
Dragon throughout the omniverse

darkness that's what he saw. then 3 stars started moving toward him what he saw he never expected they were 3 dragons. the dragons asked if he would be reincarnated and help defeat a enemy when the time comes with a couple boons of course. first world is RWBY and i don't own anything other than the oc or original characters

Wolfe_pack22 · Anime e quadrinhos
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23 Chs

gacha and new blood

Later after I was done in the library, I walked out to see ruby and yang running around the outside with qrow and tai watching them to make sure they are safe I then walk next to them qrow noticed me and the bandanna over my eyes and asked since no one asked before. " Hey, kid I got to ask what the bandanna is for I saw you had it on earlier but didn't ask as we were eating?" I look at him and respond,"

I use the bandanna to help my mind cope with my eyes as my eyes are especially sensitive. they collect every bit of information on the world all the time, so I use it to control it a bit I'm still able to see in a way. imagine that you are reading a book or have a tablet of information like a lot of information and multiply that by 1000 and how it is then uploaded to your brain constantly your brain wouldn't be able to handle the information flow and overheat and no it's not a semblance. I'm sure you're also wondering why I would tell you this so I'll just say I can tell you're a good person and trustworthy and that's pretty much it."

He looked at me with different faces of surprise and fascination and said," wow kid I have never heard of that before how is that not a semblance and thanks for trusting me."

I then shrugged and said, " It's my family ability some had it and some didn't well really I'm the first in a long time to have it and we kept out of sight my clan you could say have a lot of abilities and I'm not going to show all of them." I said this to explain any powers that pop up later as I'm not explain the system anytime soon.

he looked at me in shock again and said " alright kid I won't push it everyone has secrets and the rights to keep them. how long do you think you are sticking around for you did say you want to travel again?" tai was listening as well i looked down in thought and spoke," I guess if I can I will start again at 14 to gain experience and research more and maybe go to menagerie to help and try to do something i might have a solution for the deserts and Grimm by then."

they nodded understanding tai spoke next, " well I'd love to have you here until your ready you helped out a lot and I don't want to leave you out there alone I'll also help where I can." I nodded and thanked him for it and also spoke " I do have to say I won't go to school ill self-study i only need the books and I'll be fine ill also help keep an eye out for the girls and keep them out of trouble."

though tai looked like he was not going to agree with me about school he did say that if I don't cut it with self-study, I'll be going to school I agreed as I knew I'll be fine. the girls then ran up to us with ruby being a hyper ball of energy jumped on my back and said thanks in the most adorable way possible. yang was excited to find out I was staying as well they did ask about the blindfold as well i explained again and played with them for a bit as well.

later in the day I was alone looking at my system I remembered I still had a gacha to do so I decided to use the gacha I asked lumi to use the gacha.

~ using gacha roll you have gained dual keyblades attuned to you and no one can detect whether you're using them or not as magic, so you don't have to worry about Salem and ozpin detecting your magic at all. ~

when I saw that I got excited I loved kingdom hearts Roxas was one of my favorite characters just for the dual blades so having 2 keyblades is awesome and I won't have to worry about weapons for a long time I still want to have a transforming weapon as its just essential in Rwby.

i decided to summon them to see what they look like and i got to say I'm extremely happy I got the oblivion and oath keeper it will help as they increase affinity with light and dark. I unsummoned them then went to the library and study up the world as I was walking in, I didn't notice a raven in the distance with bulging eyes in my direction then flying off.

the next day I wake up and start my daily quest while also asking lumi about the system and world from what I found out it isn't only the original show it's a combination of everything as well as unknowns. so, I have to worry about starro as well and a lot more.

I then thought about it, and I honestly won't have to really worry about it as by the time canon or starro shows I'll be way more than ready depending on what I get I could be universal tier or multiversal tier I'm so looking forward to being able to travel. after i do my quest, I did my sign in to see what I get.

