
Dragon God Slayer

While Naruto and Sasuke were having their battle at the valley of the end, during the Sasuke Retrieval Mission, so many things cause a tear in space, sending Naruto to Earth Land. Found by a Dragon God, what would Naruto do in this new world. Adventure, maybe. Dragon God Slayer Naruto. Strong Naruto.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
190 Chs

Not so Difficult

You can read next 3 chapters of this story and 9 chapters of Sacred Gear Shadow Light on my Patron Page.

Here is the link.


Chapter 7.3

Naruto flashed Sirius and himself to home for a good nights rest. After taking rest for the night, he is going to flash to the port town where his ship landed when he came to Fiore with Gildarts to fly to Dawn town.

As he thought and planned, he flashed to Flower port and then started their journey to Dawn town. They are in no rush to eat as they just had their breakfast and started their journey to Dawn town at a sedate pace in the skies of Fiore. The skies are clear, clouds giving them a perfect view of the skyline of towns and villages of Fiore.

The Fiore Kingdom is just, beautiful. She had all the requirements to live happily and a relatively low crime rate when compared to other countries. However, the Dark Guilds are on a raise in the Kingdom according to Sorcerer's weekly, a magazine relating to the Magic side of the country. He reached Dawn town and landed in the centre where he thought the Mayor's office was located.

There is a heavy atmosphere in the town as if they lost the confidence and will to fight back and that feeling didn't sit well with Naruto. 'Am I too late to help them? I hope not' thought Naruto and walked to the Green building and knocked on the door. He could sense the fear in the people inside the room even from outside. A thin man opened the door, peeking through the gap and seeing the tall visage of the blonde, he got curious and opened more.

"Yes, who is this," he asked in a cautious tone.

"Yo, my name is Naruto Uzumaki, this is Sirius. We are from Fairy Tail" he said cheerfully trying to lift the mood of the people in the room. He saw their eyes shine with hope a bit, as he stood in front of them.

"Please come in," he said and dragged Naruto in and Sirius followed in.

"We are thankful that you could make it. I think you didn't have any difficulty coming here" asked an old man who might be in his late 50s or 60s, Naruto couldn't guess. But he had grey hair, so that must be an indication.

"Nothing at all, Sir. I came here as soon as I can and hope that I'm not late" said Naruto in a concerned tone. He came to help these people and if he is late, he is going to rectify his mistake for his tardiness.

"No, son. You are on time actually. The demand you read in the mission was made 25 days ago and since the day we didn't pay, our women got kidnapped from the town. But recently, a more ludicrous demand was made and the time to pay soon ends. We are just concerned about what the kidnapper is going to do when they found that we don't have any money. That is the reason why the job is mis-ranked as a Normal job instead of S-class" said the mayor in a sombre tone.

'Mis-ranked. I guess my luck for danger didn't leave me yet. The Old Man's concerns were not misplaced then' thought Naruto.

'So the master was right. This is an S-class Job. Let's see how they react when we complete this mission' thought Sirius with a smile. He knew the limits of himself and his father and for someone to push him and Naruto to that level is going to take some real fight.

"Mis-ranked you say. That is no problem for us. Don't worry, we are going to help you and save the women and everyone kidnapped" said Naruto and the people in the room had a relived expressions.

Soon, night approached and all the people became even tenser as the darkness engulfed the village. Naruto was on high alert and kept his Sharingan active to look for the slightest use of Magic and soon he felt the Magic spike he is waiting for, in the northern direction.

"Everyone, do inside and take cover. This is going to get bloody here. Cover all the windows and doors and do not come out unless I call you. Now move" he ordered no room for argument by the villagers, all the people scrambled into their houses. Naruto activated the Barrier seal he had put on the houses during the daytime and all the houses were covered in the blue-tinted barrier which would stop the sound and attacks to pass through it. It is a small village, so it didn't take much Magic nor time to set up a basic barrier. He just needs to wait for the person to arrive and a black hooded person soon stood in front of Naruto. Sirius was standing far to the side undercover in case of any help was needed.

"A mage. Interesting. Which are Guild are you from" asked the man in a cold tone.

"I'm a Fairy Tail mage. Uzumaki Naruto is the name" said Naruto in a conversational tone.

"Naruto, I have no idea a mage with that name existed in that foolish Guild. By chance, are you a newbie?" he asked tauntingly.

