
Dragon Lords Betrothed

Disclaimer: It has been a while, I know. life just caught up with me and my own awful time management. another thing is me not being confident enough in my story. so I keep looking at the chapters wanting to edit them over and over again. I ask for patience, but I will admit the more that times passes the less I feel confident I'll ever finish this story. I'm not a professional writer by no means, and I do my own editing which I know isn't the best. but for everyone who took time to read this, thank you. whether your opinions of the few chapters was good or bad, knowing that so many took the time to read it regardless of how bad it is lifted my confidence far higher than they were before. **WARNING: Contains scenes of alcohol & drug abuse, violence, suggested rape scenes, blood & gore, suicide, etc.** This is a BL novel that will wrench your heart clean from your chest. As to not spoil anything I'll try to remain hush, hush. Thanks for reading! A young college student named Tora had experienced the ass-end of life and gone through many hardships just to survive. However, after some unfortunate events take place. The fire that kept him going through his, unfortunate, life was extinguish. So, he sought to end it once and for all. However, once he woke up, he was in a luxurious room with a violent and bad-mouthed Gnome named Asper. Along with her gentle giant lover, an Orc named Forn. After a, quite literally, explosive first meeting, Tora discovers he is no longer in his previous body. He has gone through a thing called transmigration which is often seen in novels but never experienced in real life. At least as far as he knew. Now he is a part of the legendary Dragon race known as Dragonkin, with his unique golden bloodline. However, his new life as a free overpowering dragon lord is short-lived. When his (new body's) stepmother confronts him about a marriage proposal with the second most powerful race, the Elves. There has been a century-old war between their races that will be stopped through his marriage to the Elvish king's oldest son. Neither being overly enthusiastic about the whole situation but seeing the advantages that widely differentiate from the reasoning of the other. They begrudgingly agree to the union. They aren't the only ones who seek the advantages of their marriages. They must be aware of the snakes in the grass in case they accidentally get bitten by one.

Monochromatix · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Meeting the Evil Stepmother

((Not finished but ive been keeping it in the drafts for too long so here you go! will hopefully come around to finish it! Sorry!))

"Especially the Madam... What?"

A cold feminine voice came from behind me, and I could feel my body's reflexes kick in as I quickly spun around to address them. A tall woman stood only a few feet away, her cold, yet fiery crimson eyes locked on mine, and I could feel another cold sweat run down my back. Something told me she was dangerous. Realizing my instincts so far have been spot on, I decided to heed its call.

Her chilled gaze remains fixed for a moment longer before flicking over to the fairy behind me, waiting for her to continue her thoughts. While she wasn't looking, I took the time to get a read on her personality by her outward appearance.

I firmly believe that judging a book by its cover doesn't do anyone any good but, in this case, any insight could help me in the long run. So, my not-so-subtle gaze tracked its way up and down her flawless form.

Long, straight black hair that seemed to reach past the back of her knees. A few strands wrapped lazily yet neatly around four bone-like protrusions from the top of her head, like they were a crown. Her skin was an almost unhealthy shade of pale, like that of snow, accompanied by her ruby red lips giving her a loud, yet sophisticated look. Like she knew she was a rare beauty and didn't even try to hide this fact. A tight lace choker wrapped around her slender neck, dropping down to form an upside-down heart shape that exposed most of her generous bust. Slipping even further exposing her pale skin, like a frozen river covered in snow, before stopping just below her navel and continuing down to finish the rest of her dress that pooled around her feet. Her posture was relaxed yet pencil straight showing she was a woman of high standing and believed she didn't need to stand on ceremony with me, meaning she knew the original owner of this body enough to be somewhat relaxed around them. That, or she saw herself above me and didn't feel the need to lower herself to show any kind of courtesy or respect towards me.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't temporarily entranced by her beauty, and that I wished I could rush headfirst into her lovely chest. Curse my Bisexual heart and curse the fact this woman was exactly my type. A dominatrix to run her own show in bed and life. A dream comes true. And I could swear I was drooling this whole time.

While in my stupefied state I didn't realize the Fairy dejectedly come around to my front until my not-so-kid-friendly thoughts were interrupted by her stammering and nervous tone.

"M... Madam... It was nothing... Just talking to the young prince about... his behavior in the past few days and informed him that the madam was embarrassed for him. That his behavior was turning a bad light on the illustrious madam and her image and that he should try to correct it... For your sake... of course."

She bowed low, bending her body almost in half. Her wings continued to beat resolutely but the dust coming off them had bits of red and black hidden amongst the usual silver. I've noticed the dust changes color based on her mood and the fact it wasn't as obvious as it was that time, she was frightened of me. Ment she was probably hiding her emotions, or at least, trying to in this case.


ML: (Torrentious ((Tour-In-te-ous)) Nickname Tora

~A name given to him by his (Original Tora's) Father, due to him having an aptitude for water magic. While he is technically classified as a water dragon, due to reasons unknown, he can also use other nature classes. Much like, Lightening, Fire, Wind, Etc. While it's an unatural talent due to his rare bloodline, on top of the unatural circumstances which put him in his current situation.

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