
Elder Kai - Unleashing Gohan's Potential

Gohan landed with his father's unconscious body in his arms then placed him atop the gentle grass. Kibito approached and began to heal Goku, mumbling to himself as he did so. 

"Unbelievable. You mortals think you just come here and do whatever you want and it'll all be fine because I can heal you." 

"Relax, Kibito. Can't you see? Gohan has already become stronger from just a single fight with his father. It's incredible..." said the Supreme Kai.

"Well," Gohan said, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "We Saiyans do grow more powerful after every battle."

Once healed, Goku sprung to his feet, smiling at his son. "Gohan, that was incredible! Wow, I didn't think you'd be that strong already! That Tempered Super Saiyan sure is something else."

Kibito then healed Gohan's arm, which only took a few seconds. Before Gohan could thank his father for his words, a new voice came from behind the group.

"Yes, yes. The young man was quite impressive! Hehe!" The voice came from an old man who resembled Shin in striking detail. He also had lavender skin, silver hair, and pointed ears; however, his face was wrinkled. 

"Who are you? How did you get here!?" asked Shin, skeptical of the old man.

"Well, sonny, don't you see the resemblance? I'm you in fifteen generations!" the old man chuckled. "I'm the Supreme Kai!"

"What!?" Shin uttered, taking a step back. "There can be two Supreme Kai at once!?"

"Yep!" the Old man said, coughing into his hand. 

"How are you even alive? You mentioned fifteen generations."

"Well, long ago, an enemy who feared my awesome might sealed me away in that there Z-Sword. Mhm." 

"Do you think this guy is strong?" Goku asked his son.

"I dunno. I don't think so," Gohan answered.

Goku fired a Ki blast at the Elder Kai, wanting to test his strength. It hit the Elder Kai in the face and knocked him to the ground. Shin and Kibito panicked and sprinted toward the Elder Kai; meanwhile, the Saiyans looked at each other.

"You idiotic, infant-brained, buffoons! How dare you attack the Supreme Kai!" said the old man.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to test your strength..."

"It's not my strength that people feared! It was my..." The Elder Kai started moving his fingers like a magician as he continued, "Capacity..."

"Capacity?" Goku and Gohan both said, glancing at each other.

"Yes... my capacity..." Again, the Elder Kai wiggled his fingers in front of his face.

"Well... can I see?" Goku asked.



"Nah uh. Give me one good reason!"

Goku rubbed his head. "Well, let's see..."

'He's an old man like Roshi, so I bet he likes those magazines where the girls can't afford to wear clothes.'

"My old master likes girly magazines. Do you like those? I can get you some!" Goku said, bending down to the Elder Kai's level.

The Elder Kai scoffed. "Did you really think I would have a need for such a thing?" The Elder Kai folded his arms. 

"Yeah, Goku! How dare you suggest something so inappropriate to the Supreme Kai!" Shin added. 

"With my omniscient vision," the Elder Kai continued. "I can watch girls play beach volleyball whenever I want."

"You what!?" Shin yelled. "You're despicable!"

Goku rubbed his chin until his eyes lit up as he conjured up a new idea. "I know, how about I get you a date with a real-life human woman!?" Goku asked.

The Elder Kai put on a nonchalant facade, still crossing his arms as if he wasn't fully invested already. "Hmm... Is she a good kisser?"


"Well, in that case..." the Elder Kai started laughing to himself, picturing a human woman on his lap, locking her soft lips onto his withered ones. 

'Yup, this guy is just like Master Roshi...'

"Hey, Dad..." Gohan whispered. "How will you find a human girl willing to go on a date with this guy, let alone kiss him?"

"Well, that's the thing. I'm dead, so it's all up to you. It's gonna require a bit of sacrifice but you probably have a nice young lady in your life that you can ask, can't you?" 

Gohan literally erupted, instantly entering his Tempered Super Saiyan form and causing tremors to ripple through the planet. Shin, Kibito, and the Elder Kai were nearly knocked off their feet from the pressure emitting from him. Meanwhile, Goku shielded his face with his hands and arms.

"I WILL NOT LET THIS OLD PERVERTED FREAK ANYWHERE NEAR MY GIRLFRIEND!" Gohan yelled; his voice generating such pressure that Goku's hair and clothes fluttered backward and the old man fell on his behind.

"Woah, calm down! Sheesh... Who else do we know?" Goku looked up at one of the moons and started to think.

Gohan calmed himself and returned to normal, shaking his head at his father. 

'Geez, I forgot Dad was such an airhead. What did Mom see in this guy?'

Goku stretched a smile. "Got it!" he said before running up to the Elder Kai. "I have someone in mind, but she's a little older if that's okay."

"Doesn't matter to me, as long as she's a good kisser," said the Elder Kai.

Goku sprinted back over to Gohan. "What about Bulma?"

"Why are you asking me!? I'm not part of this!"

Goku looked back the Elder Kai. "You want lipstick or..."

"Yes! With lipstick, please! Either way, really."

"See, Gohan? All you have to do is get Bulma to say yes and boom! The world is saved!" Goku said, smiling dumbly with his fists to his chest.

"I'm not doing that..." Gohan told him.

Goku ran back over to the Elder Kai and shook his hand. "It's a done deal!"


"So, what are your capacities?" Goku asked.

"Let's just say I have the power to turn a kitty cat into a raging lion!" 

Goku lowered his brows and cocked his head. "You... you turn small animals into bigger animals?"

"No, you dimwit! I awaken people's hidden power!" After saying this, the Elder Kai turned his nose up and waited for Goku's visceral reaction. Shin and Kibito were mind-blown while Gohan looked somewhat intrigued. However, Goku looked disappointed.

"So, you're not strong at all then?"

"You fool! Don't you get it? I unleash people's potential! A pigeon turns into an eagle! A goldfish becomes a shark! Do you understand? It's an amazing power!"

"But... you can't fight with that power..."

The Elder Kai sighed and shook his head. He walked over to Gohan and asked him, "Would you like to have your sleeping power awakened?"

"Uh... sure. I guess," Gohan told him.

"Stand over there. Hurry, hurry." The Elder Kai pointed toward a specific spot in the grass, compelling the Saiyan to plant himself there. "Yes, you have great potential..."

The Elder Kai looked over at the Supreme Kai, wearing disgust on his face. "Unlike shoe-shine boy over there..."

"I- I tried my best..." Shin mumbled with a red face.

"Stay where you are and remain perfectly still..." The Elder Kai pointed his palms at Gohan before he started a strange chant and dance, reminiscent of something seen in indigenous societies on Earth.

"Wake up! Sleeping powers! Wake up! Sleeping powers! Wake up! Sleeping powers!"

'What the...'

The Elder Kai started circling Gohan, still dancing and singing. 

"Uh... how long is this going to take?" Goku asked.

"Five hours," said the Elder Kai.

Goku immediately placed his hand on his forehead. "Yeah, I'll be back when Gohan's powers are awake. See ya!" Goku instantly transmitted his body elsewhere, leaving Gohan with the Kais.

The Elder Kai continued to circle Gohan, chanting in what sounded like gibberish but was perhaps an ancient Kai dialect... 
