

A Greater Dragon descends, heralding a new era.

Mark1681 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs


My little adventure through the forest was, for the most part, uneventful. I encountered a handful of groups, but aside from general wariness, there was no clash, or even words traded for that matter.

I was still riding the high of rebirth, feeling like I was floating on clouds. The weather was incredible, and the exotic flora was a delight for the eyes. It's too bad that a good thing rarely lasts.

All those I'd encountered thus far were either alone, or a party of four at most, but the group of suicidal bastards before me number at least 30. Each and every single one of them were well equipped - I think - and looked like stereotypical bandits. Seriously, as I eyed the fools before me, I couldn't spot a single person that didn't fit the label of 'Generic Bad Guy/Girl A'. It was honestly pretty pathetic.

"Your sword or your life, pretty boy, take ya pick!" Generic Bad Guy Leader yelled, accompanied by the jeers of his... posse.

I don't bother wasting any oxygen, and point a finger towards the dog who thought I'd ever part with Fuji, and before another word could be spoken, faster than any could react, a clap of thunder accompanied a brilliant flash of white as a lightning bolt pierced their ranks.

Those fortunate enough not to have been standing behind their leader were treated to a horrifying sight. Four men and a woman sported a new orifice about a fist wide in their chests. The smell of charred flesh was heavy in the air as those who didn't receive immediately fatal wounds wailed in agony, begging for help as they collapsed into the dirt.

For a moment, none dared to move, nor to make a sound, but as if some invisible signal had been given, the band of misfits attempted to scatter into the forest all at once. They were hopelessly outmatched, and they knew it, and felt the only chance of survival they had was to outrun their comrades.

Unfortunately, I wasn't feeling very merciful.

The ingrates had the gall to demand what was MINE!? All I could hear was the powerful beat of my heart. All I could feel was the boiling blood flowing through my veins. I raised both arms, and hell on earth descended as I drowned the world in Mana.

Violet projectiles of arcane might plummeted from the skies, and all they touched became ash as they exploded upon contact.

The fear, the cries, the destruction, and the death was a melody that soothed my enraged soul.

My Spell only ceased once I could think clearly. The wrath that had overtaken me faded as my arms dropped and my eyes opened to see the wasteland I'd created. A section of this once beautiful forest had been reduced to a blackened hellscape, riddled with the eviscerated corpses of my enemies, shattered trees, and cratered earth.

Yet, rather than guilt or shame, I could feel only satisfaction. 'I'm no longer Human.' I remind myself as Pride wells up from within at having wrought such destruction upon the land.

My time on Elderia has been short, not even an hour, but my transformation is complete, and my psyche is vastly different. Within this short time, I have had thoughts, sensations, urges, desires, and wants that can only be described as alien if looked at through the perspective of my former self, but...

"I am not Human." I tell myself again.

In the grand scheme of things, Humans might as well be ants before me, and if a hoard of pissed of fire ants aim their pincers at me, well... They had better be ready to get flooded with a hose. I don't really have any interest in going out of my way to kick over the proverbial ant's nest, nor to start a genocide, but I won't feel bad if I have to play God when a few annoy me.

I'm actually kicking myself for accepting Malgoroth's Pact now. I just had to think with my cock, and get stuck plotting a war between Humanoids, didn't I? Speaking of thinking with my cock, where the fuck is Sephillia? Until now, she'd managed to slip my mind.

I frown, and take a final glance of the blackened, smoldering land that served as a reminder of my [Balefire Torrent], and grunted as I mentally 'flipped' a 'switch'.

A swirling vortex of hellfire ripped apart Space like fabric being torn at the seams. My instincts had yet to fail me so far, so I calmly stepped through the roaring flames, fearsome as they are.

'Let's see what this world's version of Hell looks like, shall we?' Was my final thought as I crossed the event horizon.

* * *

"Welcome, My Lord. I am Maya, your Majordomo."

I was immediately greeted by a scarlet-skinned demon garbed in business attire. She was silent as I inspected my surroundings, a marble room devoid of furniture.

"Where are we?" I asked.

If Maya was confused by the question or my reason for asking it, she didn't show it as she swiftly responded, "The Portal Room of your residence, located at the center of your territory, My Lord."

