
Dragon Ball H, Greater Days +18

Davion was a 17 year old boy that died. He was supposed to have been reborn as a baby but was put in the body of Raditz.

RollenMajor · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

Growth was the answer?

{Shoena's Adventure}

She was a blur before the eyes of normal people, dashing across the terrain.

Finding a dinosaur was easy. She was getting chased by one right now.

"I am in DISBELIEF!!" Panic showered her face. The earth beneath her shakes with each step of this beast.

"THIS CANNOT BE A TEST! THIS IS SURELY A DEATH SENTENCE!" Her confidence in overcoming and beating the land dragon was shot to hell.

"For someone with so much pride, you are quick to run." Beside her was none other than Davion himself.



"Why're you here?" She was quite puzzled. She didn't hear, see, or "sense" him at all.

"Why i'm here doesn't fuckin matter. Why you aren't fightin that fuckin dinosaur does matter." He did come here to observe her out of sheer boredom and concern but was disappointed at her cowardice.

"You do not understand."

He sighed before decreasing in speed.

"That thing is…." When she looked back over to him, she noticed he wasn't there anymore. She stopped in her tracks and looked back. What she saw before her very eyes was a man confronting a dinosaur(she calls them land dragons).

"DABURA!!" She says his name wrong yet again.

Davion was looking up at the large dinosaur who's attention was now on him.

"One thing I've learned is that one can attack without attacking." Glaring straight into the eyes, the beast notices his gaze and glares back. However, the beast stops itself as his gaze intensifies.

"No matter who or what it is, everything feels "pressure. " Animals are hypersensitive to this pressure, which immediately activates a flight or fight response. If they can take it head on, then they fight, but if it is too much for them, then they retreat. It makes them see something that isn't there. Like a scrawny man knowing they can't beat a man with more brawn."

"Tha-that's impossible."

Shoena has lived a life around normal humans and city martial artists for years. Seeing something like this was like a fairy tail to her. Which is ironic because she has vampire fangs, a cat tail and ears.

"You are witnessing this with your own eyes, but it's still impossible to you? Okay, how about this."

What she saw next was unbelievable. She witnessed something she had never imagined before.

When she registered the actions before her, Davion's fast was crammed into the dinosaur's skull. The large reptilian was on the ground dead. Its skull was shattered, and blood leaked from its nostrils and mouth.

"No way…." She was absolutely baffled. She's seen people destroy walls and throw boulders but taking out a dinosaur with one strike. It was a sight to behold.

"How….Ha…how is that possible?"

"Training. You have been taking training lightly just because you learn faster than others while there are people out here training as if their lives depended on it. While you take your own talent for granted."

Shoena didn't like those speeches of his. They were too accurate but he's only known her for a month.

"Why is he such a know it all." She clenched her fist in anger. "You know nothing."

"I know enough." He responds.

"Where will this pride get you in a real battle? Nowhere."

"You talk as if you've known me for a long time. As if you're above me." Her nails dig into her palms.

" I see us as equals regardless of what we have above each other."

"BULLSHIT!! I shan't believe in your blasphemous claims!! If you see me as an equal, then why hold back against me!!" Her anger was heard and taken note of.

"It is better to show you than to tell you." Davion directed the intensity he showed the dinosaur to Shoena. For that split second, the ferocity in her eyes met her knees weakened.

"I-I can't feel my le-" before the thought could finish, a knee rammed into her gut. She gasped for air as it left her. The feet that were once on the ground were swept off by the force emitted by Davion's knee. For the first time in her life, Shoena was sent flying by an attack. For a few meters, her body bounced off the ground repeatedly. She rolls across the dirt and laid their holding her stomach.

"Is that all you can manage?" Davion said after appearing before her. She took a glance at the ground and looked up at Davion. Swelling up inside her was nothing but anger. Davion looked down at her as if she were nothing more than a mere insect in his eyes.

"RRRRRAAAAAAAGH!!!!!" One foot crushed the ground beneath her. Her eyes fade from a beautiful, violent to a bloodthirsty red. This caught Davion's eyes by surprised. Her nails sharpen. Before he noticed, nails were nearing his left eye. His head tilts to the right, as he takes a small step that way, bending his knee to further avoid the attack.

"What the fuck was that?" His left knee rises up and flicks his foot into her chin. She instinctively tilts her head up. His foot slips by, only grazing her chin a little. She committed does a backflip to dodge and lands on her hands. His foot made back to the ground as her hands twist along the ground and sends a horizontal kick at the saiyan's face. His arms cross paths. One hand caught her foot while the other grabbed her shin. The hip twists with his body, sending her flying when he threw her. Like a cyclone, her body spins across the air. Her nails dig into the ground and she lands safely. Her eyes blinded by anger and desperation saw Davion as a blood bag she needs to devour.

"She's better than usual. Faster, stronger, it's like she's relying on instinct to fight me."

