
Ch. 186: Hanna's Busy Schedule

"So... What do you think, Hanna? I managed to give them the runaround for now, but..." Mr. Satan was in my office at Legacy. It'd been a month or so since Goku had come home, and every day so far has been a whirlwind of extra work for me (Most of which was handled by Chelsea, but still). 

Today was a big headache that I'd actually been expecting, or dreading, for a while. I'd hoped that they'd wait a year or so before giving me this, but apparently the World Martial Arts tournament people liked to plan ahead.

Mr. Satan was the face of Legacy. Him and his team were the only Legacies that I let show their faces, and they were the only Legacies that dealt with criminals and the like at the moment. That made a lot of people think that they were at the top of the Legacy pecking order, and made all of our decisions, even though that wasn't true.

It actually was true that Mr. Satan was paid far more than any other Legacy. In fact, his salary was so jokingly massive that I'd had a mansion built for him, based on the one that Goku and Buu had fought at before the Tournament of Power in the original timeline, but the reason for that was to use him as our public face, so that the rest of us could do whatever we wanted to without being bothered. While Mr. Satan pandered to the crowds and lived it up in his mansion, the rest of us trained in complexes five times bigger and didn't have to deal with any of the politics involved. Honestly, it was a beautiful system that I had in place. The only way for anyone to contact the 'mysterious head of Legacy' was either through Capsule Corp, or through Mr. Satan. 

And the World Martial Arts people had chosen to do it through Mr. Satan.

They'd essentially asked him the same thing that I'd expected them to. They wanted Legacy to participate in, and sponsor, the next World Martial Arts tournament. Since Mr. Satan had won the last one a little over a year ago, it made sense that they'd use that connection, and I'd actually been thinking about sponsoring that tournament anyways, but the problem was that Mr. Satan had told them that he needed to talk it over with his boss before he could get back to them.

Long story short, the tournament people now wanted to speak with his boss. Me.

Naturally, I couldn't just go and speak with these people. I had the body of a nine year old. I couldn't let it out that the leader of Legacy was only a child, so I'd have to use Chelsea as my go-between instead. And with how busy Chelsea had been lately dealing with Goku and Vegeta's returns, that meant a lot of headaches for me.


With my dad and Vegeta both back on Earth, it was only natural that those two training-obsessed weirdoes would use the Legacy system to find training opportunities. Volcano eruptions, tsunamis, giant earthquake-causing moles, the system was great for finding the toughest, least survivable situations on the planet easily. There were no problems with them using those situations for training. That was a good portion of why I'd created the system in the first place. After all, using those situations to train would still lead to them getting resolved.

The problem was that once the system notified Legacy of something on that scale, we needed to send someone to deal with it. That wasn't a choice. Once we sent someone to deal with the situation, we'd log the incident in the system, as well as the actions whoever we sent took to deal with it. If something went wrong, since we were tracking the person's movements, we could simply send someone else to help out, though that hadn't happened yet. 

Unfortunately, my dad had set up shop training here at Legacy with every spare moment. When something popped up on the system that caught his eye, four times out of ten, he'd use Instant Transmission to go and use it as training. Then, he'd pop back, all without telling us a thing. So we'd send someone out there to deal with the problem, and it'd already have been dealt with by him. That meant a wasted, paid trip for one of our Captains, and then Chelsea would have to deal with a stack of paperwork.

Vegeta would do this, too. Apparently, Bulma had access to the Legacy system at Capsule Corp, which was where he was staying. Four times out of ten, when something showed up that caught his eye, he'd go out to deal with it himself without even mentioning it to us. If Goku'd already dealt with it, I'd end up getting a call from Bulma about his bad mood. If not, I'd get an apologetic call from Bulma explaining what Vegeta had done. Either way, that left more paperwork for Chelsea to deal with when we sent a Captain out to deal with something that Vegeta had already fixed.

Naturally, we weren't paying those idiots for using our system like that. We were paying the people who actually logged the situation instead, which meant that every time Goku did so, I'd get an earful from my mother about it when I got home that night. 

And on top of that, I had 40 low class Legacies and 25 new trainees to deal with, which meant scheduling outings with the Captains for the Low Class people who hadn't made connections among the approved Captains or Pseudo Captains, and classes for the trainees. Plus, an excess of training with Gohan, Piccolo, and my dad in preparation for the Androids' arrival in a little under three years. Safe to say, I was more than a little busy. And now, I had a meeting with the World Martial Arts sponsors to add to that already packed schedule.

For My Reference, Name, Base PL, Max Known Increase, Position within Legacy, Code Name

Hanna: 4 Mil, Ssj X60, Leader, Nova

Gohan: 5.5 Mil, Grey X20, Pseudo Captain, Saiyakid

Krillin: 500k, Silver X25, Captain, Apollo

Piccolo: 750k, Silver X25, Pseudo Captain, Satan

Nappa: 500k, Grey X15, Captain, Bull

Raditz: 650k, Grey X20, Pseudo Captain, Michael

Pigero: 500k, Silver X25 (Spirit King X50), Captain, Gabriel

Tien: 300k, Silver X25, Captain, Triton

Chiaotzu: 200k, Grey X15, Captain, Aegis

Yamcha: 100k, Grey X12, Pseudo Captain (Captain Reject), X

Roshi: 100k, Pseudo Captain, Cassiel

Rise: 125k, Grey X10, Captain, Hermes

6 Nameks: ~75k, Grey X10, Captains, Roman Numerals

Hercule: 1k, Dummy Captain

Hercule's Team: 500, Dummy Team

Videl: 20k, Grey X5, Elite

Chelsea: 50k, Grey X10, Legacy Head Staff

5 Core Girl: 10k, Kaio X2, Legacy Staff

Cargo: 5k, Legacy Healer

3 Namekian Gardeners: Neg, Gardeners

40 Newbie Legacies: ~ 300 - 1200, Low Class

25 Trainee Legacies: ~ 100 - 650, Trainee

Chichi: 1k, Mother

Goku: 7.5 Mil, Ssj X65, Pseudo Captain, Zeus

Vegeta: 8 Mil, False Pseudo Captain, Lucifer

A lot of these names came from various mythologies, with Gohan and Nappa being the notable exceptions.

This was due entirely to the fact that they already technically had monikers when they joined Legacy, at least in Hanna's eyes. Nappa had been running around solving problems around the world like a bull in a china shop for nine months before joining Legacy, while Gohan's simply not quite old enough to be Saiya MAN yet, so Hanna called him Saiyakid as a joke that only she truly understood.

12 Legacy Captains

1 Dummy Team

6 Pseudo Captains

1 Vegeta

1 Elite

40 Low Class

25 Trainees

5 Core Girl Staff, 3 Gardener, 1 Chelsea, 1 Hanna

Aeon0creators' thoughts