
Dragon God Slayer

While Naruto and Sasuke were having their battle at the valley of the end, during the Sasuke Retrieval Mission, so many things cause a tear in space, sending Naruto to Earth Land. Found by a Dragon God, what would Naruto do in this new world. Adventure, maybe. Dragon God Slayer Naruto. Strong Naruto.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Anime e quadrinhos
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190 Chs

Secret Mission Part 2.2

In Fairy Tail Guild Hall

Makarov sighed after the turn of events. Even though he can't catch the thoughts of the blonde boy, from the expression he made when he heard Jellal and the way all of them acted, he knew that Naruto was up to something.

And as he thought, the blonde boy merged into the ground and heard their conversation further which only solidified his actions. The enemy somehow knew what was going to happen and prepared ahead of time.

'Hmm, seems like it was even bigger mess than before. Having a spy in the Council is not good for both the Council and the Legal Guilds. I must think about this more' he thought and observed Naruto.

Overall, Naruto impressed him. Though for the most part, he was goofing off, he showed his intellect and deduction skills when he caught up to the fact that everything was too convenient. He is fit to be an S-Class mage for sure' thought Makarov.

Before completely submerging into water, Naruto turned his head mechanically towards the spy Lacrima that was on the Flyer.

Makarov felt a shiver run down his spine. 'How is this possible, how did Naruto know he is being watched or did he just assume that he was being watched from the beginning?' thought Makarov. From the smile he sent to the spying Lacrima, he might have assumed that someone is spying on him and have malicious intentions.

'Maybe he thought the Council has planted a spy Lacrima to see what happens. Whatever it may be, I can't find anything to stop him from proving himself in the Trials anymore. It is like Gildarts said. It would be a waste of talent to hold him back. I guess I should send the report of the mission with the Mage who did it and his name as an S-Class candidate this year' thought Makarov and started doing the necessary paperwork for it.

With Naruto

Naruto was perturbed by the fact that someone was spying on him. He doesn't want to ponder possibilities as it might be anyone from the council or the mastermind who planned all this.

'Why do they need to have Council's attention now. If I report what I saw, the council will take them seriously and may intervene to stop them any further. Everything was planned as if they want him to give a good report saying that the work is going and they are trying to revive Zeref. What do they gain from this?' Are few of the thoughts running through his mind.

Whatever the case may be, one thing is confirmed. The Magic Council has a spy in them who might be the mastermind who will benefit from this job. He should know who requested the job first and dig deep from there. 'Well, I think the Magic Council is in for a big surprise soon'.

"What happened, Papa?"

"It seems there are some Masterminds behind all this escapade," said Naruto in a disturbed tone.

"Do you mean about all this staged drama"

"Yes, it is. I'm sure"

"Who do you think will benefit from this and what benefit will they get?"

"I don't know. But I'm willing to find out" said Naruto in a determined tone.

"Tell me how," asked Sirius.

"Awww, where is the fun in it, Siri. You'll see and when you find out, don't say to anyone, ok?," asked Naruto ruffling the gold fur of the Jaguar. Sirius pouted but nodded in the end in agreement.

A few days Later

Magic Council Fiore branch Headquarters, Era

"What is the meaning of this" asked Org, the 2nd ranking member of the Magic Council.

He is a tall, grey-haired man appearing to be in his late 50s with a considerably long beard, as well as a moustache. He has pointy ears and has a habit of keeping only one of his dark-coloured eyes open at a time. He also wears multiple layers of robes, much like the other members of the Magic Council, and on top of his head, he wears a small bat-shaped ornament.

"Now, now, Master Org, it is not a way to address a letter from a Guild Master," said Crawford Seam, the current Chairman of Magic Council. He is a very broad, tall man with a large bushy beard; the beard is knotted into a bun on either side. He features a snub nose moderately sized droopy eyes, high eyebrows and relatively small ears. He also sports a small bun atop his nearly balding head; for attire, He wears a black undershirt and a robe that he keeps tied tightly shut. Atop this robe, he wore a dark-cuffed coat that has diamond patterns decorating the outer edges. Over this coat, the Chairman drapes a dark cape of sorts over his shoulders that has the symbol of Magic Council decorating both shoulders; around his right wrist, Crawford wears a small beaded wristband. The large man also wears dark pants and light-coloured slippers.

"Pardon my interruption, Chairman Seam" apologised Org. He might be stubborn, but he is a man who follows rules and interrupting the Chairman is against the rules of the Council.

"Please continue," said Seam to a frog-like assistant. Magic Council is made up of lawmakers, enforces and assistants. While the Rune Knights maintain peace in the continent, the Headquarters is run by a species of strange, humanoid creatures, reminiscent of anthropomorphous amphibians, partially covered in spots, who are perfectly capable of talking and fulfil various roles, such as envoys guards and Magical technicians. Where do they come from or what race they belong to is as of yet unknown, even to the current Magic Council members. They just use them as workers.

They have a separate uniform from Rune Knights which consists of a wide-collared dark jacket, with wide sleeves and edges and cuffs adorned by a series of light stripes, over a light shirt, held closed on the front by a multitude of laces ending in a bow knot in the upper part, and a long, light skirt-like cloth covering the legs. The outfit is completed by a small, elongated dark hat matching the jacket, which gets larger near its top, and has a flat, round object on the front, reminiscent of a medal. These have the Magic Council symbol on them, signifying them as a member of the Council.

"Yes, sir. Makarov Dreyar, the 3rd Guild Master of Fairy Tail explains his concerns about the Tower which was being built on a small island, south of Fiore. He explains the progression of the Tower. Here I quote

"I urge the Council to take action as it is constructed fastly and at this speed, it might complete its construction in 3-4 years based on the size of it. It may cause an even bigger problem if it is left unprecedented like this" and quote" read the assistant.

"Hmm, did he mention any details about who is leading this Tower," asked Yuri, Yuri is a short, elderly man bearing some wrinkles and spotted moles over his face? He has bushy, unkempt eyebrows and hair growing from the outer rims of his head. His attire consists of a shawl and a decorated scarf draping over his shoulders, covering a set of robes tied together by a black belt around his hips. He also wears dark-coloured socks and ankle-high footwear.