
Korin reveals the perpetrators

Goku finally arrives home, where Chichi and Pan are getting ready for Bulma's party.

"Chichi, I'm home now," he calls out.

"Goku?" Chichi answers from inside the bedroom.

"Yeah, Chichi it's me."

She walks into the living, not expecting the bewildering sight, "Ah!... Goku?"

He smiles at her, "yeah!"

"There's no way..." she whispers to herself.

"Why do you look all dressed up? You going out?"

"Is it really you, Goku?" she repeats in disbelief, "How did this happen?"

"Oh, you mean me being a boy again...well, i honestly don't know how it happened."

She gasps.

M- My husband's... a- a boy?

"Chichi?" he walks up to her, as she stumbles unto a chair behind her.

"What's wrong, Chichi?"

As Chichi is trying to understand what she's seeing, Pan walks into the living room as well.

"Hey grandma, will grandpa make--" she stops, seeing a little boy resembling her grandpa standing next to her grandmother.


"Grandma, you look pale. Is something wrong?" she hurries to her side.

"H- He says he's G- Goku," Chichi says while still in shock.

"Huh? There's no way that's true."

"It's true, I'm Goku, you guys," he insists.


"Yes, Pan. It's me."

"How did this happen to you?"

"I don't know, Pan. I just woke up like this."


As Chichi tries to process her husband's transformation into a boy, Piccolo is flying to the lookout to discuss the matter of the Black Star Dragon Balls with Dende and Mr Popo.

"Dende," he calls as he lands on the lookout.

Mr Popo and Dende both walk out to meet him.

"Good morning, Piccolo," Dende and Mr Popo greet him.

"Good morning, we have a problem!" he says, "Kami says that someone wished using the original Dragon Balls."

"Wished?" Dende asks; "Original... Dragon Balls?" Mr Popo asks.

Their visible confusion causes Piccolo to reiterate the serious problem.

"This is quite a troubling issue," Piccolo asserts.

"Could it have something to do with what happened to him?" Dende asks Mr Popo.

"That would explain his sudden transformation," Mr Popo adds.

"What are you talking about?" Piccolo asks.

"Yesterday, during the night..." Dende says, "You mean that rainy night?" Piccolo asks.

"Yes, Goku arrived on the lookout but then when Mr Popo returned to talk to him, he crawled out of his clothes on the ground naked as a little boy," Dende tells him.

"What??!" Piccolo's shocked, "Goku turned into a boy?"

"Yes, we couldn't understand what happened. What's worse, Goku doesn't remember what happened last night at that time."

"This is even worse than I thought," Piccolo says, his voice overcome by despair.

"I saw who did it," a voice from behind them says.

"Korin?" they realised after turning around.

"What do you mean?" Piccolo quizzes.

"It was three earthlings: a woman, a dog and a short talking blue chimpanzee," Korin identifies the Pilaf gang.

"Uhh...?" they were taken aback.

"A dog?" Piccolo asked; "a short talking blue chimpanzee?' Mr Popo followed.

"And they were dressed like ninjas," Korin adds.

"... cosplay?" Dende asks, with a very puzzled look.

"Well, they took what seemed like Dragon balls but I couldn't believe it because Kami told me all the dragon balls were not on earth."

"Those were the original Dragon Balls, tch!" Piccolo frowns.

"Huh?" Dende and Mr Popo asked.

"I grabbed one of the scattering balls, and I could sense Kami's shock. He confirmed that those were the first ever Dragon Balls..."

"So, the cosplaying trio used the first ever Dragon Balls to turn Goku into a child?" Dende posed the question.

"That sounds farfetched, how would they know Goku anyway?" Korin rebuts.

"Korin, you saw them summon shenron?" Piccolo asked.

"Yep, they flew quite a distance away from the lookout and then summoned a Red Dragon," he confirms.

"Then, it must've been them," Piccolo says.

"Them? Who?" Dende asks.

"The cosplaying thieves, try to keep up!" Piccolo snaps.

"Oh, right. Sorry," Dende apologizes.

"Ugh... we have to resolve this problem soon. Those Dragon Balls are ... unusual. At least, that's what Kami said," Piccolo recommends after calming down.

"Indeed, this is all very troubling," Mr Popo adds.

"And where's Goku now?" Piccolo asks.

"He went back home," Mr Popo says.

"Alright, I'm heading there right now."

"Right, see you later Piccolo," Dende waves.

"I think this might be a bad sign," Korin tells the guardian and his assistant.

"I agree," Mr Popo says.

Kami. Are you there?


You said these Black Star Dragon Balls scatter beyond the earth?

Indeed, the farther the balls scatter, the less I'm able to track them.

After my first wish which scattered them, I was only able to catch one, and the rest escaped my scope.

Hmm, so are they in this solar system?

Well, you might be able to find them. I couldn't.

Right. I'll talk to Goku and then try that.

Good luck, Piccolo.

I hope this situation is just about finding scattered Dragon Balls, otherwise...

As Piccolo accelerated to Goku's, Chichi shock made her faint,

"I think she fainted Grandpa," Pan says to Goku.

"Oh no, Chichi. What's wrong?"

As the faint voices of her husband and granddaugher reach her, questions flood her mind, alongside vivid memories of how she treated Goku yesternight:

Is... Is my husband... really a boy? Again?

How did that happen?

Is it the universe teaching me a lesson? Is it because I called him a bad grandfather?

As she lay unconscious on the bed, she starts sweating, and suddenly tears run down her face.

"Grandpa, come look... Grandma's tearing up," Pan panics, "What's going on?"

"Oh no, Chichi. Please wake up," Goku starts tearing up as well.

Her loved ones' voices are still faint, but they're drowned out further by her regret:

I guess this is what happens when you don't treat your husband more lovingly?

It's my fault, isn't it. Maybe it's punishment for scolding him too harshly.

As Goku and Pan try to wake her gently, she murmurs, "S- Sorry, Goku... m-my d-darl-ling," and a smile appears on her face.

"Chichi?" Goku asks, with tears flowing down his face.

"I- I'm s- sor r- ry..." she manages, as tears fall unto the pillow, "I- I s-still love - you, G- Goku."

"I know, Chichi," he clasps her hands, thinking:

How can I help you, Chichi? What's wrong? Tell me... tell me what to do.

Piccolo lands outside the anxious Son-family home and naturally oblivious to the shock of Goku's inexplicable transformation, he knocks:

"Goku. Open up."

"It's Piccolo, I'll get him, grandpa."

This scene is definitely more emotional. I believe that Chichi deserves to grow as a character at the beginning of the story before the major events start. This is the second time readers are encountering Chichi's emotions in this fanfic, and I believe it's necessary to ensure Goku tries to develop.

Dageetacreators' thoughts