"I'm not familiar with the term 'Majordomo', what exactly do you do?"

"I am the head of your servants, and my responsibilities include making arrangements, speaking, and taking charge in your place. I am to ensure that all your needs are met."

"Like a secretary?"

"That, and much more, My Lord."

"I see." I say, starting to understand Maya's position, and what she would be doing for me. I didn't need to ask why she was here, I just assumed Malgoroth had set all of this up.

"And you waited for me to arrive this entire time?" I asked, honestly curious whether the woman had stood here for the past hour or so.

"While awaiting your arrival, I saw to your residence's furnishing, staffing, and stocking. When I detected your arrival, I teleported here immediately to greet you."

Ah, so she hadn't been waiting and doing nothing then. That's good since I might have forgotten to drop in entirely had I not been thinking of my Pact with Malgoroth.

'As if I could forget...'

I nod in response, and ask "Has Sephillia arrived yet?"

"Yes, My Lord, she is-" Maya was interrupted by the appearance of a familiar portal, and a familiar face stepping through it.

She was just as stunningly beautiful as I remembered with her flawless scarlet skin, silky black hair that reached down to her butt, thin waist, with hips and an ass to die for. The only aspect of her that could be said to be 'lacking' would be her breasts, but I personally prefer smaller breasts to larger ones.

"You called, Master~" She purred. I caught Maya's eyes widening in the corner of my vision, but ignored her for the moment as I directed all my focus on Sephillia.

I closed the short distance between us, and when she was so close I could touch her I spoke, "On your knees."

Sephillia obeyed without hesitation, her smile growing wider as she tucked her legs below her wonderful rear. She kept her back straight, her chest puffed with pride, and her hands in her lap as she maintained eye contact, looking up at me with her gorgeous amber eyes that could be mistaken for gems.

I could barely contain myself from ripping my pants off, and shoving my erection down her throat.

Frankly, I was at my limit of self-control. From the moment of my rebirth, the moment I'd managed to free myself of the egg, I'd been struggling with a dozen different urges. They were so familiar, yet foreign at the same time. Never before had I felt such powerful desire. Lust for wealth, lust for destruction and death, and good old fashioned lust. I was so fucking horny it hurt.

Sephillia's Aura wasn't helping whatsoever, and I'm sure she knew it, but I still had my pride. I was still a Greater Dragon. I grunted as my hands balled into fists, but this only caused the little minx to smile even wider, and all I could think about was her lips forming a perfect O as they stretched around my cock.

"Now, what exactly did you want Sephillia?" I asked her.

"You, Master~ I want you to take me~" She proclaimed proudly. "I want you to own me! To use my holes for your pleasure! I want to be impregnated by your powerful seed, and to spawn countless children for you, 'O Greater Dragon! Please!"

Sephillia started proud and composed, but that soon gave way to mania as she lost herself in her delusions, and her true desires came surging forth.

"I want you to suck my cock, and if you do a good enough job, I might just give you what you ask for."

Sephillia was like a like a woman possessed as she wasted no time in divesting me of my trashy linens. Her hands rested against my thighs as she stuffed her face into my crotch, her tongue attacking my sack, and her nose inhaling my scent as my length draped across her face. She licked, sucked, and kissed every inch of my cock and balls in worship, and I could feel her Aura going wild as she let loose.

With a seductress between my legs, lathering praise upon my cock, it didn't take very long to grow harder than I've ever been in both lives. I offered up a prayer(?) to the Ur-Wyrm, even though he wasn't listening, thanking him for this second chance, this opportunity, and these gifts. I felt far more powerful in this moment, with a beautiful woman between my legs, than I did when I was raining down hell upon those suicidal mutts.

I groaned as Sephillia finally took me into her mouth, and for a moment I expected her to stop at some point, but no. Sephillia proved why she was titled the Archdemon of Lust as she swallowed every. Last. Inch. Not stopping until my entire length was buried in her throat. Her sticky, smoldering, constricting throat.

Then she really began to work, starting off by swallowing repeatedly, giving my cock a massage while it was still lodged down her throat, and my appreciation for demons only grew as I was sure Humans couldn't pull off a technique like that without choking or vomiting.

