
Dragonball X: The Ultimate System [Different Path]

This is a Story Centered around a man named Luke. Luke ordered what he believed to be normal collectible Dragon Balls from online. He wanted to add them to his set of Dragonball Z items but found that they were much more than what he thought, like way more! Things take a different turn compared to the original of this story. He is the brother of Raditz and Goku but the middle brother who was born at the same time as Goku/ Kakarot. The original is still being written but this is a different turn in fate.

Monster_Paradise · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
90 Chs

Time To Go!

Everyone walked to the back of Bulma's house to watch and see what was going to happen. Gohan followed Bulma closely, he wanted to go with his dad but Goku told him to find Chichi later.

"So, how are we going to measure my strength? My scouter was busted earlier, so we can't detect anything." Raditz asked curiously.

"You aren't the only one with a scouter." Kayn activated his [Space Watch] then his Space Pod exited from it.

"Huh?" Bulma was stunned. This reminded her of her family's business when it came to dealing with capsules.

"He just pulled a pod out of nowhere!" Master Roshi was also surprised.

"I don't question logic anymore when dealing with these people." Krillen seemed to have given up trying to figure things out long ago.

Kayn opened his Pod and brought his old scouter out. Kayn put the scouter on, then he looked at Raditz whose mouth was somewhat crooked.

"It's a device I stole from Frieza when I destroyed a couple of his planets back then." Kayn said.

"That was you!?" Raditz briefly remembered that time, Kayn had never told him this during his explanation before.

He looked at Kayn in an even greater light now, he had to be stronger than Vegeta to cause such an uprising!

"Okay, power up to your maximum, so I can get an accurate reading." Kayn was sure that this might be Raditz's real strength since he couldn't control the Ki in his body.

"Uh, yeah!" Raditz did a minor power-up, as Kayn activated the scouter.

"Hmm, a power level of 3,600. You're almost able to compete with Nappa, not bad." Nappa was pretty strong himself. His talent was also really good. During his fight with the Z-fighters, he was adapting when he was fighting until his power level reached 6,000.

Nappa's original power level was 4,000.

Of course, it wasn't good enough when he ended up fighting against Goku in the end.

"Haha, 3,500!" Raditz laughed happily. He had nearly died but gained something good from his near-death experience.

"Huh? Don't be happy over a battle power of 3,500! That's garbage, you have to be kidding me!" Kayn looked at Raditz with contempt, was he joking right now?

"That device, I saw Porcupine over here wearing something like that earlier but it was green. You said it could read power levels? Do you mean... like a person's strength?" Bulma was curious about the device when she first saw it over Raditz's eye.

"Yes, that's exactly what it does." Said Kayn, "It also has something to do with what I want to ask you later." Hearing Kayn's word, Bulma's interest was peaked.

"Measure me, what is my strength?" Krillen wanted to have his power level checked. Kayn activated the scouter to read Krillen's strength.

"A power level of 134." Kayn said indifferently.

"Hehe, I guess that's weak, huh?" Krillen only laughed and wasn't bothered in the least about it.

"Sadly, it's very weak. Even foot soldiers have a battle power of at least 500 to 1000, so you wouldn't even be qualified to be one or face one."

Krillen didn't reply and only smiled. Kayn scanned Gohan and saw that he had a battle power of 10.

"Nappa, huh?" Raditz thought for a moment and continued "All of them get on my nerves, to be honest. I should have joined turtles at that time, but that clown is already dead so I don't regret it."

Kayn heard Raditz mention Turles, which made him believe that he was one of the 10 Saiyans alive; if not, then who was the other?

"Okay, that little experiment is over. Blue, I need to talk to you about something." Raditz didn't go inside, nor did Krillen and Master Roshi.

"My name is Bulma, not blue!" Bulma quickly corrected.

"Okay, Bulma, I need your help with something really quick." Bulma and Kayn walked back into her house.

Kayn pulled out the Power level machine Blueprint and showed it to her. Bulma looked over the BluePrint in astonishment, stating that she had never seen such a machine before.

"I can build this, it shouldn't be a problem. I'm actually very interested in building it!" Bulma was always happy to try new things.

"Perfect! When will you get started on it?" Kayn hurriedly asked.

"I mean, I can get started on it today, what's the big rush?" Bulma saw how eager Kayn was and asked.

"Nothing, this machine will help people see their improvement, that's all. This machine can read power levels in large numbers, so it's very important." Bulma was easily able to understand what Kayn meant after knowing the scouter's ability.

Bulma took the BluePrint, she planned to make a copy of this paper just in case it gets destroyed. Gohan was always standing by Bulma, she seemed to be the most trusted person to him now that his dad was gone.

Just as he walked out of the door, Piccolo turned up and walked inside. Piccolo looked a Kayn for a moment, he wanted to know more about the Namekian people. However, he walked over to Gohan, telling him that he needed to train while his father was off working hard.

"Actually, I'll be taking him with me. I'll show him the way, he won't have to be much of a cry baby anymore." Kayn decided to take Gohan away for a bit, it was best to instill his way of thinking at an early age.

Piccolo looked at Kayn strangely, he had his doubts, of course. Kayn couldn't bother to explain to him, he would naturally find out about Kayn when he went to Namek.

"I suggest that everyone trains during this year's time. Of course, I don't have to tell you that as you should know this already."

"Also, there might be some people coming here soon. One of them looks just like Kakarot, or what you guys call him, Goku. Those are our parents, so be sure to fill them in; they may seem hostile but they won't just attack you." Kayn informed them before leaving, he was taking Raditz with him.

