
kasuhito's return: the secret weapon of the ryozanpaku it's name is FUSION.

kenichi was shocked as he heard from Shiro who had learned from chizuru. kasuhito was on his way to ryozanpaku this was while kenichi had been gardening in his spare time as it turn's out tenmon li had asked his mother to arrange a marrige between raichi and him during his trip to the mountines of course kenichi wasn't bothered by it now since he already had about FIVE FREACKING FUTURE FIANCES.

he felt that should be a new record but then remembered king Solomon having two hundred wives.

he immediately teleported to the dojo via instant transmission.

when he got there he found he was too late as his grandpa had already arrived his grandpa the three meter tall muscular giant who had Broly's hairstyle while his cousin Shiro had Cumbers hair style while he simply had the same hairstyle as kid Gohan during the Saiyan saga the long black wild ponytail.

to make matters worse his grandfather had the same outfit as xenogoku witch didn't help his coolness factor the sad thing was.


miu stepped out smiling "hello my future grandfather in law."she bowed.

suddenly junko kyoko renka shigure and raichi appeared hello "my future grandfather in law!" the said in unison as the all bowed to him they were all dressed in traditional white kimono and had on japanese make up looking like Hinata Hyūga when she married Naruto.

kenichi felt himself losing his is self controll six beautifull women dressed up like japanese princesses were asking his grandpa for permission to marry him.

'HELL YEAH ' Kenichi thought

{calm down boy} system Chan said

what would his grandpa say

"um what do you think grandpa?" asked shiro.

" hmm youngest grandson marry six wives i'll have heep many a great grandchildren!" he said outloud

"kenichi do tell us when did you plan on marrying li raichi!" asked Kensei who wasn't that thrilled that his daughters future sister in law was going to be the daughter of one of the craziest old hag's in all of Chinese martial art's history.

"that was arranged while we were on the school trip, between my mother and her mother" said kenichi

"ahahahaha you can't win can you kenichi!" the elder bellowed in laughter."

as did all for other in law's kensei akisame tenmon and of corse soushi who had just arrived as well.

then they all explained that the four mentioned masters saoshi Hayato kensei and tenmon were going to compete in the kof's master league.

while Kenichi junko takeda and ukita were being disciples represented by akisame soushi dudley and daimon goro but there was a new rule allowing them to have a second or reserve fighter to help them."

"that is where i come into play!" said Shiro.

while miu and the other girl's will be cheering you on said shiro i'll make sure you don't get your ass killed by interference.

said shiro.

but before they began Kasuhito spoke up there is one technique i think you two should master before competing said the elder Shirahama.

Kenichi and Shiro knew where this was going.

and so they began practicing the form of a synchronized dance of course maki yata shirahama had come to meet her grandfather in law as she knew he was the last relitive of shiro as his father and mother were both killed by kasuhito's own disciples.

she watched as the two preformed one of the most broken techniques in shirahama no ken and also the most emberessing.

kenichi shifted left and shiro shifted right while on opposite sides then the shifted their arm's out to the side while they stood on the one foot closest to the other respective partner and finally the touched down while bending towards their partner as their index fingers touched in perfect synch as the called out syllable's of a chant


then an explosion shook the dojo as a new warrior was born he had been born of the combined powers of kenichi and shiro he stood their clad in a black vest with golden tuft's matching wrist cuffs and boots and wearing white windbreaker pants he smiled "i am a warrior who was created from the union of kenichi shirahama and shiro shirahama, just call me keni'shiro shirahama."