
Dragon Butler

I am Akame, a Supreme Dragon. At the request of one of my benefactors, Dark Goddess, I decided to help her and save her Saintess. So, I become her butler and started to help the Saintess live her life and have happiness in her life.

Rapid_Ooze09 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter-3[Duke Adrian]


"Kid, show me your Id, and I will let you enter." He said but his expression eased a lot.

Guess it didn't work. Now time for some magic.

'[Mind Control]'

A thin thread of mana shot from my body and entered the man's forehead, and with that, a link was formed between me and the man.

Using that link, I ordered the man to move backward as I followed behind him. It was like controlling a puppet.

'Be careful in the city, kid'

"Be careful in the city, kid." He said, following the words I told him to say.

With steady steps, I entered the city while at the same time, I looked into the head of the man, for every possible information on the city.

After walking for a while, I cut the connection between myself and the guard.

It was a creepy feeling to control a human-like puppet. Well, I would use it again if the need ever arose.

Many people all around me continued to stare in my direction, well I guess silver hairs were abnormal. Not that it matters to me.

Making my way towards the largest mansion, that I had saw while I was flying, also concealing my presence as a whole because I don't want some pests to follow me right now.

After several minutes, I reached in front of the mansion and the sun also went down with the atmosphere turning dark but the street lights made the atmosphere bright again.

Hoh, they have taken quite a good care for the safety, haven't they?

Who would have thought that an anti-teleport magic circle along with many others would be laid in this mansion?

Should I just jump through the wall or go with the formal way?

Well…formal way sounds better.

Making that decision, my body vanished from the place and the next moment, I appeared in an office room-like place with a wooden desk that had several documents laid on it, some sofas for guests and also some drawings hung on the wall.

This room was the room where I sensed the strongest aura in the whole mansion except the Dark Aura. And the man who was releasing this aura was a middle-aged man with golden hair and a robust build, wearing square glasses and having a tired look on his face. The man was completely engrossed in his work.


My right eye shined as a pentagon magic circle formed on the surface. One of the magic of this world, modified by yours truly, me.

[Adrain Avarice Race- Human

LV. 43 Class- Swordsmen


MP- 430/430

Strength 540 Endurance 560 Agility 400

Mana 420 Dexterity 540 Luck 140


Swordsmanship Lv.5 Management Lv.4 Fire Magic Lv.4

Leadership Lv. 5 Mana Control Lv.3 Body Strengthening Lv.4

Title- Lord of Avarice Dukedom, Ex-General.


Wow, he got some strength but still weak.

But I guess he really was the Father of Lilliana, so it would make things easier on my part.




(Adrain's POV)

Haa…today was way too tiring.

The reports of a large shadow moving around the territory made things even worse. Who knows what that thing was, but I still need to arrange everything in an emergency case.

And this pile of other documents too. I don't remember the last time my table was actually clean, with no work-related documents on it.



Suddenly, I felt a presence in the room, making me quickly turn alert. I was damn sure that there was nothing in my surroundings and teleporting in my mansion is impossible.

I lifted my head and my sight fell on a silver-haired boy who was looking at me with a curious look on his face.

Who was this kid!?

I quickly placed my hand on my sword and just as I was about to take it out, a pressure descended on me. My whole body turned weak.


I felt an ocean of mana weighing on me, my legs gave in and I collapsed from my chair. But using my hand, I supported myself from smashing my face on the ground.


That was the only thing that lingered in my mind. One single mistake and I would lose my life.

"Mister, could you please not point weapons at someone you met for the first time?" The boy said with his finger on his lips. "Do you have any idea how much scared I became because of that?"

Damn it!

I may have been fooled if not for the smile on the boy's face. It was clear that he was enjoying this situation.

I tried to speak but no words came out of my mouth. It was as though I had lost my voice but it was clear that it was this boy's doing.

"Are you ready to…pftt…speak now, Mister?" The boy said while covering his mouth to stop himself from laughing.

I nodded. There was nothing I could do. My life was in his hands.

Suddenly, all the pressure that was on me vanished and I started panting while filling my lungs as much as I could.


Looks like I was holding my breath too.

After a minute, during which the boy went and sat on the sofa, I too got my bearings alright and stood from the ground using the chair as a spot and went toward the boy and sat on the sofa in front of him.

A table was placed in front of us. There were some biscuits and pastries and also a weird black drink in front of me, and the same in front of the boy.

I looked at the boy, whose silver hair seemed to be magical, and looked into his black eyes. The eyes shone like they contained knowledge and experience I could never grasp.

It was quite frustrating considering that the boy looked around my daughter's age.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" I asked seriously while placing my elbows on my legs and my chin on my hands.

I knew for a matter of fact that I could do nothing to the boy in front of me, so there was no point in trying to act brave or something.

"Wow…Mister, you are really something else," The boy said, "As for what I am? I am called Akame, a Dragon."

I don't know whether to feel happy about being complimented or something else…but wait… a dragon? Huh…?!

"A DRAGON?!!" I asked, surprised.

My voice was quite loud, which was natural! Dragons are a creature of mass destruction! They love to destroy everything they saw!!

Why was a dragon here?! Is it to give me a warning that it was going to destroy my dukedom?!

"Mister, I am a dragon, but don't worry, I am not here to destroy or anything," Akame said.

'A dragon that doesn't create destruction!? Like hell, I am going to believe that!!'

"Anno…not all dragons are like that though." He said in a tired tone.

Like hell, they are not! I killed a dra….WTF!!

How did this kid know what I am thinking?! Mind-Reading?! Black Magic?!

"Bingo, it's Mind Reading." He said with a thumbs up in my direction.

Damn those dragons…wait…dragons were good.

"Yes, Dragons are good." He nodded.

"Haa…" A sigh escaped my mouth.

"So, what are you here for?" I asked while feeling more tired than ever.

The boy pointed at the cup in front of me and said, "Drink that, it would help you."

I nodded. I was not worried about poison and all. And why would I even be worried? This kid could annihilate me with a single strike.

Picking the cup, and bringing it near my mouth, I was hit with a weird aroma. But it felt kinda nice too.

After taking just a single sip, I felt it. I felt the need that my body was missing. I felt like I had founded my other self.

My entire body felt refreshed and not only that, but I also felt my brain activity increased.

In just one time, I drank the whole cup. Even though it was a little hot, it suited my appetite.

Placing the cup on the table back, I looked at Akame, but why did he look like an angel? The wings, that Halo…wait, was he originally an Angel who had come to give me this drink, this holy water?

…But why did his eyes turn into dead eyes?

"Mister…I am neither an angel nor was this Holy Water. I am a bonafide dragon, and the drink was coffee, a caffeine drink." He said and stood up from the sofa.

Beautiful silver wings formed on the Akame's back, and along with that was the tail. I see…

So, he really was a dragon.

Akame nodded his head in acknowledgment.

So…this was dragon's Water then? Draconic Water? But it really contained some magic. All the tiredness that I was feeling vanished away.

Akame took his seat back as those wings and tail vanished, and looked at me with a dead look in his eyes, again.

"Mister, just how much work are you doing? Even I am feeling sorry for you." He said, worriedly.