released a sigh of relief as the Spell's construction finalized.

Sephillia was bathed in reality-altering power, and her existence underwent a fundamental change. She would no longer be my weak link, and so long as I existed, so too would she.

The Spell's scale meant the lingering 'Mana Radiation' would be potent enough for Mages, for miles in every direction, to feel a tingling sensation in the back of their Minds.

* * *

I exited the bath half an hour later, finally clean after going another round with Sephillia following my grand display. She said something about 'Thanking her Master for the gift.', but she and I both knew it was an excuse to indulge in sinful delights. She had some business to tend to back in her territory, reminding me she was not just any Demon, but an Archdemon. I didn't know exactly what that title meant, but if it was anything like an Archmage, then it meant she was a powerhouse in her own right.

My 'residence' as Maya called it, was the opposite of what I was used to. It was gargantuan, immaculate, and high-class without coming off as ostentatious. My favorite area of the house thus far was easily the bathroom, and it has nothing to do with Sephillia bouncing on my cock while I relaxed in the soothing waters.

I found Maya waiting outside the bathroom, and followed her into the dining room after requesting a meal. She left to inform the chef, and I thought to myself 'I have a personal chef.', with only a little shock, because of course I have a personal chef on staff to go with my gorgeous manor. I was more than a little surprised, however, that Maya was able to get so much done in such a short time, but my sensibilities were still playing catch up with all the possibilities of this new world.

Three servant-girls entered the room carrying trays topped with various dishes of meats, breads, vegetables, and fruits. I couldn't tell you what any of it was, but it smelled divine. They hurriedly arranged the spread atop the table so that everything was within arm's range, and then scampered out of the room.

"Have a seat, Maya, we can talk over a meal."

"Yes sir."

I filled my plate with what I assumed was steak, rice, and assorted veggies. Though I told Maya we could eat and talk, I hadn't realized how hungry I was until taking that first bite, and for a handful of minutes all I could do was fill my mouth and stomach.

I placed down my silverware after clearing my third plate, "I'm sure you have questions you'd like to ask, so go ahead." I told Maya.

Maya swallowed her food, and paused, carefully considering her words before speaking. "His Highness Malgoroth had informed me I would be your Majordomo, but the details were... lacking." She spoke. "My Lord, is what Lady Sephillia mentioned true? Are you a Greater Dragon?" She asked softly.

"I am." I say simply.

Maya's reaction was interesting. Shock, fear, excitement, joy, and a dozen other emotions I couldn't define all flit across her features in rapid succession. I chuckled, "You're aware the 2nd Greater Dragon was originally a Fairy, and the 5th Greater Dragon was originally a Demon, yes?" I asked, to which Maya nodded with a 'Yes.' in response. "I am like those two, and unlike the 1st, 3rd, and 4th to descend. My appearance may have clued you in, that in my first life, I was Human."

I paused, taking a drink of water. "Because of my familiarity and comfort with this form, I sacrificed my Draconic Form entirely, gaining a great many benefits for myself in this smaller, more efficient form. In terms of raw power, not even the Gods are my equal." I claim, knowing full well that I'm no match for any God as I am now. I'm confident in overwhelming a divine avatar with sheer force, but if a God were to descend as their true self, I would be unable to do little more than flee. In a true contest, a God's experience and skill would triumph over my unrefined strength, painful as that is to admit.

Maya, though, appeared awed. "The servants here, I assume they need to be paid?" I question.

"Yes, My Lord." She replied.

I extended a hand, placing a chunk of Raw Dragonite atop the table, "Then I'll be trusting you with the sale of this."

I couldn't but laugh at the gobsmacked expression Maya wore, her mouth actually hanging open in shock. She pulled herself together quickly though, regaining her air of professionalism, but still appeared troubled. For a moment I expected her to refuse, but to my happiness, she accepted. "It will be done, My Lord."

