

Son Goten, the youngest son of the legendary Son Goku, goes through life trying to live up to his father's legacy and be strong enough to protect the earth In this story the Majin Buu arc never took place so time of peace lasts longer. Goten and Trunks are teenagers in high school and Gohan is an adult married to Vidal. Goku is still dead and there hasn't been a martial arts tournament since the cell games.

Larry_Moore_9883 · Anime e quadrinhos
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54 Chs

Goku's Final Goodbye

Goku and Vegeta carry each other towards they're family and friends.

"That was... I don't even have the words, it was absolutely incredible." Krillin says.

Goten steps up.

"Yeah, you both were awesome." Goten says.

Both Goku and Vegeta smile.

"Thanks. But I think we did a number on the ring." Goku says.

Vegeta chuckles

"What did you expect from a battle between two Saiyan Warriors." Vegeta says.

Bulma, Bulla, and Trunks approach Vegeta. Bulma puts her hand on Vegeta's face, worried about him.

"Are you alright, dear?" Bulma asks.

Vegeta smiles.

"Yes, I'm fine." Vegeta answers, embracing his family.

Chichi then grabs Goku by the arm.

"My Goku." Chichi says.

Goku chuckles.

"I'm alright, hunny." Goku says.

The announcer then steps in the middle of the ruble that was the ring.

"Uh-Unfortunately because of the destruction of the ring, the championship match between Son Goku and Mr. Satan must be postponed to a later date." The Announcer says.

The crowd is disappointed but when Hercule hears this, he is relieved and jumps out to the crowd, laughing out loud.

"That's too bad, I was just itching to give that chump in the orange jump suit a thrashing!" Hercule says.

"We do apologize, folks. But what an amazing tournament it has been." The Announcer says.

As Hercule gestures to the crowd, he feels a hand on his shoulder. He turns around and sees Goku.

"Sorry about the ring, guess we got a little carried away. If you want, we can still have our fight somewhere else." Goku says.

Hercule keeps his composure and nervously laughs.

"That's alright, it wouldn't be really fair to the fans if they couldn't see it. It's a shame though, I was really looking forward to battling it out with ya." Hercule says.

As everyone chuckles, knowing the truth, Goten is amazed by Hercule.

"Wow, even though he's not all that strong, he still wants to fight my dad. He's pretty cool."

Bulla laughs at how gullible Goten is, putting her hand on his arm.

"Yeah, he sure is, Goten." Bulla says.

Gohan then approaches Goku and Hercule.

"Oh, Mr. Satan, I'd like you to meet my father, Son Goku." Gohan says.

Hercule is shocked by what he just heard.

"F-F-F-Father?" Hercule asks.

"Yeah, we actually met at the Cell Games." Goku says with a smile.

Hercule is even more shocked.

"C-C-Cell Games..." Hercule says.

Hercule then finally connects the dots and realizes who Gohan is, thinking all the way back to the Cell games and seeing a kid with blonde hair fight Cell. While Hercule is frozen in place, a confused Goku walks back over to his group of friends.

"Alright everyone, I still have some time to kill before I have to leave earth. What do you guys want to do now?" Goku asks.

At that moment, all the Saiyan's stomachs start to growl.

"We should probably get some food." Goten says with a smile.

Everyone laughs while Goku looks over at Mr. Satan, who is still in shock.

"Hey Champ! You wanna join us?" Goku asks.

Hercule is surprised and confused for a moment.

"Uh- sure, ok." Hercule says.

Later, at Capsule Corp, everyone watches in awe as all the Saiyan's, except Bulla, destroy a table full of food.

"Wow, I've never seen these many Saiyan's eat before." Krillin says.

"Yeah. Good thing I prepared some backup food, just incase this happened." Chichi says.

Bulma chuckles.

"Good call, Chichi." Bulma says.

Vegeta takes a big bite out of meat.

"By the way, Kakarot. I hope you don't think today changes anything. Sure, you're the best right now, but soon I'll close the gap between us." Vegeta says with a smile and a face full of food.

Goku smiles back.

"You can always try, Vegeta. But I'm not just gonna sit around while you train." Goku says.

Goten chuckles.

"Don't forget about me. I'm gonna be stronger than the both of you, remember?" Goten says.

"Hey, I'm not gonna be left behind. I'm aiming for the top." Trunks says.

Bulla sighs.

"Boys." She sighs.

Bulma and Chichi both put their hands on her shoulder.

"Tell me about it." They both say.

After eating, everyone talks, laugh, and have fun with each other. Even Vegeta seems to be having a good time, enjoying spending time with Trunks,Bulla, and Bulma. Goten and Goku get to know each other outside of fighting while both Chichi and Gohan see this and smile, happy that Goten gets to actually meet his father. Roshi gets drunk and starts dancing while Lazuli and Yamcha start arm wrestling.

Goten then looks over and sees everyone having a good time together with a big smile. Bulla soon walks over to him.

"Why are you standing over here for?" Bulla asks.

Goten snickers.

