
Dragon God Slayer

While Naruto and Sasuke were having their battle at the valley of the end, during the Sasuke Retrieval Mission, so many things cause a tear in space, sending Naruto to Earth Land. Found by a Dragon God, what would Naruto do in this new world. Adventure, maybe. Dragon God Slayer Naruto. Strong Naruto.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
190 Chs

Bubble Gum Trouble 2

A Day Later, Magnolia

They finally reached Magnolia after a day's journey as Naruto used many types of transport not sticking to flying. The group was dizzy and was about to snap when he teleported them to his house. It was evening by the time they reached.

"Alright guys, you can rest for the night here. Kagura, you can take Sirius's room while we all sleep somewhere around." He said and everyone was very tired to protest.

While everyone dispersed, Naruto went through his clone's memories and found a few interesting things. He went to the rooftop and found the person he was searching for.

"I didn't expect to find you here, Mira. What are you doing here?" He asked with a knowing smirk.

From his clones' memories, in the month/ month and half, he was gone, only 2 people came to take care of the house. First is Loke, Mira was the second person.

"It's you, isn't it? You sent Loke with Erza." She said smoothly, not turning. It's not a question, but a statement. Naruto smiled widely and walked toward her.

"Don't tell that to the poor fellow. He will kill me. How are you doing?" Naruto asked, moving towards her.

"Me? I'm doing well. I'm gonna kick your ass in the S-class trials!" She proclaimed with her fist high.

"Why are you sad, Mira? Why are you crying?" Naruto asked, turning her towards him. He can see tear tracks and puffy eyes from crying.

"Naruto, Naruto-"

"I'm here. Tell me," he said gently, squeezing her shoulders in assurance.

"Do you think I'm ready to be S-class? I can't match you or Gildarts. I even lost to others and couldn't make it in time." She said as tears started to form in her eyes.

"Ah, um, sorry. That's my fault. But that doesn't matter this time. You have me training you, remember? Though I can't take you through every step, I can make you strong enough for you to go on your own.

Come on, show me the confident and strong Mira I knew. This crying girl is not my Mira." He said encouragingly and Mira's heart fluttered at his every word and that last word, it felt different.

She felt her confidence return and the will she lost come back to her. It's that feeling again. But her mind didn't mind it but focused on the cocky blonde in front of her.

"Really? You think it's because you, I became strong, blondie?" She asked changing into her She-Devil form and punched him.

"Yup, all because of me!" He teased and took to the sky with a goofy smile. Mira leapt to chase him and it turned to be a hide and seek across Magnolia.

After some time of playing around, Naruto dropped the white-haired mage at her home and saw Lisanna take her in. 'Rest, Mira. Everything will be alright. I believe in you.' He thought as he returned.

Though he didn't ask what made her cry or doubt herself, he knew it was something deep and she would share it on her own. With that in mind, Naruto went to bed.

With Loke

'I'm going to kill that blonde bastard for this. If not for that stupid blonde, I would be happy flirting with girls. But noooo. He has to intervene and send me with this…this woman.' Loke thought in frustration.

She is a pain in the ass, he will agree with that. She is too strict for his tastes to talk and doesn't hold back when she wants to 'punish' him for some dumb reason.

He is sure more than a few of his bones cracked and some other areas were injured. If not for this stupid job, he would be long gone by now. But it's almost over now. He is going to be a free man soon.

"Come on, we must catch the train before it leaves!" Erza said in a stern tone as she moved through the thick forest. With a groan, Loke followed her.

"100-kilo press!" They heard someone say and Loke felt heavy suddenly. His body felt limp and stuck to the ground.

"Ugh. What is this sudden weight?" He groaned as his muscles screamed in pain.

"What? Who are you? Identify yourselves!" Erza said in a commanding tone. She looked around and saw 2 new people. With Loke.

First is a tall young woman with short blond hair and bright green eyes. She wore a yellow and orange hat, as well as a yellow dress with a lemon-like pattern, lemon earrings, white high-heeled shoes and a blue jacket with white stripes over this.

She had a bright yellow parasol with blue stripes in her hands. She was smirking at her while sitting on Loke's back. Loke seemed to be in pain, which, Erza can't understand.

Next to her was a tall, dark-skinned man with black hair in short spiky dreadlocks. He wore a brown trench coat with a pink cravat and a pair of sunglasses, looking at her boredly.

"Look at that, it doesn't look that difficult to sneak on you. What do you say, Gum?" The woman spoke to the man with a taunting smirk.

"Yes, it looks like it, Bubble. Let's get this over with and-" he stopped himself and Erza's eyes narrowed.

"Are you sent by someone? Who is it? Tell me and I'll let you go." Erza said in the same commanding tone.

"Too bad, there is no such thing. How about you come quietly with us, or else-"

"Or else what?"

"Or else this good looking man here will be crushed under me." Bubble said with a happy smile, patting Loke's head.

"You bastards. I'll kick your ass!" Loke squeezed out with effort as he felt the weight on him increase.

"Aw, what a cutie. You should say that when you can fight." Bubble said as she increased weight again.

"Chain Dome!" Loke yelled and chains started to form around him and soon, Bubble had to move as she didn't want to get pierced by one.

A dome of chains formed around Loke, protecting him. He breathed heavily, taking in large gulps of air. After a few minutes, the dome dispersed and he looked healthier now.