
Dragon God Slayer

While Naruto and Sasuke were having their battle at the valley of the end, during the Sasuke Retrieval Mission, so many things cause a tear in space, sending Naruto to Earth Land. Found by a Dragon God, what would Naruto do in this new world. Adventure, maybe. Dragon God Slayer Naruto. Strong Naruto.

BlackInfinity_1289 · Anime e quadrinhos
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190 Chs

Adjusting 2

With Loke

The last job experience was life-changing for him to say the least. After Naruto Clone explained what happened after he went blank, he couldn't hold it.

It was plain disgusting to be controlled and controlled by a vile creature like a Demon and do its bidding didn't sit well with the Celestial Spirit.

He has been contemplating his plan of action. 'I can't stay weak and goofy like this. I need to be strong. Strong for Naruto to protect Sirius. Naruto left Sirius in my care. It was my responsibility to protect him. I was... useless. Plain useless.

Couldn't do a thing. I'm not going to be like this. Naruto saved me twice. I must repay him. Repay him by becoming strong and should be able to protect Sirius in his absence.

I swear, I'll become strong. Not for myself, for the guy who gave me a second life. Who saved me twice and for any of my future friends,' vowed Leo as he stared at his constellation in the sky.

With Mira

After she walked in with Lisanna following with a happy smile, she couldn't help but smile widely at her little sister. She started to share titbits of the job.

"So when I saw all these Demons, I killed all of them with one large blast," said Mira, making a blasting motion with her hand.

"What did big bro Naruto do?" Asked Lisanna curiously.

"He was busy collecting all the Lacrima while I got the action part," boasted Mira when Elfman came.

"Big sis," called Elfman upon seeing Mira talking to Lisanna. He came and hugged her, crying in joy.

"Mira, I managed to change my second arm," said Elfman in joy with happiness filling his voice and body.

"Really?" Asked Mira in surprise and hugged Elfman tightly with joy. She didn't think Elfman would make such progress in such a short time.

"Yes, big sis. Big bro Elfman is working hard for it and managed to transform his second arm a few days back," said Lisanna with a happy cheer.

"Then we should celebrate. Party," called Mira and Lisanna jumped in joy.

"I will be able to fully transform one day, big sis," said Elfman with a confident smile. Mira's heart warmed seeming a confident Elfman and she nodded in acknowledgement.

"You will, Elfman," she said, ruffling both Lisanna's and Elfman's hair as they laughed in joy.

'Damn blonde. So he is right,' thought Mira, remembering the advice a certain blonde gave to them before leaving on their job.

The night was well spent in the Strauss house as the siblings ate their favourite dishes and celebrated Mira's successful SS-class job and Elfman's successful arm transformation.

Next Day, Fairy Tail Guildhall

It was a regular day in the Fairy Tail Guildhall as everyone was up to their morning routine, Natsu challenging Gray, Happy talking about fish.

Cana drinking and having a competition with Makarov, whose cheeks were lightly flushed. Macao and Wakaba betting on something.

A missing Erza and team Shadow Gear as they were on jobs somewhere. But everyone didn't expect the loud shout that came next.

"YO!" came a loud greeting as the Guildhall entrance was kicked open with a familiar blonde coming in.

Naruto came alone as Loke and Sirius still need a week more rest to fully recover as they didn't want to show up limping and bandaged.

Everyone's attention shifted to the blonde S-class mage as he walked in with confidence and a cheerful smile, greeting everyone he came across.

"Newbie. Fight me!' Yelled Natsu as he charged towards Naruto with a flaming fist.

"He just came back from a job you idiot," said Gray but Natsu was on Naruto by the time. Naruto just sidestepped and threw Natsu… somewhere.

"Ah, Naruto. It's been a while," said Makarov with flushed cheeks and a hick-up. Naruto nodded. He noticed the absence of Mira and Makarov rose an eyebrow.

Just after a minute with another loud bang, Mira entered with her siblings and the first thing she saw was a flying Natsu, who was about to fall on Lisanna and pulled her aside.

The Fire Dragon Slayer hit the wood floor of the Guild building and made a small dent in it with a loud snap which made some members wince.

"Oopsy, Natsu. Didn't you see," said Mira as a dazed Natsu woke up with a dancing blonde around his head, disorientated.

"Stupid new-bue," he said in a dazed tone and fell unconscious.

"That's why I told you to wait, idiot," said Gray in pity.

"So gramps, see?" Asked Naruto with a smile, wiggling his eyebrows. Makarov went into deep thought observing Mira.

'Hmm, she is strong and seems to have got some kind of boost. Well, I can't deny his spar now,' thought the Old Master, his drunk state vanishing.

He nodded to Naruto silently asking him to follow him to his office and Naruto followed him after greeting his white-haired partner for the SS-class job.