

This is a story about a 15 year old teenager named Richard Draco who will soon realize that he has the ability to transform into a anthropomorphic dragon to become...Dragon-Man.

SuperHooktailJr · Urbano
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6 Chs

Marvel Superhero Dragon-Man Chapter 2

This is a Marvel superhero fan story. The official Marvel characters belong to Marvel Studios.

Marvel Superhero


Chapter 2: The birth of Dragon-Man part 1

Many years has passed since that faithful event. It is now the present day in California and somewhere in Gregory Way near Beverly Hills there is a nice particular house we're Martin Draco lived and within that house just up the second floor lived a boy named Richard Draco. It was early in the morning around 8:20am and Richard was still all covered up in blankets sleeping however the timer was supposed to be set at 8:00am to get a good start but since he missed a good 20 minutes the alarm started beeping once again which finally woke him up moving his hand to turn it off. As he turned it off he moved up out of bed revealing that Richard Draco was in his age 14 but soon to be 15 by tomorrow. As he yawned but still tired he rubbed his eyes a bit clearing his vision and looks at the time....his eyes widen knowing full well that he was going to be late for school.

Richard Draco: Oh crap it's 8:20 already!?

And with that he quickly jumped out of bed and put his clothes on as fast as he can especially trying to put his socks and shoes on as he was rushing to the bathroom to brush his dark brown hair and also brush his teeth.

Richard Draco: (Dame it Dame it Dame it!! I can't believe I overslept again I'm going to be late!)

After finishing in the bathroom he quickly ruched back to his room and grabbed his backpack filled with school supplies and ran downstairs into the living room but not after he saw his dad.

Martin Draco: You're running late again son...

Richard Draco: Sorrydadcan'ttalknowgottarun!!

As he quickly ran toward the door heading straight to the sidewalk running his High School.

Martin Draco: And there he goes *sigh*....what am I gonna do with you?...

As he was a bit disappointed at him getting up late again while drinking his coffee.

Introduction: My name is Richard Draco and this is the story of how I became a superhero. As you can see it all started we're I was just an average teenager of age 14 but soon to be 15 the next day. I was raised by my father since I was a baby but I never knew who my mother was like since she passed away years ago. We live in a nice place called Gregory Way which is near Beverly Hills of California a big state we're most places are surrounded by mountain while other places are deserts but mostly mountains however there are some places that have cities like LA. There are pretty interesting places I like going most of the time with my friend during the weekends sometimes however....there are other places that are just too dangerous to be in especially during the night. Speaking of friend that guy over there is my best friend named Jen Ichiro and we go to school together in Beverly Hills High School. This is also the day we're my life is about to change forever because by the time I become 15 my powers will be awaken and I will become the greatest superhero known as....Dragon-Man. This is we're it all began.

Jen Ichiro: Hay Richard there you are! I was wondering what took you soo long.

Richard Draco: *huff*...*huff*.....sorry *huff* over *huff* slept.

As he was exhausted from all that running.

Jen Ichiro: Heh I can tell by the looks of it. Here take this I was saving it for you in case you we're running late.

As he hands him a bottle of water.

Richard Draco: *huff*....thanks buddy.

As he took the bottle of water from him and drank some.

Jen Ichiro: Hay what are friends for but anyways you should really get to class. Don't want to end up in trouble again like last time.

Richard Draco: Sure thing I'll talk to you again during lunch.

As Richard quickly entered the school before the bell rings. Today was busy for Richard as usual seeing that he takes about seven class periods such as Math, Science, History, English, Art, PE (Phisical Education) and Geometry. Even though it was pretty tough for Richard most classes he takes are difficult to get at least a few good grade percentages to pass these classes until summer. After going through half of his classes the bell rang once again at lunch break has started. It wasn't long before Richard was able to get his lunch and head straight to the table were Jen was sitting waving at him to come here and so he did just that.

Jen Ichiro: Glad you made it I wanted to show you something earlier but you we're running late...literally.

Richard Draco: Really.....what is it.

Jen then began to open his backpack just to show him a good peek revealing two small boxes of two action figures of Captain America Deluxe Edition.

