
Chapter 1

I stood in my room patiently waiting for my best friend to come and pick me up since we were going to the forest inorder to pick fruits, I waited for another five minutes before I lost my cool and went outside on my own.

When I got outside I finally found Sheila walking slowly and swaying from side to side, I approached her and said " What the heck Sheila! , do you know how long I've been waiting for?" 

" Geez, Calm down Hope, I'm here now aren't I "

I grabbed her had and dragged her to the trail that led to the forest. When we got there I sensed that something wasn't right so I suggested that we head back to the castle but Sheila said" Oh, is little baby scared now, does she wanna go back and cry to her mama " I just rolled my eyes and continued up the trail" .

Just as we saw the fruit trees we suddenly heard a hissing noise, at first we thought it was a snake but soon we realized that it was a bunch of masked men who had knives.

Then, Sheila started panicking and she said " Ahh!, Please don't hurt me I'm too young to die!" But they ignored her and kept coming closer to us, Suddenly one of them grabbed her arm and she screamed and started crying hysterically while saying " NONONONO, don't hurt me please, I'm begging you just let me go!" . Then the man replied by saying

" What are you gonna give me in exchange for your life ? "

" You can take my friend here but please just let me go! "

He contemplated for awhile and he looked like he was going to disagree until he paused and looked like he was receiving some order and then he accepted.

I was heartbroken when he let Sheila go and took me instead, as he was dragging me away I screamed at Sheila " HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, I THOUGHT THAT WE WERE BEST FRIENDS, DOES OUR FRIENDSHIP MEAN NOTHING TO YOU!?"

" I'm sorry Hope, it was either you or me and I value my life way too much to risk being taken away by those people. "


" Your life?,*scoffs* your life means nothing to me! "


And with that she left and I was taken away to an unknown place with unknown challenges that I had to face.

*****************************************************Hi so how are you liking the story so far? . I hope you find the first chapter interesting, And also tell me what you think of Sheila, I personally think that she's a horrible friend and she reminds me of a friend I once had. Anyway , You should watch out for people like her because they won't hesitate to betray you as long as it benefits themselves. Please Leave a comment and tell me what you think of the book so farENJOY 😘😘😘