
Im in dragon ball nice

(a/n this is what yamato looks like)

'system use the random skill and bloodline books'

{doing it now...}

Ding! you got a basic ki book[F]

Ding! you got a super rare bloodline dragon[S]

discription: lets the user turn in to a baby dragon and will become bigger and evolve when the user is at a certan power level gives user a defence buff and attack buff like haki just you dont haft to train it, it also gets stronger as you evolve.

'nice system intergrate the dragon bloodline'

{Ding! intergrating now...}

"AAAAHHH AH AHHHHH FUUUCK SHIT AAAAaaa" i scream before i pass out

{Ding! putting host in hibernation untill host is 5}


'what were am i'

{Ding! host is in pod and is about to be let out}

???"huh it seams this childs parents are died and died while on another planet" a alien says

???"welp its time to let him out"

"huh oh your letting me out"


???"yep now were going to the king because of your power level of 950"

' thanks system for suppresing my power level for me'

{no problem host}


???" here we are now step inside the king is waiting"

???" come on the king doesnt have alot of time you know"

"fine, fine ill go bye now" i say as i step into the kings palice

???"hello there you have cept me and my son waiting"

"im guessing your king vegeta and your son is prince vegeta" i say in a normal manner

king vegeta" lets get strait to the point i want you to train my son" he says as vegeta goes strait into battle

"HAH as expected from the kings son weak"

vegeta "how dare you mock me you scum" vegeta says cockily

"your still WEAK nothing as changed" i say as i break vegeta's left arm

"your gunna get that arm broken alot more" i say as i smirk

vegeta" HOW im the son of king vegeta and was born with a power level of 1000" vegeta says in aw

"even lower class can surpass the elite"

"now im leaving" i say as i turn my back and walk off

'now haft to find out what age it is, THATS IT ill go to bardock and ask what age it is'

'now were is bardock' i think as i ask a few saiyans around and there not as cold as they are said to be

' finally took some time but im hear' i think as i see gine

"exuse me what year is it " i say as i pull gine's close

gine" oh sorry its year 737 "

"im also sorry for not presenting my self im yamato"

gine" oh im sorry about you parents" gine says in a sorro voice

"why did you know my parents?"

gine" yes i knew your mother since i was 6 we went on a mission together everyone bullied me for not fighting and sparing the enemys, but she was there for me and defended me" gine says with a puff at the end

"wow thats alot to take in" i say sad

gine "the least i could for you is adopt you" she says happily

"WHAT" i say as my eyes are popping out of there socits

to be continued.....