
Character Description And Other Stuff (SPOILER)


- Darc -

Our MC in this story has short black raven hair and sapphire colored eyes. That said his eyes are a dark clear blue.

Picture1 - Young Darc - http://666kb.com/i/e0th51vz299rfeosg.png

Picture2 - Older Darc - http://666kb.com/i/e0th29fthnkrm40zk.jpg

- Arkis -

Female Shin-Jin that Darc found on his journey. Has long white spiky hair that reaches her hips. Her skin color is red. (Android 21 in her Buu form is actually an almost perfect depiction of her. Minus the tail and the dark red eyes. She has normal black eyes.)

Picture: http://666kb.com/i/dyzuzf5yz8ixtiygw.png

- Lite -

The self-proclaimed best friend of MC has short blonde hair. His eye color is aquamarine - cyan green.

Picture: https://co.pinterest.com/pin/811914639048492455/

- Glew -

The science enthusiast of the group has relative long brown hair tied together into a ponytail. Her eyes have the color of a deep brown.

Picture: http://bluedragon.wikia.com/wiki/Kluke

- Luffa -

The shy girl that has a crush on MC but can't find to grasp a chance. She has fluffy long blond hair and grey eyes.

Picture: http://dragonquest.wikia.com/wiki/Fleurette

- Otamo -

The sporty mate of MC has the longest hair of the male part of the group. He also has blonde hair and grey eyes just like his younger sister Luffa.

Picture: https://co.pinterest.com/pin/



Darc has a neoprene-like suit that looks a lot like Vegeta´s in DBSuper.

The following armor in the picture is worn over the neoprene-like suit and is made out of the same elastic and sturdy material of the known armor from Vegeta (the white part). He wears this armor in a dangerous environment mostly and also does wear it sometimes when doing his missions. It does not implicate his movement. Otherwise, he is wearing very casual clothes most of the time or his gi for tournaments and the likes.

MC Spacesuit Armor: http://666kb.com/i/dya6l69zhy3951yww.jpg

Darc his god-form aura looks a lot like this but much calmer and more like a flame like super Saiyan god:



Do note these pictures are not my own and do belong to their rightful owners.

They only represent the vague appearance of the characters.

Updated 29.01.2019

Soulcrystalcreators' thoughts