"Yes. I am. Joined a few days ago" replied Naruto, but his tone turned serious now and his stance changed from that of a lazy one to the battle-ready stance.

"Fairy Tail mage. I heard you fairies are headstrong and charge into battles often. Let's see how you stand against me, the great Black Skull" he said and took his hoodie down to a gruesome face.

There is no face there or it was fully covered in black paint or 'Magic. His face is imbued in magic. What kind of stuff is that' thought Naruto and prepared himself for the attack. The man charged a large ball of magic around his head and sent it at Naruto as if it is a ball. Naruto shielded himself with a light shied and the explosion caused the ground to crack.

"Aren't you strong? Good. You at least have some power. I can happily play with you" said the man and with a maniacal grin he started to engulf the whole village in darkness but Naruto had enough of it as he knew what he will do when the mist engulfs the village. He used his magic and made it shine in the air on the village at the near intensity of the sun and the light penetrated the mist and the villagers had seen how a midnight sun feels like on that night.

"Light Style: Image of Sun" is the attack name.

"So you use sun magic. What a coincidence. I always fight a Light element Mage. Let's see who's magic is strong" he said and made a hand gesture and Naruto felt the ground shake and black wisps come out of it. Naruto decided to take the fight out of the village because of the damage they could cause with their Magics.

He made a downward hand gesture, and the sun made of light started to come down and started to engulf the man. Naruto made it to swallow him in it as a prison. Inside, some seals came and suck his magic away to restrain him. He left the village to the surrounding forest. Which proved to be a good idea as the man broke free of his prison and stared at Naruto in disdain.

"You have made a grave mistake, Fairy Tail mage. I'll show the wrath of a Black Skull" he said and they engaged in combat again. But this time Naruto could tell the man is not holding his punches and so he activated his Sharingan. One direct look is enough to put the man in an illusion and that opportunity came when his head rose to see Naruto in disdain.

"Sharingan: Genjutsu- False Sleep" whispered Naruto and the man felt hazy, he fell asleep, though he fought valiantly, he couldn't stop the effects of the illusion. Naruto walked up to the now snoring man and opened his eyes and entered his mind to get the details of the women he kidnapped.

There he saw some of the darkest and violent acts done to women in his life. They were transported to Seven, a county bordering Fiore and this man whose name was Volcan Dodgy was the one responsible for such trafficking. He would cover the village in his black mist magic and then kidnap women to be transported to Seven for trade or for their 'personal uses'. Naruto's blood boiled seeing one after other events that were done to women who were already kidnapped.

The women he kidnapped from this village will be transported tonight and he had just a few hours to save them without causing any international incidents. Naruto left the man with Sirius overlooking in a hastily mad stone house to the nearby seashore. The ship would be somewhere on the shore waiting for the man's arrival with some other women as payment from the village and the leave for good.

Naruto reached the shore in a whirl of wind and took to the skies to get a good look at the ship. It was guarded by some men on the outside and when he sensed for magic, it was minimal. Naruto used his Sharingan and Light in conjunction and made an illusion and knocked the guards one by one. As he did that, he received minimal opposition as the only mage on board is in his custody. He went to the chamber where all women were tied and released them.

They were nothing worse for wear with some suffering from malnutrition but nothing severe. He made clones and they all guided them back to the village to the town hall. Seeing their loved ones back made the villagers celebrate in joy and Naruto told them to call the Rune Knights after his departure with the reward.

Overall, a successful job and again, no damage at all. This shocked the Rune Knights. A Fairy Tail Mage doing no damage to their surroundings is something unheard of. The Magic Council always thought they are nothing but a bunch of trouble makers. The Captain of the Squad, Henry Spade immediately wrote a report to the Magic Council of the Mage and the people he captured.

Naruto shocked the people again with no clue of doing it willingly. He went to his house and slept like log after a day full of adventures. He liked this life more than his Shinobi one.

And Cut

That's it for this chapter folks. I hope you all enjoyed it.

Comment your opinion on the story. And vote in the poll about the weekly stories.

If you have any questions, ask me in your comments or PM me.

Don't forget to suggest to me the techniques of Mangekyou Sharingan you like Naruto to have and if they are good, they might be given to Naruto.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Black Infinity 1289,

Ja Ne.