~ signing in reward granted alpha white wolf bloodline it grants the racial perks, and you don't have to worry about all of a sudden growing ears and a tail its optional you can think of it as cosmetics in a game you can have them or not anytime. same with any other bloodlines though if you get a sayain bloodline you will have most of it to get the oozaru form you will have to have the tail equipped in a way. ~

that explains a lot and awesome I can have ears and a tail and it's a wolf bloodline they were my favorite animal still is they just have a certain majesty to them. I decided to go to my inner world to look at it and get some of the functions up and running as its better than not. my inner world looks amazing its about the size of Connecticut right now with a small house nearby with what's similar to a coliseum which is the training ground. before entering I made sure I adjusted the time flow to 1-10 so 10 days in is 1 day out so not raise suspicions to where I went.

" Lumi integrate the bloodline i guess also let the ears and tail show i want to see them."

she then spoke ~ integrating alpha white wolf bloodline please be prepared for pain in the head and lower spine area mostly as we are growing new limbs essentially.~ I then grit my teeth as a searing pain was going through me. it was almost unbearable it was like millions of needles or billions really grafting limbs on me.

awhile later it stopped I felt my senses heightened all sorts of smells and sounds but I was quick to adjust to not overload my senses. my new wolf ears twitched and my tail wags in excitement of new abilities and having alpha like abilities which I asked lumi about the abilities I got.

~ the abilities vary but it could fall into werewolf classification, but you are not able to give the gift/curse to others with this bloodline this is one reason it is not a werewolf bloodline another reason is the tail and ears. the abilities are as follows-

Shapeshifting - The Alpha had the ability to transform anytime he wanted, regardless of the lunar cycle. He/She is also conscious during transformation.

Claws and Fangs - The Alpha likely had powerful claws and was able to cut through solid walls. The Alpha's fangs could tear human flesh and can rip out a human heart right out of their chest cavity. The Alpha could also transform just his claws without transforming fully.

Superhuman Strength - The Alpha had strength greater than that of a normal human.

Enhanced Agility - The Alpha possessed greater agility than humans.

Super speed - The Alpha was capable of moving inhumanly fast.

Super stamina - The Alpha likely did not tire easily.

Super Senses - The Alpha was able to see better than humans in darkness, similar to actual wolves, the Alpha's sense of smell and hearing is equally enhanced.

Regeneration - The Alpha possessed the ability to completely heal himself.

Immortality - It is obvious that The Alpha was able to live longer than all of its wolf relatives and could not die of disease or old age, since many thousands of years have passed since its creation and up to the modern era. ~

I was excited again the regeneration will help a lot immortality is useless as I kind of already have it shapeshifting sounds fun I decided to try it and see what I look like I got to say it's understandable I look like a white wolf pup with blue eyes and i have to admit i look absolutely fucking adorable. i transform back and decide to look at my status then go home for the night.

~Doryu Dragonsvayne

Age- 6 Years old

Titles: reincarnate

Dragon blood- 1% unlocked

bloodlines: alpha white wolf

Race- human/white wolf, dragon

Health: 500- regen 100 per min

CE: (cursed energy) 600

AP: (aura points) 400

Strength- 20

Dexterity- 20

Constitution- 24

Intelligence- 48

Charisma- 22

Skills- Shapeshifting, Claws and Fangs, Superhuman Strength, Enhanced Agility, Super speed, Super stamina, Super Senses, Regeneration, Immortality

Aura manifestation level 1 (it is the amount of aura you can use higher levels will unlock semblance)

Soul world level max (grows with power, can alter time inside, grows plants and animals automated collection for both, can build house to specifications and change it at any time no one is able without being invited)

Eternal youth level max (once you hit your prime you will stay at that age can grant it to others and can take it as well)

weapons mastery level max (is able to use any weapon as you have been wielding it for hundreds of years)

key blades oblivion and oath keeper

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant, Immense Strength, Immense Speed & Reflexes, Tactical Intellect, Immense Cursed Energy, Reverse Cursed Technique, Black Flash, limitless, infinity, Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue, Cursed Technique Reversal: Red, Hollow Technique: Purple, curtain, unlimited void, six eyes

Blessings- increased comprehension, intelligence, luck, stamina- affinity's- darkness, light, fire, soul, creation, dragons (all affinity's will be placed here later when gotten)

inventory- small iron dagger, clothes, bag, sunglasses, bandanna (just like Gojo's), universal id, 5000 lien, map, fire starter

thanks for reading I know that the paragraphs are messy im trying to remedy it and the childhood arc will end fast as i plan on getting to the main story before chapter 25 and reccomend powers please theres so many i cant choose

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