"RRRRRRAAAAAAARGH!!!" At full speed, she dashed at him.

"Sadly." As much as his Saiyan dna boiled from fighting an opponent who grew in such a small time frame, it wasn't enough.

Her left foot drags across the ground and sends power into the earth so she could lunge at Davion. Her fingers spread as she comes down with a shoulder to hip slash. His wrist connects with her's, stopping her from cutting him. He twist his hand to grab her wrist as the other hand palms her stomach. A concussive force surged through her spine, slightly disrupting her organs which made it hard for her to breathe.

He gripped her shirt and turned his upper body body away from her. his hip mo ves to her as his leg cups her. he leans over, pulling Shoena over his shoulder, flipping her body completely.and judo flipped her onto the ground. Her body was stunned from that attack, and he looked down at her yet again. "You're too feral. Beast tend to leave their body open while putting their entire body into one swing. It's too predictable, and that makes the attack easily avoidable."

Something that he noticed was the fact that she wasn't getting back up despite having the regenerative powers of a vampire. Besides the bruises on the surface, she wasn't truly injured. Her insides were just adjusted by the force but weren't damaged. So the reason why she hasn't gotten up yet was because of nerve damage and organ adjustment.

She laid on the ground, growling before falling asleep.

"Is it over? That was anticlimactic." He crouched before her and poked her cheek.

"What was that anyway? Some Vampire Frenzy like what they do in the movies? Her flexibility must've come from her cat side. How the fuck did her parents meet anyways? That's such a weird ass combination." He gently picked her up and placed her over his left shoulder.

"There's a lot of questions I need answered but I'll have to wait. She's not going to open up to me that easily. I'll come back for the dinosaur."

[Not too long after]

Shoena's eyes flicker a few meters away from the Saiyan. The sound of a raging fire and the pouring of a thick substance was picked up.

"When this meet is done..." The first thing she saw was a grown man drooling beside her. His eyes lit up because of the luminescent flame. The man wiped the drool away with the back of his wrist.

"Hm?" She arises from her slumber in an exhausted manner. Her head moves from the thigh of the man who caused her to come unconscious.

Davion looked to the side when she sat up. "You're finally awake." He grabbed a cup and hands it to her.

"Wha-what happened?"

"Yo ass got mad, I knocked you the fuck out, then I called in a favor. Now I'm waitin for this fuckin food to finish cookin. Now drink the damn shit."

Shoena was still half asleep. So she nonchalantly grabbed the cup and started drinking it without knowing what it was. When she got a small taste of it, she drunk the rest swiftly. He placed down another cup near her knees.

Like the first one, she consumed the substance in the other two cups swiftly.

"Aaah." She sighed with satisfifaction.

"Why didn't you tell me you haven't drunken any blood?"

"You….are not my guardian, I do not have to speak to you about such tribulations."

"So it is okay for you to ask me questions. But when I ask questions you just side eye the shit."

"I can't understand your way of speaking."

His anger took over which lead him to speak in Ebonics which she doesn't understand. "Why must you ask for cooperation but will not give cooperation?"

She responds to this. "I don't listen to weaklings."

"Well you're contradicting yourself." Davion could read people like an open book. But here, he's having trouble understanding Shoena.

"The bet is still ongoing. Just because I've lost to you a few times doesn't mean I'm weaker than you."

He felt indifferent about what she just said. "That ma-" He held his head in disbelief. "Okay, I'll tolerate it." He looked at her and tapped his scouter to measure her power level. She was walking pass him to grab the large container of dinosaur blood and started drinking it. He was baffled at what was happening. Her power level was slowly rising from drinking the blood of the dinosaur.

"Why haven't I notice this before? Oh yeah, cause she starved herself for an entire month." She's been eating meat but not drinking blood. That was what he was referencing.

"This made things easier." Her growth was crucial for what he was planning in the future. He wanted her to join the fight against Vegeta and them but if he can get a ship up and running then they could leave Earth altogether. Adventuring was something that was on his mind and with Raditz's knowledge on the routes within the universe, it was totally possible. This scouter makes it possible for him as well.

"Shoena, rather you listen to me or not doesn't matter anymore. From now on, we'll be training even harder so don't die on me."

She peaked at him in confusion before an excited yet prideful look engulfs her face. "Heh, Give me your best shot."


It's been two months since Shoena's last frenzy.

"ORRAAAAAA!!!" Boom!! A shockwave is formed. The surrounding area quakes from the sudden force that followed by a scream. We pan into a large green man in purple and a small woman in black fight amongst each other.

"C'mon STRIKE HARDER!!" Ruthless as always, Piccolo was the man fighting and Shoena was the woman fighting. They were presumably trading blows at an equal level. But that's what it seems like to the untrained eye. Shoena was sweating hard. Each attack was as strong as the last. She gave it her all while fighting Piccolo while Piccolo hasn't broken a sweat yet. But he was concentrated on the vampiress, trying to push Shoena to her limit and beyond.