Richard Draco: *Gasp*!....dude is that a limited edition of Captain America Deluxe Edition action figure? We're did you manage to get something like that those things are super hard to find not to mention very pricey.

Jen Ichiro: Oh I was saving up my allowance to get something like this for a long while....not just one but two of them one for me and one for you. By the way Happy Early Birthday Richard.

As Jen hands him one box two him.

Richard Draco: Jen you shouldn't have I can't expect something like this you spend so much of your hard earned money on this.

Jen Ichiro: It's fine Richard I still have plenty allowances for summer vacation anyways and besides I wanted to give you something for your 15th birthday anyways which is tomorrow. Speaking of tomorrow I've heard you're going to start competing the football game against other students from another school...are you sure you're up for this?

Richard Draco: I have too if I want to be popular.

As he put the box in his backpack.

Jen Ichiro: Why do you want to be popular so badly? You do realize that those guys that pick on you are assholes right? I mean they have been picking on you since you were a freshman last year. Remember that one time when you just started the football team last year?

(Flashback from last year)

Richard was in his football uniform preparing to begin the first round as he Heard his coach uses his whistle one of the team yells hike to pass the ball to try to get first point and as Richard catches the ball the team purposely moved back to let the opponents tackle him preventing him from throwing the ball as they pile up on him as if it was funny.

(Flashback over)

Richard Draco: Don't remind me I've been sore for a week after that impact.

Jen Ichiro: Dude....they do that all the time to you man it's pretty obvious they want to get rid of you.

Richard Draco: To bad for them I don't quit that easily. If we win this game those guys won't pick on me again and I'll finally be popular and fit in.

Jen Ichiro: Richard....look....I know thinks have been hard on you since middle school I get that. But being popular can only get you soo far it's not worth it and besides I doubt they will like you now even after the game there only using you so Billy can get all the credit it's just what he dose. You don't need more friends like them to prove a point heck you lucky that I because friends with you....isn't that enough?...

Richard Draco:.....*sigh*.....look...I

Bobby: Hay Think Fast!!

As Richard was about to say something he was interrupted as the football hit the side of his head hard felling the slight pain.

Bobby Joe: Hahahahaha dude you really suck and this are you Richard the reject.

Richard Draco: Grrrr....

As he was beings Irritated by him calling him a reject.

Richard Draco: Hay Bobby.....

As he was trying to stay calm.

Bobby Joe: Just stopping by to remind you that the big game coming up soon tomorrow morning. Now normally this isn't none of my business seeing that I'm one of the best players on the team however...seeing you being the weakest as part of our team really pisses me off...I hate people like you...ever since you joined our team you've been nothing but a screw up even after middle school. This is MY time to shine because I'm better than you in every way. You're a loser and always have been a loser and I we're you...I'd quit the team right now....

Richard was getting angry glaring at him at his words telling him to give up as he clenched his fist.

Bobby Joe: Are you still giving me that look again?...you gonna too something about it kid?

As he stared right back at him.

Jen Ichiro: Hay piss off man he dosen't have to listen to your crap!

Bobby Joe: What was that punk!

As he quickly grabbed his shirt picking him up.

Richard Draco: Put him down Bobby or else!

Bobby Joe: Or else what!

As he used his other arm to push Richard really hard on the ground landing on his butt and dropping his backpack as some of his stuff came out of it including the gift Jen gave him. As the box was out of the Richard's backpack Bobby noticed what he was hiding and dropped Jen and pushed him away to go grab it as he smirked

Bobby Joe: Well what do we have here!

As he took Richard's gift away from him to get a good look at it.

Richard Draco: !!

Bobby Joe: A limited edition of Captain America Deluxe Edition. Pretty hard to find some of these around.

Richard Draco: Hay Give it back Bobby!

As he quickly got back up to try and take it back from Bobby but to no avail since he was pushing him away to prevent Richard from taking it from him as he lifted his hand up making it very hard for Richard to reach it.

Bobby Joe: Hahaha are you serious? Not a chance.

Jen Ichiro: Dammit Bobby he said give it back!

