
Dragon x Angel

Awaken in heaven as an angel, the protagonist sets off leading a new life in the world of Highschool DXD How will it fare? -------------------------------------------- This is a Highschool DxD X Arifureta Fanfic! There will be a large harem ( Of course, it's Highschool DxD, what do you expect?) NO NETORARE (May contains netori) NO YURI NO YAOI

Kururin4221 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 7

"Hmm… so you are out from heaven at last?"

I was jolt awoke from the sound, I then realize I am in a white room, and a red dragon is in front of me.

While it is not as big as in the anime, I remember this guy, isn't he Great Red?

"Uh… Yes? Are you Great Red?"

"So, you know me. HAHAHAHA. Yes, I am Great Red."

"Uh… I am Elphael, so what do I owe the pleasure that such figure come to me? And where am I?"

"You are currently inside your dream space, I am talking to you through it. You body is sleeping outside, so do not worry. Now, I just wanted to visit you, your soul does pass through the dimensional gap before reaching this world, since I dubbed you harmless, you could safely pass, but I didn't expect the God of Bible is interested in you, and made you a vessel."

So, if he were to see me as dangerous, I would have been obliterated?

"Thank you for your kindness, Great Red. I do appreciate having a second chance in life."

"Now, do you want to become stronger, Elphael?"

Why does Great Red ask me this? Is this devil's temptation? Like a snake whispering to Adam and eve?

"Rude! You though I am like that snake Samael? I am just giving you a chance to get stronger."

"HUH? You could read my mind?"

"Of course, I am the strongest dragon, and dream is my specialty, of course I could do such easy thing."

"Uhm… Okay then… Can I know what do Great Red want me to do?"

"Now, you're smart, lets get to the point. There is a crack in the dimensional gap, and the energy that was coming out of it is quite strong. I would like to give you a chance to explore that world, who knows? If you found something there, and brought it to this world, it could potentially make this world stronger. There are a lot of beings out there that are stronger than me, so it is better that we improve ourself."

I was contemplating about this, it could be dangerous, but the reward could potentially be good. 

"Do you know where does this crack leads to?"

"No, you need to find that yourself."

"Um, how do I get to this crack then?"

"Well, since you have a life in this world, I will make you a vessel from my body for that world. Your soul will be able to traverse between world, well, I recommend when you are sleeping in this world, you traverse to the other world. As far as I know, there are time difference between world, in that world, the time flows faster, so you could stay there for 2 hours, and only 1 hours will pass in this world."

"I see, it could be good to help me get stronger quickly… Does that mean I could not bring any item back to this world?"

"You could, but you need to learn spatial magic. So, you should start learning it."

"Okay then, but you said you will give me a new vessel, my skill in this world is based on my new body, so I will be weak in the new world?"

"Now, you don't really understand what God of Bible left you isn't it? While the skill is given to the body at first, the system binds it to your soul, so even though you changed vessel, your skill will stay, but your Strength and Agility will be based on your body. Well, the body I gave you will be very strong, so you don't need to worry."

"Huh? God of Bible never told me about this… Well, if that's the case, then please let me do it. I would like to get stronger as fast as I could."

"Now that's a great motivation. I will sent you now, I have prepared the vessel for you. Good luck."

"Huh? Wai…."

Everything then went black. When I opened my eyes again, I am currently in a dark place.

Damn that dragon…. He didn't even tell me what this vessel could do…

The system is still with me, right?


[Opening Status]

[New vessel detected! Binding Vessel's skill to soul...…..]


[New skill detected!]

[Limit Break – Amplify user stats by 3 times for 5 minutes. User will be defenseless after this skill ends.]

[Gluttony – Absorbs the essence of a corpse. Recover <Energy > based on the target's <Energy >. Small chance of getting a skill from the corpse. If the corpse has its core attached, there is chance of obtaining attributes.]

[Anti-hero – Any creature that have a job on them will have an increase 100% damage done to them.]

[Soul Traverse – Your soul could traverse between world. When used, the next time you sleep, your soul will travel between vessel. If either of the vessel is destroyed, this skill cannot be used.]



Name: Elphael

Race: Draconian

Job: Anti-Hero (Level 1)

<Attributes >

Strength: 180

Intelligence: 300

Agility: 260

<Energy >

Holy Power: 60000/60000

Mana: 80000/80000

<Abilities Spell>

[Holy power based]

Light magic – Level 99/99

[Mana Based]


Flight – Level 10/10

CQC - Level 48/99

Sword Mastery - Level 39/99

Limit Break - Level 1/1

<Unique Abilities>


Savior of the angel




Soul Traverse


Now… Job? Does the system adjust based on the world? But… Anti-hero? And level? Now this is interesting. Doesn't it look like I'm quite a villain in this world? The STR and AGI is different in this body as well, I need to get used to this.

I have a new energy huh... Mana... Must be the energy used in this world....

But the skill, [Gluttony], will helps me a lot, thank you Great Red, as expected from the vessel made from one of the strongest being in the world. I do not really understand what is a core, but I should find later

[Limit break] sounds good for a skill that I will use in a pinch, it gives quite a lot of power boost for 5 minutes, but I need to make this my trump card…

This skill [Anti-hero], if everybody is like me, having a job in this world, the doesn't that mean i deal more damage to everybody? Well, I will test this if I have the time later.

[Soul Traverse], this skill is the one used to travel between world huh… But it's quite risky for me, since I would need protection on both world while I am sleeping… I will arrange this later, this is quite important.

Now… it's quite dark here, I should use my [Light magic] here then to illuminate my surroundings.

When I used [Light magic], I realized I'm in a cave? I need to scout this place first.

Now that I think about it… Ascalon is not with me, I could only use CQC and Light magic in this place.

After walking a while, I encountered a pack of wolves. There are a total of 6 wolves, they seem to be eating something…

While they were not paying attention, I will try to kill all 6 of them. I made 6 Spears of light, readying to shoot it to them.


All 6 spears hit their target, I am still readying myself if anything goes wrong or if there are any ambushes.

But after a while, no responds from the wolves, or surrounding, I came closer to the corpse, and saw the wolves, they are quite big, but… they are quite weak.

Another thing is that I realized that my Holy power is not recovering in this world. Is it because it is another world? I'm not sure about it, but I would need to use my Holy Power carefully.

I used [Gluttony] on them, and also the corpse they are eating, seems that it is a bird.

[New spell acquired]

[Dark Bullet- Shoots out a bullet of dark energy, the more mana user, the bigger this bullet can be.]

[Core Detected!]

[Strength increased by 2, Agility Increased by 4, Intelligence increased by 1]

Now, this is a surprise, I got a skill. I thought it is a small chance, my gacha luck has always been bad.

I tried using Dark Bullet, it consumes my mana, while not much, I think my casting of the [Dark Bullet] is quite slow.

While seeing my status, it says that my dark bullet is lvl 2/99, no wonder it is so slow. I need to train this skill more if I wanted to use it in combat. Another thing is that… My job didn't level up. Is there a requirement for this?

While talking around, I am training my dark bullet, I did not shoot it, I just practice casting it and then disperse it.

While some monster appears, I just casually killed them with light magic. While I cannot regenerate my holy power right now, my pool is massive, and I haven't even used 5000 Holy power.


(A/N): Please give me a powerstone if you think the story is good! I appreciate your comment as well!

Since we are getting to Arifureta's world as well, I wanted to ask, do you guys want some of the classmates of Hajime to enter the harem? E.g. Suzu Tanaguchi, Nana Miyazaki (DxD already has a big harem in it, so I don't know to include them as well or not) 

Why not?


(OG harem is included for my netori conquest guys, no worries)