"I'm just enjoying this. You know I thought nothing would beat fighting for me. But I was wrong. Seeing everyone happy together- it's an amazing feeling. I wish it could last forever." Goten says.

Bulla smiles, leaning her resting her head on Gotens arm.

"Yeah, this is pretty great."

While that's happening, Chichi and Bulma sees this, in awe of how cute their kids are.

"Awwww." They both say.

Both Goku and Vegeta sees this as well, while Goku chuckles, Vegeta has a serious look on his face, knowing what this could mean.

Soon however, fortune teller Baba appears before everyone.

"Goku. It's time." Baba says.

Everyone is visibly upset by this, especially Goten.

"Come on sis, can't you give the boy a few more minutes here on earth?" Roshi asks.

"I'm sorry, but this is all I can do. We agreed on a day, nothing more."

Goku smiles.

"I get it. I'm still grateful for this time I got to spend with you guys."

Tears start to form in Chichi's eyes.

"Oh Goku." She says.

Goku hugs his loving wife.

"Goodbye, Chichi. Make sure Goten becomes way smarter than I am. I love you." Goku says.

Goku then walks over to Krillin and shakes his hand. Krillin, Roshi, Yamcha, and Bulma get emotional.

"It was great seeing you all again. It really felt like old times again." Goku says.

"Things aren't the same around here without you, Goku. These guys won't let me have any fun." Roshi says.

"We'll miss you." Bulma says.

Goku smiles and nods.

"Goku, you still think about us when you're in Otherworld, don't ya buddy?" Krillin asks.

"Of course, I'm always watching you guys. I even saw you train Goten like Master Roshi did us. I can't tell you how much that meant to me." Goku says.

Krillin is close tears, hugging his bestfriend and being comforted by Lazuli and Maron.

Goku then walks over to Vegeta and they share a handshake.

"Thanks for the fight, Vegeta. I'm glad we got to do it- one last time. It's always an honor to face the prince of all Saiyan's." Goku says.

Vegeta smirks.

"I should be the one thanking you, Kakarot."

Goku smiles.

"Goodbye. My friend."

Goku soon makes his way to Gohan and the two share a hug.

"Gohan, I am so proud of you. You be the best Scholar you can be, and keep taking care of Vidal."

Tears start to run down Gohan's face.

"I will, dad. I promise. I love you." Gohan says.

"I love you too, son."

Goku let's go of Gohan and share a silent nod with Piccolo. He then turns to a silent Goten with a smile on his face, putting his hand on his shoulder.

"You have really grown into a great young man. And an amazing fighter."

Goten smiles.

"Thanks, dad."

"I'm sorry, this'll be the last time I'll be able to comeback here. This is Goodbye." Goku says.

Goten looks down and nod in sadness. Goku tries to hold back tears while saying saying goodbye to his youngest son, letting on drip down.

"I promise. I'll keep my eye on you as much as I can...I can't wait to see how much you grow."

Goku says.

Goten looks at his father for a moment then smiles.

"Don't worry, I'll eat properly. And I'll always thank mom for every meal she cooks. I'll bathe almost everyday, but Gohan always said it's lightning quick dips. To tell you the truth I'm pretty average at school, I'm not as smart as Gohan but I still get decent grades."

Tears start to fall down Gotens face as he talks, while everyone else, except Vegeta and Piccolo, are overcome with emotion.

"I always try to be respectful. Especially to Mom, master Krillin, and even Grandpa Roshi. Mom doesn't like me being alone with Grandpa Roshi, because he always watches dirty movies. I don't know much about Alcohol, or girls, but Mr. Yamcha said he'd teach me some stuff... I promise, I'll do the very best that I can everyday. And I'll be strong, stronger than you, dad, and Mr. Vegeta, and everyone. Thanks to the fight I had with you today, I know exactly how far I need to go... You don't have to worry about anything while you're in Otherworld, I'll take care of mom, and everyone...  You don't have to worry  about me either... I'm doing my best."

As tears overflow through Gotens eyes, Goku embraces his son.

"That's good to hear, Goten. Just remember that I'll be cheering you on every step of the way. And that I love you." Goku says.

"Goku, you can't put it off any longer." Baba says.

Goku smiles.

"Gotcha." He replies.

He then let's go of Goten and puts his hand on his head.

"I'm proud of you, son." Goku whispers as he flies off with Baba.

"So long everybody! I'll see you all sooner or later!" Goku says as he soon fades away.

Goten just stares up at the sky, still filled with sadness. Bulla then walks over and holds Gotens hand in silence. Chichi soon joins him, kissing his head and putting her hands on his shoulders. Gohan then joins, rubbing his head and Trunks walks over, wrapping his arm around him.

Vegeta looks on for a moment, then steps forward.

"Boys!" He yells.

Goten and Trunks quickly turns around.

"Tomorrow, we're going to train. So be prepared to give it everything you got. Got it?" Vegeta says.

Both Goten and Trunks become determined.

"Yes, sir!" They both say.