As he charged at him to try to help Richard get it back for him but just when he was about grab it he shoved Richard once again and punched Jen in the gut making him go down on the ground in pain.

Richard Draco: Ichiro!

Despite everything that going on everyone in school was just standing there getting there cellphones up to record all this for messed up reasons while others are just disgusted at the bully but couldn't do anything about it because some of the students were afraid of him.

Bobby Joe: God you two are soo freaking week it's not even funny. I can't believe you're even friends with this loser.

Richard Draco: Grrrrrrr

As he glared at him once again wanting nothing more than to kick his ass.

Bobby Joe: Still giving me that looks again! Ack tough all you like but I know full well you're not gonna do shit! And I'll give you an example not to mess with me!

He then turned around to kick his friend Jen repeatedly in the gut over and over until finally.

Richard Draco: ALRIGHT FINE I'LL DO IT!!

Bobby Joe: huh....do what!?

As he stopped kicking his friend. As he stopped hurting Jen he looked down in defeat and just told him like it is.

Richard Draco:....I said I'll do it....I'll quit the team....happy now...

As hated doing it feeling humiliated.

Bobby Joe: Really....hahaha didn't thought you had it in you but it took you long enough to take the hint.

Richard Draco: Yeah whatever Bobby you got what you wanted now give me back my gift....

Bobby Joe: Sure thing kid.

As he was just about to hand him over his gift Bobby purposely dropped the box falling to the grand in a slow motion moment as Richard was in shock knowing what's coming next. As the box falls in the ground Bobby then smashed it really hard breaking the action figure from inside and Richard was loss for words as his gift was completely smashed and broken beyond repair.

Bobby Joe: Consider this as a farwell gift from you're truly hahahahaha looks like my job here is done. So long Richard the reject.

As soon and he turned around everyone was still staring at them.


And just like that every looked away moving on with there business.

Bobby Joe: ha....that's what I thought.

And with that he walked away leaving the cafeteria.

Jen Ichiro: ermm...asshole....

As he glared at Bobby walking away. Richard then walked toward his friend to help him get back up.

Richard Draco: Are you okay Jen?

As he was worried.

Jen Ichiro: Yeah I'm fine...it still hurts like hell but I'll live.

As he gave him a thumbs up.

Richard Draco: that's good to hear....I'm soo sorry I couldn't...

Jen Ichiro: Hay...don't worry about it okay it. Here....you can have mine.

As he gave him the new box to replace the broken one.

Richard Draco: A...are you sure?....you've been looking for them for week I couldn't.

Jen Ichiro: It's okay Richard I'm sure I'll find another one eventually and besides it's you're early birthday present the least I can do is help you out. As Jen gave his a replacement Richard was happy and grateful for Jen's generosity.

Richard Draco: Thanks buddy I'll try and make it up to you someday I promise.

Jen Ichiro: Heh...sounds like a plan.

Few hours later school was finally over and Richard and Jen we're just walking together heading to there homes while talking despite everything that happened earlier and it was a miracle that they haven't got into trouble afraid that or even sent to the principals office or worse be sent to detention.

Jen Ichiro: *Rmm*....I can still feel the pain from that punch earlier... That's gonna leave a bruise for weeks.

Richard Draco: You're lucky he didn't send you to the hospital.

Jen Ichiro: Yeah I know I hate that guy if I had super powers I would totally kick his ass just to teach him a lesson.

Curious from what he said Richard took his backpack and took out the replacement box of Captain America Deluxe Edition he thought really hard about something that he wanted to say for quite sometime.

Richard Draco: You know Jen about that I've been meaning to ask I wonder what it would be like to be a superhero...I mean...Captain America is actually a real person who is part of the Avengers so I wonder to myself....what's it like to be a hero like him?

Jen Ichiro: That's a pretty interesting question...I'm not too sure about the full details about his past or the other hero's he's team up with. The the guy could be anywhere but the last time we've heard from him was in New York and that was it...It's mainly Spider-Man doing most of the crime fighting and mybe Daredevil. Honestly....trouble seems to happen a lot over there in New York I guess we don't get much superheros or supervillains here in California. We usually get just plain criminals, gangsters, thieves and ect but that's already handled by the police and its been like that for a long time...always have been...California is a big state after all.

