
Dragon slayer in Black clover

MC reincarnated in Black clover with Dragon slayer magic

Weavile_3900 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Joining the Black Bulls

'Why do I have to fight this weakling,' thought Ren looking deflated

"Hahaha, now you understand my glory you filthy peasant," said the noble while looking at the sad looking Ren

"Um sorry who were you again?" asked Ren while scratching his head sheepishly

"Match Begin," said the Referee

"I will show you peasant," said the Noble and he started condensing mana and created a 10 golems made of Iron


"Oi Blue Hair if you lose I will kill you," said Yami 

'Huh what's with him,' thought William while looking at Yami

"Look this is the power's of nobles,"

"Damn Ren kick his ass," said Asta while Yuno stayed still 

[Iron Magic: Iron Golem], the Golem swung It's large arm at Ren but Ren just caught it with his fingers shocking everyone even the Captains but before they could express their surprise other golems attacked him creating huge dust

After the dust was cleared we can see Noble on his knees and Ren sitting on the Iron Golem

'I did not sense any Mana did he do with his Physical Strength No way,' thought William while beads of sweat spread on his forehead, he looked at Yami who was similar

"What a monster," said Yami

"Damn you can create Iron Golems, that is so cool," said Ren while holding a chunk of Iron in his hands

"You damn Peasant," said the Noble struggling to stand

"Do not tell me that, was all you got," said Ren mockingly

"Let me show you MAGIC," said Ren mockingly as he released a frightening amount of Magic Power, before he created a sword made of Light and created a huge hole chopping the battlefield in half.


"What," said Yuno as he stumbled by the sheer shock

"Sugoi!" said Asta [A/N: Sugoi means unbelievable]

'This should be enough to check my thesis,' thought Ren as he saw his proficiency of WDSM[A/N: White Dragon Slayer Magic]

'So if I make an Impact in the Main story I can grow stronger Faster,' thought Ren as he looked towards the referee

"The Winner is Ren Amamiya," 

Ren just nodded as he saw the Medic staff taking the Iron Man Rip Off.

After the Matches were over the Head Examiner William Vengeance stood up and addressed the Examinees

"I want to thank you all for participating in this year's Magic Knight Selection Examination, I am really glad to know that so many people of clover kingdom are ready to put their life's on the line for the greater good," said William making everyone cheer except Ren who looked bored and was yawning but everyone just ignored him.

"But this is serious, As in this profession you can lose your life because of a single mistake, You all will now know whether you are eligible for a Magic Knight Squad or not, You will be called based on the number given to you, if a Captain wants you in his squad, he will raise his hand. In a case if there is a participant whom multiple captains want to recruit, the participant will have the right to choose which squad he or she will join, So now will Participant Number 1 step forward," said Charlotte

"Pls Golden Dawn,"

"Damn it any squad except Black bull will work for me,"

"Blue Rose Blue Rose,"

After some time

"Participant no.165," 

Asta stepped forward nervously, but when he stepped forward unlike Yuno no one raised their hand for him,

"You must be surprised, but of course no one will raise their hand for you," said Yami as he stood up

"Even if your strong, no one wants a power they cannot understand, who knows what side-effect your magic will have, it might even harm the people," said Yami 

"As it is obvious the Main thing we look for in a Magic Knight is,"

"Mana," said Yami as he released a huge amount of Magic Power making even Yuno step back

'Oh interesting,' thought Ren as even he was affected by the pressure

'looks like I am still far away from,' thought Ren with a smile 

After Asta talk-no-jut sued Yami, He successfully Join Black Bulls.

'Wizard King my ass more Like Anti-Wizard King hehe,' thought Ren with a stupid smile.

--one eternity later---

"Participant No. 200," 

Ren stood in front of the captains as he expected everyone raised their hands

"All Captains Raised their Hands,"

"Not Ren TOO," said Asta who looked down for a second but become cheerful again, while Yuno showed no surprise.

"Hey Kid join my squad or I will kill you," said Yami threateningly.

"Yami, This is not the behaviour we expect from a captain," said Fuegoleon

"Yeah, Yami," said Nozel Silva

"Oh Sup Brogoleon and Braided Bangs," said Ren while waving like they were long lost friends.

"Pfffft Braided Bangs that is a nice name," said Yami while Nozel looked like he wanted to kill someone.

"Ok so contestant which squad will you join," said Charlotte not wanting to be involved in this nonsense

"Ok I join Black Bulls," said Ren shocking everyone for the umpteenth time

"Is that guy serious,"

"Does he have brain damage,"

Even the Captains were shocked

"Oi Brat, There is no going back," said Yami

"Yeah, I still choose Black Bulls," said Ren

"He does not have brain damage, he is completely crazy,"

[A/N: How was the chapter!]