
Chapter 106

After Whis had informed me of the bet Beerus and Champa had made, I decided to reject Beerus's invitation, I mean no one from universe 6 is strong enough for me to take an interest in other than Hit, and even then the only reason he is considered powerful is because of his time skip ability if he didn't have that he wouldn't have even beat Vegeta.

Sage-"I refuse to participate."

Beerus-"See, as long as Sage is h-WHAT!? What do you mean refuse!?"

Sage-"Just as I said, I don't wish to participate in some tournament where no one is going to be my match, besides did you forget, I came here on important business, not to fool around in some stupid tournament."

When I finished talking, I was about to fly away to go and continue with my training, but before I could Beerus grabbed my leg and stopped me from leaving.

Beerus-"But why not just participate, all you have to do is defeat everyone quickly!"

Sage-"I already said no, so just leave me alone!"

I started shaking my leg to get Beerus off, which didn't work as he continued to hold on tighter than before, but right in the middle of our little charade, Whis steps forward and advises Beerus.

Whis-"Hmm, instead of forcing Sage to participate, how about you give him an incentive for him to want to participate?"

When Whis said that, Beerus finally hopped off my leg which was starting to hurt at how forcefully he was griping it. Looking back at Beerus, I saw him standing in a thinking posture, which made me wait as I was curious about what he was coming up with to get me to join the tournament, about a minute later Beerus finally opened his mouth.

Beerus-"How about this, if you participate in the tournament, I will owe you a favor, but of course nothing outrageous. So do you accept?"

Hearing him talk about owing me a favor honestly surprised me as with how lazy he is, I figured he wouldn't ever want to owe someone a favor, and even if he did he would destroy them.

Sage-'I'm really not in need of Beerus owing me a favor, and I doubt Beerus would let me use the Super Dragon Balls, but then again having a God of Destruction owing me a favor couldn't hurt.'

Sage-"Fine, I'll participate, but I'm going last as I see no point in fighting if everyone else can take care of the opponents."

When I agreed to his request he got excited and started laughing, and I didn't really feel like staying any longer than I have to, so I quickly left the area after asking Whis how long I had till the tournament took place.

Sage-'Well participating in the tournament isn't going to disrupt my plans, just wondering if 21 is going to appear there or not, actually with how smart 21 is I doubt she will appear before 2 God of Destructions and 2 angels.'

When I arrived back at the mountain, I didn't change my routine now that I'm going to participate and I continued on as usual, meditating and training with Vegeta and Kakarot, at least until they left for earth a few days before the tournament starts.



Currently, I'm sitting inside Whis's cube which he made to be able to transport all of the Z fighters along with some of their family members, although I'm sitting as far away as possible from everyone and it seems like no one is trying to get close to me anyways.

Sage-'We've been flying for a while now, we should be close to our destination.'

About 5 minutes later, I saw the scenery outside the cube come to a standstill, which mean we must've finally arrived. Standing up from my meditating position, I walk forward to the edge of the cube and the first thing I see is a giant rock floating in space with a big dome on it, along with 6 giant Dragon Balls surrounding it. Whis controlled the cube to float through the dome as if it didn't exist in the first place and once the cube landed on the ground it disappeared.

Whis-"We've arrived everyone."

Vados-"Oh, brother you've finally arrived, and with an entourage at that."

When I heard someone say brother the first person I thought of was Champa, but that soothing voice could never belong to Champa, and besides I can sense Champa's presence isn't that close. Turning my head in the direction from where the voice came from, my eyes land on a woman, or angel I should say that looks identical to whis.

Sage-'Tch, Vados, yet another person I don't wish to encounter.'

While Whis and Vados have a conversation among themselves, along with everyone else making their way to the viewing area, I made my way to the viewing area as well as I had nothing better to do. A couple of minutes later once everyone has arrived, we finally get to see Champa make his way to the arena along with his team following him from behind.

Sage-'No 21, expected as much, but everything else looks the same.'

Watching Beerus and Champa have their aggressive conversation before flying off to their respective viewing areas, when they both arrived an announcer appeared in the arena and started speaking.

Announcer-"Alright everyone, I'm the announcer and I shall be your host and referee, now before I start the first battle I must explain the rules. Rule 1, leaving the boundaries of the arena results in an immediate loss, rule 2, being knocked unconscious will also result in your loss, and last but not least rule 3, you are only allowed to fight with your body, no weapons. Now with all the rules out of the way, it's time for the first match of the tournament to begin!"

Once the announcer finished speaking everyone who was going to participate started arguing among themselves on deciding who was going to fight first.

Piccolo-"I should go first."

Majin Buu-"No, Buu wants to go first!"

Vegeta-"Tch, I'm going first."

While they were arguing amongst themselves they didn't notice that Kakarot had already jumped onto the fighting arena, along with a giant gold bear, who I forgot the name of, following closely after, with both of them on the arena, Kakarot does some stretches before getting in his fighting stance, while the other guys gets into what looks like a sumo stance.

Announcer-"With the first participants already decided, the match shall now officially begin."

Yolo give me the shamway foodstore.

Thxs for any feedback :)

Ozonelayercreators' thoughts