"W-what? Are you sure they won't just attack us?" Krillen looked a bit panicked.

"His head's bald like Nappa's, so the heat must have ruined his thinking ability." Raditz looked at Krillen's shiny head and said.

"Hey, what's your problem, I wasn't talking to you." Krillen's gaze fell on Raditz.

"You know, I've been irritated all day about these sudden events. I feel like I need to beat the hell out of someone, you seem like the best punching bag around!" Raditz Half smirked as he took a step towards Krillen, which cause him to sweat.

"What's that smell, it smells like an old rug that hadn't been washed in years." Bulma suddenly walked over with a smile. She looked at Raditz's long hair and grabbed and rubbed it under everyone's gaze.

"Woman, what are you..." Raditz was stunned but he didn't get to finish his sentence.

"The bathroom is this way, let me show you. Make sure you use the shampoo inside as well, it's the really good stuff." Bulma waved her hand in front of Raditz's face to prevent him from talking anymore.

Bulma walked away but Raditz didn't budge.

"What are you doing? Do you want me to roll out the red carpet and toss some flowers around to celebrate for you?" Bulma turned halfway and said in a slightly loud tone.

"Why you.." Raditz's face changed, he didn't come here to get disrespected by a human who didn't even have a standard battle strength. He knew this woman had a sharp tongue, but he could tolerate it because it wasn't anywhere near Anya's level.

"Yeah, you should go shower." Kayn agreed and nodded. Raditz gritted his teeth and followed Bulma.

Under Bulma's guidance, Raditz was led to the bathroom. The room was silent for a brief moment before Kayn spoke again.

"Anyway, they won't attack you. Just tell them about Kakarot, me, and Raditz. Even if you didn't tell them, I doubt that they'd just outright attack anyone here." Bardock and Gine had to change who they were, in fact, they had changed.

"Oh, is that all? Man, if they were anything like that Raditz guy, we'd be in trouble." Krillen and Master Roshi sighed in Relief.

After explaining up into here, Kayn pointed his attention to Gohan.

"Little nephew, it's time for you to grow up a bit. I don't want to hear any excuse either because, at your age, I was all alone and had to fend for myself. Everything around me threatened to eat me alive every day." Kayn looked at the shaky Gohan who just looked back at him.

"As you are now, how do you expect to help your dad, eventually he will be killed off, then what?" Kayn said with a grin. "After that, they'll look for your mom, and kill her, no, they'll torture her first then kill her slowly as she cries out in pain every second."

"N-nooo! I don't want that!" Gohan's face changed hearing Kayn's word.

"Who cares if you don't want it? They'll still keep killing and torturing your mom, but you'll be too weak to do anything about it!" Kayn pushed on relentlessly.

"Noo! I won't let anyone kill my Mom and Dad!" Suddenly, a burst of energy surged around Gohan as he clenched his fist tightly.

"Whaoo!?" Krillen and Master Roshi wanted to stop Kayn's harsh words, but they were shocked by Gohan's sudden surge of power.

"So, what are you gonna do if those evil guys come around, will you watch or train to fight against them?" Kayn rubbed his hands together and smiled; this was the reaction he wanted!

"I'll beat every bad guy!" Gohan was still raging when Bulma walked in all of a sudden.

"W-what is going on?" Bulma looked at Gohan with surprise, what was he doing? Seeing Bulma, Gohan immediately calmed down.

"Nothing, just a little test." Said Kayn with a smile.

"Test? Did he pass?" Bulma walked over and looked at Gohan as he ran behind her leg again.

"Oh, he passed, he definitely passed." Kayn nodded.



Master Roshi and Krillen were speechless.

Moments later, Raditz came out of the bathroom, but he wasn't wearing his armor anymore. He sported white pants with large flower pockets on the back of them. The front was worse as sunflowers were everywhere on them as decorations.

"W-what are these pants woman, where is my armor!?" Raditz's face was red, he was reluctant to show himself. He only came out in pants because he didn't want to walk around naked. Raditz was shirtless because his shirt was actually worse than the pants, so he didn't wear it.

"Pfft! Haha, you look great!" Krillen found time to laugh at Raditz. He was really annoyed by Raditz for wanting to use him as a punching bag and slapping him with his tail earlier today.

"Baldy, what are you laughing at!? Don't make me blast you into dust!" Raditz pointed at Krillen with irritation.

"Wow, Raditz. I didn't know you were into this type of stuff, tsk-tsk!" Kayn turned away, holding back his laughter and to hide his expression.

"Kayn you..." Raditz's expression fell.

"Oh, stop, it looks great. All you need now is to get your hair done. In fact, both of you have really long hair, it's time to get it done and I can help you both with that!" Bulma suddenly smiled while looking at Kayn and Raditz. It was no telling when a container of Gel appeared in her hand.

"Actually, I'll pass, I have to go now. I'll be taking Raditz and Gohan with me for some training." Kayn grabbed Gohan who sounded like a little chibi before touching Raditz's shoulder and teleporting away.

"Dang, it! Those two won't get away next time, I will style their hair if it's the last thing I do!" Bulma vowed.

"What did we just witness?" Krillen didn't know what to say.

"I-I'm too old for this!" Master Roshi sighed and said.

"Huh? Uh, oh!" Krillen's expression suddenly turned grave.

"This isn't good!" Master Roshi also had a change in expression.

"Hmm, what is it, you guys?" Bulma asked.

"C-Chichi's here!" Krillen and Master Roshi said simultaneously.