Richard Draco: Well....I suppose you have a point.

Jen Ichiro: As for your first question of what it's like to be a superhero...well...IF you are a superhero you would most likely be the very first Superhero in California depending what kind of powers you have. Flying could be a good power...you can travel all over the place without having to worry about traffic all the time or you would have super streath which is pretty cool to have or mybe have spider powers but I think having 2 Spider-Man's is already enough. Again it just depends what kind of powers you have to be honest but I don't it won't be easy to control just like one of the mutants form the X-Men. You would have to learn how to use it by simply practicing your powers before you can get into the whole superhero gig.

Richard Draco: I guess that makes sense but still....it would be cool to be one.

Jen Ichiro: yeah it could be pretty cool if that happened but the chances of even having powers is like a one in a million.

As Richard and Jen continued walking they finally made it to Richard's house.

Jen Ichiro: Well....today was rough but this is we're we part ways until next time.

Richard Draco: thanks for walking home with me and sorry about the other broken toy from earlier.

Jen Ichiro: Hay I said don't worry about it it's okay like I said I'll find another one eventually.

Richard Draco: And I'll repay you someday when I get the chance....well I guess I'll see you tomorrow on Friday then.

Jen Ichiro: Will do and take care okay.

Richard Draco: You to Jen.

Jen Ichiro: See you next time and happy birthday.

As Jen was heading home waving goodbye for now. As Richard waved goodbye back he turned around noticing an old mailman placing a few new mail in the mailbox who Help but overhear they're little conversations.

Mailman/Stan Lee: Going through some hard times kid?

Richard Draco: Yeah I guess you can say that...

Mailman/Stan Lee: Aw don't worry about it kid I'm sure things will turn out for the better someday. You just need have a little fath and I'm sure all good things will come to you if you believed in yourself...oh and by the way I believe this one belongs belongs you.

As he hands Richard his mail.

Mailman/Stan Lee: Have a nice day kiddo.

And with that he walked away to head to the next house.

Richard Draco: ummm.....thanks I guess.

As he was wondering how he knew it was his but decided to just ignore that and just opened the mail. It was a bit bigger like normal mail's but as he opened the mail it revealed a birthday card writen by his favorite uncle Tommy. As he unfolds the birthday card it had about $200 inside but it also has something writen in it saying

🎉🎂To Uncle Tommy: Hay there Richard Happy Birthday I can't believe you are now 15 which is tomorrow that is. I hope you're doing we'll out there and I also wanted to say good luck with the football game tomorrow I hope you've been practicing really hard during school. I'm rooting for you kid and I hope you win the football game and earn your first trophy. sincerely...Uncle Tommy....P.S I've send you some money to you so you can buy something you like but try not to spend it all at once okay lol. Anyways Happy Birthday Richard!🎂🎉

Richard Draco: *sigh*....

As he felt upset knowing he quit the team not too long ago. He then took the money from the birthday card and put it in his pocket then head straight inside the house. As he went inside his house he saw his father watching TV looking at the news that's been going on in the world and as he nothing the door opening next to him his dad saw Richard entered the house.

Martin Draco: Oh welcome back son.

Richard Draco: Hay dad...

Martin Draco: So....how was school today?

Richard Draco: We'll.....it was okay I guess...

As he was still upset about not wanting to talk about what happened earlier but his dad could see it in his eyes that he was not okay.

Martin Draco: What happened son....I can tell something is wrong just by looking at you...did something happen?

Richard Draco: Well....I.....sight....look...I got some bad news and please don't be mad at me.

Martin Draco: What did you do?

As he was giving him that look with one of his eyes raising up as if he did someone wrong.

Richard Draco: I....quite the team.....I won't be going to the football game tomorrow....and I kind of skipped P.E because of it.

Martin Draco: You did what!?

As he raised his voice a little scaring his son a bit but Richard tried to remain calm and told him the rest.

