
Dragon Online

Kyle Turner is a teenage boy who has always felt out of place. Unlike his peers, he doesn't possess any special abilities or magical powers. While others around him are accepted into the prestigious Mage Academy to train and one day defeat the tyrannical Beast King, Kyle is left feeling inadequate and alone. One day, as Kyle was going about his mundane life, a strange screen suddenly appears before him, displaying a starting message: [Dragon system online] [You have tamed the blue dragon] [New user details are now valid] [All abilities currently (lv1)] [New ability gained: Blue dragon flame] "What in hell is going on? A screen?" Kyle muttered in bewilderment, unsure of how to process this unexpected turn of events.

Danespl · Fantasia
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10 Chs

Kyle Turner

Although he had been assured that he could one day awaken the mage seed within him, Kyle never believed this because the world had been unfair to him. An orphan and was also not a mage or one of the beast tamers. He was useless in the face of everyone. Everyday felt like hell to him.

He had been striving to survive for years, ever since his parent had been attacked by the Beast King army, and was killed. His parents were highly respected Mages in the Kingdom of Tara.

A highly developed Kingdom built with advanced technologies and futuristic buildings. flying mobile cars and bikes were everywhere.

Kyle remembered his childhood as being mostly comfortable and exotic. When his parents died. The humans came, claiming to be their family members, and taking everything from him in the blink of an eye. They abandoned him on the streets.

One day, Kyle went into a forest to look for dead beast crystals which he sells to merchants for money. he had accidentally approached a beast. It came running towards him ready to kill Kyle, suddenly. A strange man appeared from nowhere, and slashed the beast head off. Kyle was in shock from the sudden beast attack and passed out.

"Get the Kid to the hospital. I will continue the raid." The strange man said. He wore a crimson blue jacket and a white jeans. His hair was dyed blue.

A female stood beside him wearing a hoodie. She had a blonde hair. Her hieght was about 5'7". She seemed to be a mage.

She picked up Kane from the ground, and vanished into thin air. Few hours later, Kyle woke up scanning the area, realised that he was in an hospital. Suddenly, a strange screen suddenly appears before him, displaying a startling message:

[Dragon system online]

[You have unlocked the blue dragon]

[New user details are now valid]

[All abilities currently (lv1)]

[New ability gained: Blue dragon flame]

What in hell is going on? A screen?" Kyle mutters in bewilderment. He looked around to see if anyone was also seeing the screen right in front of him. To his surprise. No one was seeing it. 

Kyle only had to think about the screen tab closing, and it immediately vanished. He opened it again, then closed it. He later waved it off, and started to wonder who would cover his medical bill. The only thing that was on his mind currently. Was to sneak out from the hospital and run away.

He immediately stood up from the hospital bed, and started to sneak around the hospital which was very large. After changing directions from one place to another like a ninja. He finally found his way out of the hospital. The moment Kyke was outside. He began to run until he arrived at the place called home. A small room given to him by the government. In the Kingdom of Tara, All orphans above the age of fifteen were to be given accommodations and a monthly allowance of hundred Teras.

Teras were the Kingdom's digital currency used for purchases. It was normally sent to their watches. Which acted as a tracking device and payment channel.

Kyle locked the door behind him with a wide smile on his face. On a table to the left where Kyle was. A tablet was placed on it. The tablet was a transparent screen used for reading and playing online games. Kyle picked it up, and started typing. He searched for Mages who had the ability to make a screen appear in front of them. He couldn't find anything related. Kyle dropped the tab and sat on a chair right in front of the table, trying to assimilate what was currently going on. He had a strange system.

"I should open up the screen again." Kyle thought. The screen immediately appeared in front of him.

[User: Kyle Turner]

[Level: 1]

[Type: Non Human]

[Exp point: 0/100]

[Health: 10/10]

[Strength: 5/5]

[Agility: 5/5]

[Skills: Blue dragon flame]

[Soul Beast: Blue Dragon]

Kyle had heard from his parent back when they were alive about their generation being a descendant of a very powerful Vampire called The Blood Monarch. So he wasn't surprised that the system classified him as a non human. It was a family secret. This ancestors of his existed about two hundred years ago. No one knows if he was still alive.

Kyle tapped on the Soul beast info:

[Soul Beast: Blue Dragon]

[Health: 20/20]

[Power level: Level 1]

[Tier: E rank]

Beasts were classified into five ranks just like the Mages. They ranged from Rank O to E. The rank O Mages or beasts were the most powerful, and dragons was mostly classified as a Rank O Beast. They were only two types of dragons. A White Dragon and A Black dragon. Kyle had never heard of a Blue dragon, and this blue dragon seemed to be a weak one. But it was unheard of.

[Store: Locked!!]

[Inventory: Locked!!]

[Store unlocks at Level 5]

[Inventory unlocks at Level 2]

[New Quest: Defeat and Collect a rank E beast crystals]

[Reward: 10 Exp]

[Time limit: 2 days]

[Complete Quest before the next two days to collect reward]

Kyle stared at the system tab for a while, and decided to close it, "I know how this thing works now. I have to complete Quests to gain reward and level up. It's just like a game." Kyle said as he laid on the bed and stared into the empty celling above him. *Ding* A sound came from his pocket.

He brought out a device. A smaller screen compared to the tablet. On the screen, a message could be seen. "Mage Academy now accepting new Mages. Test will commence at City hall tomorrow. 9am."

"Finally. I am going to retry the test again. This time i will surely make it in." Kyle said.

First Chapter is a little short. Vote with power stones. (+1)

And if you had read my webnovel, Bloodlink. You will find some relation between the two main character. If you haven't. The read BloodLink and Come back to read this.

Danesplcreators' thoughts