
Getting out of the forest

Despite the overwhelming odds, Kyle felt no fear. He had been trained in magic and swordsmanship since coming to this world. He leapt into the air, spinning his sword above his head, and brought it down with a mighty force, sending a shockwave of energy through the ground. The monsters trembled and cowered, but Kyle was not finished yet. He summoned a massive ball of fire with his magic, and hurled it at the remaining monsters. The ball exploded upon impact, engulfing the monsters in flames and reducing them to ash.

All the students watched it in awe. They all were stunned. They all couldn't believe their eyes that Kyle the boy they had looked upon was this powerful. Nathan which was considered to be a priodigy in combat and was considered to be the strongest in the group was only able to defeat one of the giant monsters. But Kyle defeated eight of those giant monsters and also defeated hords of goblins alone without any much effort.

He was more powerful than the whole group of them together. As prideful noble kids they were having a hard time accepting it.

"How ,how that commoner can do it, there's no way that possible. There must be something wrong with it. Ya there mudt be something wrong. " James fell on the ground with a terrified expression. It seems in the group he was in the biggest shock.

Kyle puted his sword back into its scaabard and went towards Nathan's side. When he went near him. All three of them Annora, Eira and Nathan were still watching him with awe. "Kyle how have you done that" Nathan asked in surprise.

"Your highness I know you have many questions to ask but we have more urgents to matters to deal with right now." Kyle said while smiling wearily. He started using his magic to heal Nathan's wounds.

He thought to himself" It seems I revealed to much power here. I should have tried to hold back more. But what do I do now. " He sighed he could already see William asking him a barrage of questions after getting out of here and getting involved into many troubome matters. He sighrd one last time and got his act together and then said to Nathan. "Your highness we have already gotten quite late to achieve our target goal. We should hurry and get out of the forest as soon as possible. Afterall other students also don't seem to be in good morale."Kyle said to Nathan with a serious expression.

" Yes it seems so. We will start moving after casting healing spell on all the injured people. In the meantime we should plan which route we should take now." Nathan said while looking at Annora and Collete. "Kyle you come too." Nathan also invited Kyle. It seems the image of Kyle in his mind had improved very much. Earlier Kyle was just a stranger to him but now for him he was not just his life saver but he was aldo the life saver of both his sisters. That's why he was very grateful to Kyle. "Your highness how could you let that commoner join the important meeting." "Yes your highness how can you do it." James and Steven both said hysterically.

"Shut up both of you , if not you both we would not have found ourselves in situation." Natha shouted at both of them with anger. He is already filled with rage towards both of them. He was barely holding himself from beheading those two.

"But your highness" Both of them still tried to defend themselves.

"Enough! We have more important things to deal with right now. Kyle's abilities have proven to be of great value to us, and we will need his help to complete our mission. So, whether you like it or not, he will be joining us." Nathan said firmly, his voice brooking no argument.The two nobles grumbled, but they knew better than to argue further with the crown prince. They kept their complaints to themselves and started helping with the wounded students.

As they worked, Nathan turned to Kyle and said, "I owe you my life, Kyle. I will not forget your bravery and skills in battle."

"Your highness, I am just doing my duty. I am glad that I could be of help." Kyle said, simply bowing respectfully.

Alright, everyone, let's gather our things and move out. We need to find a safe route out of this forest and reach the meeting point before sunset."

The group started packing their bags and checking their weapons. Kyle helped in whatever way he could, using his magic to heal the wounded and carrying the bags of those who were too weak to walk.

As they started moving, Nathan and Annora walked ahead, discussing their strategy. Collete and Eira walked behind them, chatting about the adventure they had just experienced.

James and Steven walked in the middle, still sulking and grumbling. Kyle walked beside them, sensing their hostility towards him.

He decided to break the ice and said, "You know, I don't blame you for feeling jealous or angry about what happened back there. I would have felt the same way if I were in your position."

The two nobles looked at him in surprise. They had not expected him to be so understanding and empathetic.

"However," Kyle continued, "We are all on the same team now, and we need to work together if we want to survive this mission. So, let's put our differences aside and focus on the task at hand."

The two nobles nodded, still feeling a bit uneasy about the whole situation. But they knew that Kyle was right, and they needed to put their personal feelings aside if they wanted to succeed.

As they walked deeper into the forest they encountered more monsters. But most of them were dealt by Kyle and Nathan. While fighting against this monsters the frienship between Nathan and Kyle started to grow. While Kyle could also sense the attitude of other students towards him had improved very much.