My nature makes parting with the small lump of metal particularly difficult. In fact, I'm not sure I'm capable of willingly giving away any valuable possession of mine again, but I told myself it was worth it. I was NOT parting with the metal for free, no, I was trading it for a hoard of gold, gems, and whatever else Maya managed to swindle away from the 'lucky' buyer.

Truthfully, the mass of Raw Dragonite in my possession was dead weight to me. It only had value to me, because it was a valuable resource to others. I don't have the knowledge or skill necessary to craft the masterpiece it could become, nor do I have a Dragon's Breath to refine it.

Lastly, this would serve as Maya's test. The amount I entrusted her with could finance a small kingdom for a year. If her greed overwhelmed her, and she ran with the metal, then I would happily track her down and delight in her suffering as I slowly tortured her to death.

For these reasons, I was more than willing to hand over the scrap of Raw Dragonite, and entrust Maya with the sale. If she was unable to do this much, then she was unfit to be my majordomo, and I would either forgo one entirely, or find my own. Still, I was hopeful for her success. I didn't want to waste my time managing an estate.

'Speaking of estates...'

"What do you know of my territory?" I asked her, which seemed to put a smile on her face as a more familiar topic was brought up for discussion.

* * *

Malgoroth had simultaneously done me a favor, and insulted me. My 'territory' only existed on paper. This manor sat on approximately 600 square miles of uncontested land. It was uncontested for the sole reason that no other Demon Lord dared lay claim to it, and for good reason. The local inhabitants were... uncooperative.

Maya was less than pleased with the state of my duchy (apparently I was a Duke), but frankly, I couldn't care less. Malgoroth may have 'officially' granted me the title of Demon Lord, but I had little interest in ruling. It sounded nice in theory, but ruling was far too much work to possibly be enjoyable. I COULD pawn off all the work on some poor schmuck, but doing so would be granting them power over MY kingdom, and that's not something I could abide.

So, Malgoroth had done me a favor, granting me a massive territory away from the squabbles of fledgling Demon Lords, far enough away that I could enjoy myself however I please. It could be seen as an insult, but only by Demons attempting to climb the proverbial ladder.

'A game I refuse to play.' I chuckle at the mental image of a Dragon sitting at the 'high-table', verbally sparring with old men in suits.

"Thank you, Maya."

"Of course, My Lord." Maya replies, bowing at the waist.

"I'll be exploring Elderia, but will return periodically." I level my gaze on her. "Do not disappoint me." I command.

"I will endeavor to exceed your expectations, My Lord. Safe travels." She replies as a swirling vortex of flames pulled apart the space before me.

I stepped through, arriving precisely where I'd left, however the sun had long since set on Elderia, showing how long I'd spent on Infernus. I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the night sky. The black void of space was awash with the light of countless stars and galaxies, painting a masterpiece the Four Continent's inhabitants could sleep beneath.

I'd only ever seen pictures of Earth's night sky sans light pollution, but the real thing is incomparable.

I broke into a sprint, putting my physique to the test as I ducked, dodged, and weaved through the forest at full speed. After sating my Draconic urges, I felt as if a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders and Mind. I felt so free and unburdened that, before I knew it, I was rapidly approaching the Humanoid's city, without realizing how the time passed.

I found myself less than impressed with the construction of the city's defenses. The walls were short, unimposing, and in clear disrepair, but I suppose that's to be expected of a 'frontier city'.

"'Nother adventurer lookin' ta get rich?" A gruff voice greeted me.

"Excuse me?" I replied, eyeing the guard, an armored man built like a bull. Plates of metal were strapped to his shins, thighs, chest, and forearms, granting him plenty of defensive capabilities without the cumbersome nature of full plate.

"Think I'd recognize a face like yours 'round these parts, but on second thought," He squinted in the low light, sizing me up.