Then I felt her shudder beneath me in time with her Aura spiking, and realized she'd came. I grabbed her by her hair, yanking her off my cock.

"Who the fuck gave you permission to cum?" I punctuated my question by slapping my cock against her cheek with my free hand. "Well!?"

She was still mid-orgasm as she slurred, "M-Master. Sorry, I-"

I cut her off, "Quiet."

Her teeth click shut, and I placed my bellend against her lips. "Open." I commanded, and she did so, opening wide for me to stuff her throat full of cockmeat. With one hand holding her hair like reins, I proceeded to brutalize her throat, using enough strength to dislocate a mortal's jaw as my hips slammed into her face.

"You're not allowed to cum until your Master, slave."

Every stroke brought with it a sticky 'gluck', and her spit overflowed, painting her chin, chest, and tits in drool. Still, she never once gagged or complained in any way. In fact, her hands rested on the back of my thighs, using the leverage to throw herself forwards with every downstroke.

Sephillia was on the edge, but so was I. "Don't you spill a fucking drop!" I roared, sheathing myself to the hilt in her throat as I unloaded half a dozen rounds of Draconic cum directly into her stomach. She repeated the technique from earlier, swallowing repeatedly, coaxing out every last ounce of seed from my sack as she shook below, an orgasm of her own crashing through her.

I took a moment to luxuriate in this moment, my massive cock buried in a Demon's throat that continued to spasm, while her tongue lashed the underside of my length.

After about a minute, I realized I was still painfully hard, and Sephillia's Aura told me she too was far from finished.

I pulled slowly on Sephillia's hair, allowing her lips to suction down my length as I pulled out. My cockhead popped free with a lewd shlurp, but not without a parting lick from Sephillia's serpentine tongue.

"Up." I ordered, and the Demoness gracefully rose to full height as I ripped off the garbage I wore on my torso. I released her hair, and my hands traveled lower, down her spine, and resting on her impossibly bubbly ass. My fingers sank into the muscled flesh with just enough fat, and then traveled lower. My hands rested just below her ass, and I picked her up, Sephillia instinctively wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist.

I remembered we weren't alone, and locked eyes with Maya as I lowered Sephillia onto my throbbing length. "Fuck me, Master~" Her hot moan against my neck caused me to shudder and let her drop.

Her cunt was infinitely more pleasurable than her throat, strangling my length like a boa constrictor. Just remaining still would have been enough to make me cum with the movements of her muscles, but my Pride wouldn't allow that.

She was light as feather as I lifted her up, sliding her along my cock. I worked her up and down like that in short strokes that had us both moaning. "Ahn~" I slammed her down as I thrust my hips forward, drawing a sweet gasp of delight as I sped up, fucking her harder.

"Yes, Master! YES, UGH!" She cried out. My fingers gripped hard enough for my nails to draw blood, but if anything that only set her off more as I thrust away at her, pounding with all the strength I felt she could handle.

"Master, please! Gonna cum! Please! P-permission!"

I kept silent as she writhed, her Aura whipping about dangerously as she used every ounce of self-control not to orgasm before I gave her permission. I waited, and waited, and waited, plowing her demonic cunt for all she was worth, and once I felt she had earned it, I commanded, "Cum for me, slave."

Her Aura exploded like a ton of C4, and her velvety walls gripped me like a fist as she lost all control of her muscles, going completely stiff. That tipped me over the edge as I came for the second time, pumping her womb full of boiling hot, sticky, Draconic seed.

The entire time, my eyes hadn't left Maya, her own eyes dilated and her breathing coming in shallow pants as she stared at the place Sephillia and I were connected. She was no Lust Demon, but our show had gotten her more than a little hot and bothered.

"Maya." I called, gathering her attention back to me. Her eyes snapped to mine, and I commanded, "Show me to my bathroom."

* * *

===Author's Note===

A day late, but I really wanted this first lewd scene to be good. I'll try sticking to a 3-day release cycle, but between real life commitments, and the general randomness of life, that might not always happen. I COULD do daily chapters... of about 1k words per release, but that also means I don't get the opportunity to polish my writing, and I hate poorly written novels so I wouldn't wish that on you guys.

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