Richard Draco: It's not my fault I...this guy named Bobby Joe forced me to quit the team. I didn't want to quit honest but he was hurting my friend so I had no choice but to quit just for hom to stop. If I showed my face from PE after that he would probably beat me and my friend up again after class...

After hearing that his father noticed that he was telling the truth despite him skipping one class. His son was no stranger to being picked on even after middle school.

Martin Draco: *sigh*.....I believe you son I can tell you're being honest but you still shouldn't skipped class because of one kid.

Richard Draco: Yeah I know and I'm sorry...I just wanted to fit in with the popular guys but no matter what I do I'm just not good enough to impress those guys to expect me. They always treated me like trash like I'm some kind of personal punching bag.

Martin Draco: I understand son but you got to understand that being popular isn't always good. Even though it can be cool to be popular it can only get you soo far. Being popular in school won't last forever you know pretty soon people will have to deal with the real world once they graduate and have to rely on their future. Tell me son....what do you want to be when that time comes? Surely you must have something you want to be in the future.

As he gave Richard an answer.

Richard Draco: What do I want to me?.....umm....well....there is that one but....you probably think it's stupid.

Martin Draco: Come on son you can tell me.

Richard Draco: Ummm....well....I always wanted to be a hero...I want to protect the people and my friends from bad guys.

Martin Draco: I see...*giggle* well...I'm sure you will do great things as a hero but If you really want to help others then being a police officer should be your best choice if you have enough grades to even join the L.A.P.D speaking of grades you should really make up for those losses you skipped form P.E when you speak to your coach but I'm sure he will transfer you to a different sport assuming he dosen't fail you. I'll let you off the hook just this once but please don't ever do that again or you'll be grounded for a week.

Richard Draco: I understand dad and I'll see what I can do when I speak to him it won't happen again I promise.

Martin Draco: See that you do now whatever homework you have now you should get to it but you should also study for tomorrow's test but before you do that.

As he got up from the couch and into the kitchen. Richard was wondering why his dad went into the kitchen until he came back with a birthday cake that he had made for him.

Martin Draco: Now I know it's a bit early to do this since I will be away until Sunday but Happy Birthday son.

As he plays the cake on the table as he light the candles up with a number 1 and 5 (15) Richard was surprised that his dad was celebrating his birthday soo soon but of course he knew that his dad will be leaving first thing in the morning.

Richard Draco: Thanks dad but are you sure you want to start this early? Why can't you just stay for tomorrow....is it because of you're job?

Martin Draco: Of course I want to stay for you're birthday I really do but I have something very important to do over there.

Richard Draco: You know you never really told me what you're job is dad...what do you do at work?

As he was curious to know.

Martin Draco: Sorry kid as much as I want to tell I'm just not allowed to bring out personal information. It's kind of a policy that we have to follow that you'll probably won't understand. I know it's sucks but that's the way it is. Tell you what when my job is finished I'll come straight back home with a special birthday present dose that sound okay to you?

Richard Draco: Well...yeah I guess that's okay.

Martin smiled as he agreed to it and just pat his son on the head.

Martin Draco: You're a good kid son I can tell that you're heart is in the right place now come on...blow the candles and make a wish.

As Richard was smiling and looking at it he closed his eyes to think of what he would wish for and when he was done thinking he took a big breath, got close it the cake and blowed the candles putting them out. When he was done his dad gave him a big hug.

Martin Draco: Happy Birthday son.

Richard Draco: Thank you dad.

As he hugged his dad back. As they were done hugging it out Richard's dad picked up a knife and began to cut a big piece of cake for him.

Richard Draco: Soo....what kind of cake is it?

Martin Draco: *giggle* it's strawberry shortcake you're favorite.

As he revealed the inside of the cake as he was cutting a piece. He then placed it on a plate and handed it to his son.

Martin Draco: Here you go son now if you have any homework and studies for tomorrow you should probably go to your room and get that done.

Richard Draco: Thanks dad I'll get to it.

As he went upstairs with his cake but just when he was halfway.

Martin Draco: By the way Richard what is it that you wished for?

As he was curious to know but Richard just smiled at him.