I was no longer dressed in trashy woolen cloth, but instead wore a set of high-quality gear Maya had selected. She had briefly explained what set it apart from other wear, but I had only been half-listening as I thought how good it felt on my skin as opposed to what I was accustomed to. The closest comparison I could imagine was 'luxury' sports wear. It was far lighter than it appeared, was moisture-wicking, allowed air to pass through, and was incredibly durable. I'm positive it was enchanted as well, but I couldn't recall the effects. 'I should have paid attention to Maya.'

"Anywhos, keep yer head down, and you'll have no troubles." He waves me in, and I just nod.

The streets were lined with lamppost-esque constructions - tall, thin, stone posts topped by glowing crystals, granting just enough light not to trip over a loose stone in the dead of night. I walked the streets aimlessly, allowing the atmosphere to take me where it might, and eventually found myself gravitating towards a pub on the main road. The instant I entered the place, I realized there was some Magic at work as the muffled sounds I heard outside exploded in volume after crossing the door's threshold.

The party was in full swing as I entered. A band of Dwarves turned their table into a make-shift stage and sang what sounded like a sea shanty, downing mugs of brew, and doing some kind of dance that involved plenty of stomping and clapping. I weaved through the crowd of patrons to the bar, discovering an elf of all things working the taps.

"What'll it be darlin?" The dark-skinned barmaid asked.

I jabbed a thumb towards the Dwarves atop their table, and told her, "I'll have what they're having." She must have thought that was funny, or she was just trying to be cute as she laughed and grabbed a bottle beneath the bar, pouring me a mug of golden liquor. "Here ya go, doll, a pint of Djoran Gold." She sat the glass in front of me, and rested her chin on her fist as she leaned against the bar.

"Cheers." I said, and took a sip. My eyes lit up at the taste, shocked at how GOOD it was. "This is incredible." I told her, and downed the rest in one pull. "I'll have another, beautiful."

She must have expected the reaction as she had me topped up immediately. "Compliments will get you everywhere, handsome."

In my past life, I was not one to drink alcohol. Between the god-awful taste, and growing up with a deadbeat drunk for a father, I was severely turned off from partaking in the devil's drink. This 'Djoran Gold', however, was sweet as honey, and smooth as water, and considering I'd been reborn I felt it was as good a time as any to try new things.

The Elven barmaid, whose name I never learned, kept me company while I knocked back round after round of the good stuff. My heightened metabolism should have gotten me drunk as a skunk, but it was counteracted by my much greater regenerative factor. I was forced to concede after downing my 10th glass that, unless I had something much stronger, I'd never manage to get myself drunk.

I left the pub in good spirits, not caring much that the pretty barmaid obviously overcharged me for my drink. I slipped into an alley, intending to open a portal back to Infernus to get some rest- "Don't you fuckin move, boy." -but it seemed Fate had other intentions.

I was both annoyed and amused at the situation I found myself in. 'Honey really does attract flies.' I thought.

The point of a dagger rested against my right side, aimed towards my liver. I waited for all of two seconds, but when it became clear that the man was alone in his attempted theft, I acted. Faster than the would-be thief could blink, my hand snatched his wrist, and SQUEEZED. A sickening snap and crunch could be heard as his wrist shattered, and the adjacent bones cracked. His dagger clattered harmlessly to the alleyway cobbles as he released a strangled wail of agony.

I kept my grip on his wrist as I jerked him around, barely registering his weight or the fact I dislocated his shoulder, sending him tumbling as he tripped over his own two feet from the sudden movement.

'Should I learn some self defense?' The thought crossed my mind as I realized how inefficient my movements were. I was physically strong enough to overwhelm the idiot, but... it felt wrong. Like I was using a sledgehammer to drive a nail.

The man had actually begun to sob, snapping me out my thoughts as I raised an eyebrow. 'Guess I did more damage than I thought.'

I popped a squat, bringing myself down to his eye level. "Why?" I asked simply.

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===Author's Note===

The beginning of many a plot line, but our protagonist can't seem to get away from cliche back-alley muggings. Leave a comment or review, I love reading what you guys have to say.