Repeated jabs, she strikes at multiple spots on the Namekian's body to fluidly connect her combos and create openings in his defense. She'd cross jab, extending her leading arm outward to miss Piccolo's head completely but come back with her opposing arm, striking with twice the power. One at his face then strike at his stomach.

Piccolo could see past these attacks with ease. He knew she couldn't reach his face, and it'd be a waste of energy to head hunt, so she used that as a feint to aim for the body. He counters by blocking the punch and landing a push kick to her abdomen. She grits her teeth and places force onto the ground through her feet as she slides back from the kick.

"I'm impressed, Davion managed to find someone this strong, and she isn't even using ki. With her and Gohan, we'll have a fighting chance against those damn saiyans. That's if Gohan survives his training."

"We aren't finished just yet." Energy formed in the palm of Piccolo's hand. He sends it flying at her at high speeds. The force decimated the ground as Shoena prepared herself to take the attack head on. She put her hands in front of her and caught the blast. It caused her feet to drag. Through the dirt as she tried to push it back. "Urgh, grrr." She grunted while struggling immensely.

The energy blast disappears in her hands as Piccolo appears behind her and sends a kick at her skull. Her body tumbled across the dirt.

"You should focus on your opponent, not what they throw at you. If this was a real battle, you'd be dead already."

"Ugh, he's so loud." She held her head while getting up.

"At least you have talen, but talent can only get you so far."

"He sounds like Davinion." Even in her mind, she gets his name wrong. "Speaking of Deveron." The ground quivers beneath her. Her hair flies to the right with the wind. She looks over in awe.


"YO ASS TWEAKIN!! DON'T GET FUCKED UP TALKIN SHIT!!" Trading blows with one another was Davion and….Davion. In the pass two months, he's been checking on the others to see if he could get a good fight but to no avail. However, he's picked up on new techniques. Some were useless in his eyes. To the point where he'd never even consider using them. For example, the Dodon Ray and Taiyoken. Others weren't as useless.

His clone was mainly using grapple techniques and their lower body while the real Davion was blindfolded. Shit like bruises were miniature on Davion's body while none was really on the clone's body but they were sluggish.

"You bout slow as hell! What happened?" Davion launched two straight rights at the clone. The clone was watching his movements carefully and avoiding accordingly. Tilting their shoulder horizontally before the straight jab can reach him, the clone beautifully led the jabs astray.Their hip rises up as his knee cap slams into Davion's rib cage His body shakes. He falls to the ground knees first as the clone's left leg rotates into the air. His hands were placed on the ground and used to twist his body upright. The kick slams into the ground as the sole of Davion's foot wacks the clone's chin.

"My ears are more reliable than ki sense." As he said this, a foot slams into their stomach, sending them flying.

"Dumbass, being quiet makes that shit useless." The clone commented. Davion spins in the air and digs his fingers into the ground.

The two rip through the air. Grinning maniacally as they clash, meeting each other with their forearms. "Gotcha." Davion's grin becomes more sinister than before.

His arm rotates over the clone's arm and grabs a hold of the clone's wrist. The arm is pulled across Davion's chest as his free arm falls under it to place his hand on the back of the clone's head.

"You lost bitch." He aided his knee up as the clone's knee moves up as well. Their body flips over as a rock hits Davion's throat. This lightens his grip allowing the clone to break free. They remove their arm, twist their body mid way and kicks the blindfolded Davion in the back. He stumbles over but the kick was followed up by stomping on Davion's foot.

Immediately, Davion puts his guard up. A kick to his jaw hits his arm instead. A side kick to the solar plexus hits his the beginning of his elbows. The clone took a small step back, turned clockwise on one foot, and sent a low kick to his left inner thigh. A grunt leaves his mouth. Davion moves back to cover his body from a side stance. His left fist rest at his waist arched, and his right is opened at shouldered level. His right leg is extended a bit, distributing most of his body weight onto his left foot. The fight only gets harder from here.

"Heh, I'm glad he's on our side." Just like Shoena, Piccolo was amazed by his technicality.

The clone was using a mixture of Savate, Capoeira, Muay Thai, and Taekwondo for their kicks. One would think they were looking at a ballerina at work. The way the clone attacked at different angles regardless of the position or stance Davion took was immaculate.

"Well enough staring, we're getting back to work!"

Shoena, aroused by the sight of fighting style, burned with an unyielding persistence to continue. "OF COURSE!!"

[Meanwhile in outer fuckin space?]

"Four months. Heheheh, I'll take a nap until my inevitable arrival." A figure smirks in their space ship as they make their way toward earth.

What I’m introducing isn’t Haki it’s more of akin to bloodlust or a pressure deriving from superiority.

Apologies if it seems like I’m throwing characters in yall face. Just bear with me.

RollenMajorcreators' thoughts