
Chapter 50: Hyperbolic Time Chamber of Planet Tar

Chapter begins with Seraphine and Selena landing on the small planet Tar, their eyes scanning the seemingly barren surface.

Seraphine: "This place looks deserted. Are you sure the Hyperbolic Time Chamber is here?"

Selena reassures her: "Don't worry, it's here somewhere. We just have to find it."

After a bit of searching, they stumble upon a small structure with imposing doors. They step inside, finding themselves in a different dimension.

Within this dimension, there's no concept of day and night, just a constant, brilliant, white aurora. The reflective floor stretches to infinity, while the chamber's central building contains an entrance at its core. This entrance acts as a portal between the planet Tar and the Hyperbolic Time Chamber's unique pocket dimension.

Selena explains: "The Hyperbolic Time Chamber is a place where we can train and grow stronger quickly. Time is compressed here, so one day outside equates to one year inside. For us, one year of training will only translate to one day in the real world."

Seraphine is taken aback by the revelation. "A whole year? That's incredible!"

Selena further clarifies: "Yes, but there's a limit. We can only use the Chamber for two days in our lifetime. That means, if we stay here for two years straight, it counts as both of our uses. Be prepared, Seraphine, because it's time to surpass your limits."

Seraphine nods but Selena is curious about the sword on Seraphine back. She explains its origin, how she discovered it when receiving a mysterious signal while traveling after her recovery from fight with Malgarius.

Chapter ends...