Richard Draco: Sorry dad that one is a secret.

as winked with a thumbs up.

Martin Draco: *giggle* love you son.

Richard Draco: Love you too dad.

And with that Richard headed to his room while his dad went back to watching his news. Moments later it was getting late and Richard was done finishing his homework and his studies for tomorrow especially finishing the cake he ate not too long ago. He was exhausted from all that work and studying and just wanted to go to bed which he did just that. He first took most of his clothes off and put on just his blue and black striped boxers on and went straight to bed just laying there looking at the ceiling with a poster of the Avengers hanging there which he also has a few other superhero posters on the walls especially merchandises and action figures that he collects even the new unopened box of Captain America Deluxe Edition that Jen Ichiro gave him as a replacement place on the side of his computer desk.

Richard Draco: *sigh*.....you know something.....I would totally love to be a superhero just like one of them.....that would be...*yawne*...pretty....cool...

As Richard's tired eyes began to slowly close and soon enough...he feel asleep. Two hour later at 2:25am Richard was beginning to feel very strange. His body began to sweat and shake a little for unknown reason like his body began to change but didn't know why as if he was having a bad dream or something. He kept hearing voices in his dream repeatedly speaking to him in some unknown language that he couldn't make it out what it was saying that is when he saw a pale figure that looked like a dragon repeating the same sentence over and over again in some kind of alien language.

????: (Alian Dragon Language)....(Alian Dragon Language)...(Alian Dragon Language)....Ignatius!

Richard Draco: *GASP*....*huff*....*huff*....*huff*...

As he woke up from the nightmare and soon began to take a deep breath.

Richard Draco: Oh man....it was only a dream....a weird one at that.

He then looked at the time on his alarm clock and saw that it was already 8:00am.

Richard Draco: huh...I sure got up early this time....well...I guess I better get ready for school then.

Richard stretch a bit and got out of bed and began to put some clean clothes on for school. As he was done he headed straight to the bathroom to get his hair done and bush his teeth. He started with his teeth first setting up his toothbrush with toothpaste and began to insert it in his mouth to brush. As he began to brush he soon began to notice something....off...he looked closer to the mirror noticing that the color of his eyes are different. Instead of having normal dark brown eye he now has green eyes.

Richard Draco: Rmmm?.....(what that hell...is my eyes green?)

As he looked closer to the mirror.

Richard Draco: ( that's weird....I don't remember having green eyes.....do I?)

As he was confused.

Richard Draco: (hmm.....well....I do kind of look pretty cool with green eyes. It's probably no big deal.)

As he just rolled with it and finished bushings his teeth and afterwards brushing hid hair. As he was done getting ready to take off early to school he saw a piece of paper writing by his dad saying.

To Dad: Happy Birthday for real son. Sorry I couldn't stay to tell you that but I had to go really early to catch the plane. I'll be leaving the keys to the house to you son but make sure you locked the doors before you leave to school. There's still some leftover birthday cake for you if you want to take some with you. Also....you should apologize to the coach for skipping P.E and whatever punishment he'll give you you'll have to do what he says. Remember to behave at school and stay out of trouble. Love Dad...

Richard: Guess my dad already left to work. Might as we'll head off to school then.

As he was already set to leave the house and locked it. After he looked the door he saw his friend Jen walking toward him from the sidewalk.

Jen Ichiro: Oh hay good morning and happy birthday buddy.

Richard Draco: Hay Jen didn't see you there.

Jen Ichiro: Yeah dad told me to head to school early for my test. Still pretty tired though but I think I'll manage t...wait....hold up.

As he noticed something a bit off from his friend as he took a closer look at his eyes.

Jen Ichiro: I don't want to sound rude or anything but what is up with your eyes? I don't remember seeing you with green eyes before.

Richard Draco: Oh this?....umm...well...

As he was a bit nervous.

Jen Ichiro: Ohhh I get it....you're obviously wearing one of those colored contacts lenses. Is this one of you're fazes or something?

Richard Draco: Ummm not really there actually real.

As he was beings truthful.

