
5 - Orzo's Training

A month had passed since Jesse was sent to this new world and began living at the Beetle School Dojo. In that time, he'd settled into his new home well, striking up a friendship with Truffel and Orzo, they were sort of like the sister and father he never had.

She was a good girl, really nice and energetic, though he wasn't interested in her in any other way than as a friend. She was both too old for him, because of his body, and too young for him, because of his mind.

Every day was a feast cooked by her, trying to help Jesse gain some weight.

"Today's finally the day... to start my training."

Jesse said to himself as he stared into the mirror with his shirt off. Unlike his previous emaciated look, he had some fat on him now, and he was ready to turn it into muscle. While still skinny, he was no longer bone thin. Gramps and the girl had been great friends to him in this month-long span, he felt happy, after all friends was something, he lacked in his other world.

In his time here, he quickly learned that it was around early to mid Dragon Ball, as in the original series, in terms of timeline. As for future plans, right now he had a few ideas of what he wanted to do. First of all, he needed to train, but that should already be covered with Orzo's training starting today.

Second off, he wanted to find some Dragon Ball characters, namely Goku and Bulma, not just because he wanted to wish on shenron, get stronger, and have allies but really just because. I mean it was Goku and Bulma, he just couldn't pass up the opportunity to try to befriend and meet them.

Last of all he needed to keep on the lookout for the evil soul, Hugo, or whatever his name would be here. Who knows how strong he'll get, or when and where he'll appear, so he needs to prepare and always be ready.

He put on a shirt, finally ready to begin his training. As he was about to open the door, someone else suddenly opened it for him. An excited Truffel stood in the door frame with a smile on her face and immediately grabbed Jesse's hand.

"Come on! Its time its time! Let's go!"

Following her, he replied.

"U-Uh, yeah..."

He gave an awkward chuckle and let her drag him. It was a bit annoying, how energetic she was, but also endearing, he was used to it by now anyway. Waiting for them in the large gym room was Orzo, not a single other pupil was here right now, just the three of them.

"Jesse! Today you officially become a pupil of the Beetle School, and you begin your training!"

Orzo tossed a black and red gi to Jesse, holding the Beetle School symbol.

"Put this on, then we will begin."

As Jesse held it up, he felt excited, pumped up, and ready. Tossing off his other clothes, he quickly fitted himself into the gi.

"Alright, so let's do this!"

He said with a smile on his face. Orzo responded with a smile of his own, yet his face seemed deathly serious at the same time. His expression scared Jesse a little bit, if he was honest.

"This guy takes training really serious!"

He thought to himself awkwardly. Though truthfully, him being so serious about training felt like a good sign to Jesse.

"Now... for your first training... you will..."

Jesse's excitement was peaked, today he'd start his training, he'd start his journey to becoming a powerhouse like Goku, and he was ready for whatever Orzo would throw at him.

"You will carry me around!"

He yelled out, still wearing an incredibly serious expression.


'Carry him around?! Is this geezer insane?! Im a 10 year old boy!'

Jesse thought to himself, confused and a little annoyed, he wanted real training! However after a second he remembered the milk training of Muten Roshi, it seemed somewhat ridiculous, but it made Goku and Krillin much stronger, so maybe Orzo's training was sensical, he wasn't sure. Sighing, he replied.

"So, you want me to just carry you around? Why exactly…?"

He said, still confused as to the specifics of the training.

"It's quite simple. I'm a decently light man, and carrying me around this large room will increase your strength, speed and balance, the physical pillars you are sorely lacking in. Before I can do anything real with you, you need to build them up!"

Orzo strictly responded.

'I guess that makes sense, kinda… does it make sense?'

Jesse questioned in his mind, why couldn't he just use weights? Regardless, he'd follow his word, though he wasn't sure he could even lift Orzo right now.

"And what if I can't even lift you at all, I cant get stronger if I cant even train in the first place?"

Orzo nodded in agreement.

"Well that's quite simple too, because every time you fail to lift me, or fall over, or stop for too long, or anything of that sort… you will do 100 push-ups!"

"Grandpa… don't you think this is a little too much on him?"

Truffel interjected in a worried voice. Orzo quickly replied.

"Hm? Of course not, this is a perfectly reasonable training method. If he wants to train under my school, he is expected to follow the same standards as any one of my other pupils."

"Yeah except your other pupils are grown men…"

Jesse snarkily responded. He really wasn't sure about this whole thing. Orzo burrowed his brows and simply spoke.

"Truffel, show him."

"Yes grandpa!"

She said before walking up to Orzo. With a single movement, she picked Orzo up and lifted him over her head and then immediately began to run around the entire room. Within a few seconds, she had carried him across the entire room, with ease. Jesse just stared at her, totally dumbstruck, he didn't even know she was a martial artist herself.

"Do not let your age, or your height, or anything else be an excuse! Now, are you ready to pick me up!?"

Orzo yelled passionately, though it was hard to take him serious when he was being carried by a little girl. Jesse just chuckled to himself and hung his head down. He was being a bit idiotic, he still hadn't fully mentally adapted to this new world. It wasn't his earth, it was the world of Dragon Ball. A world where a 12 year old Goku could be shot repeatedly by actual guns and just feel a little sting.

'Though he was also an alien…'

Regardless, this was a world where anything was possible, it was time he fully mentally adapted to that idea.

"Yes! Let's start!"

With adrenaline pumping and smiles on both his and Orzo's faces, he proudly walked up to him, ready to start… and was totally unable to lift him off the ground at all. As he kept trying with all his might, he held an awkward expression and the room was silent. Truffel giggled a little bit at the sight, it was pretty funny after all, especially with how proudly he walked up to him.

'This is embarrassing…'

"100 PUSH-UPS! NOW!"

Orzo yelled at him. As he got down on the ground to start, he could tell this was gonna take a long time, he was weaker than he thought.

New chapter! Hope y'all enjoy. If you did enjoy it please also leave down any comments, feedback, ideas and reviews! Also some stones maybe if you want.

PixiesONEcreators' thoughts