Jen Ichiro: Wait...so you're normal dark brown eyes just happy to change color?...that's something I've never heard before or better yet not even possible.

Richard Draco: Well...mybe my eyes changing into a different color is rare?

Jen Ichiro: If that's the case it must be very rare for that to even happen.

Richard Draco: Well I don't think it's a big deal I actually kinda like having green eyes. It makes me look a bit cooler.

Jen Ichiro: hmmmm...we'll...now that you mentioned it it does look a little cool I guess...Oh well might as well get used to the new you.

Richard Draco: We should probably head to school while it's still early. There's something important I need to do at P.E class. I only only hope he dosen't fail me.....

Few hours later at school Richard was speaking to his coach in his office explaining the situation and why he skipped his periods.

Coach Bernard: So you're telling me that the reason you skipped because one of my students was forcing you to quit the team!?

As he bangs his fist on the table making Richard jump a bit.

Coach Bernard: Not only that you skipped training but you failed to come to me about it! I should fail you right now for coming up with excuses like that boy!

Richard Draco: Yes I know I messed up and I'm sorry I didn't tell you this yesterday but one of the team was hurting my friend and I didn't have a choice but to skip.

Coach Bernard: There's always a choice boy but what you lack is to man up and come to me...but you didn't...*sigh*.....again I should fail you for this and kick you out of the team myself however.....since the football game is tonight I'm going to need you to on the team. Right now the team is practicing for tonight's game so here's the deal. If you can score at least three touchdowns in a row for practice I'll give you an extra grade to make up from yesterday.

Richard Draco: Wait what....you'll do that?

Coach Bernard: However....if you don't get the three points you'll fail the class understood?

Richard couldn't believe what he was hearing his coach is giving him a chance to make up form yesterday but he could tell that it won't be easy but he had to try.

Richard Draco: T...thank you Coach I'll do my best.

Coach Bernard: You better not get you gear on and get moving for practice we got a big day going on so move it!

And with that he quickly ruched to the locker room to put his football gear on. Moments later at the football field ten people split up into five groups which is basically a five vs five players for practice one team wearing red and the other team wearing blue. One of the team wearing red was Bobby Joe being obviously the leader. As they we're practicing with there tackles, running and tossing the ball Coach Bernard steps in and blowed the whistle for a timeout.


As everyone did just that.

Coach Bernard: Listen up everyone will be going up against other players from another school so we need to win this and show them that we won't go down so easily!

Bobby Joe: Ha! they won't stand a chance against use this will be an easy win for sure.

Random student: We totally got this.

Random student 2: you can count on use Coach!

Coach Bernard: Good that's the spirit however we are one team short because we're are going up against eleven people so to even the odds I was able to bring him back on the team.

As Richard walked toward Coach Bernard wearing his football gear that is blue.

Coach Bernard: He will be in on the blue team so try to go easy on him.

Bobby Joe: (What the hell!....what is he doing back here I thought he quit the team!)

As he was getting angry just by looking at him.

Coach Bernard: Alright kid go out there and show em what you got and remember what I said.

Richard Draco: Score three touchdowns got it I'll do my best.

As he put his football helmet on and runs to the blue team but just when he was about pass Bobby Joe he began to wisper to him.

Bobby Joe: You should have never come back kid now you're going to have to learn it the hard way.

As Richard stopped next to Bobby without even turning or looking at him.

Richard Draco:...Like it or not I'm here I'm not going to let you get your way again.

Bobby Joe: Grrrrr still acting tough as usual but it won't make any difference. I'll make sure you won't make it to the real game.

Richard Draco: Will see about that Bobby...

As Richard walked away to the blue team. As everyone was getting into there positions for round 1 Bobby was eyeing on Richard thinking nothing more than to take him down.

Bobby Joe: (Hehehehe you can try hard all you like punk it won't do you any good. You've always been week ever since you came here to this school. You think I'm gonna let you of all people take my spotlight of popularity...hell no! Lucky I know exactly what you're gonna do....by the time you catch that ball I'll be aiming for one of you're legs and brake em with one hard drop kick and make it look like an accident hehehe....you're finished Richard the reject!)

To be continued...