
dragon ball creation and destruction

Murtadha_Ahmed · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs


"You are right." No.18 nodded.

"The woman next to Supreme Kai is called Bulma. I seem to have heard Dr. Gero mention her name." No.17 continued, "She should be the eldest lady of the Magnum Capsule Group.

What No. 17 and Dr. Gero didn't know was that Bulma also had an older sister named Taisi.

Taisi has been to experience life in alien life with Galactic Patrolman Jake a long time ago.

"So that's the case." No.18 nodded and asked, "Then what are your plans next?"

"At the moment we don't know where Dr. Gero is, whether he was killed or No.17 groaned," so we took advantage of this time, we searched in this research institute to see if there was any emergency braking. The remote control is now available. If you find it, you must destroy it immediately. "

"Didn't the remote control for emergency braking be destroyed by the guy named Qi Tian?" No.18 asked.

"Are you stupid?" No.17 snorted, "What if that's a blinding trick. That guy looks like that kind of little white face. He looks so handsome and can make women happy."

No. 18: ".."

"No. 18, you won't like him?" No. 17 asked with a smile.

"What are you talking about? How could I just look at him and see him." No.18 rolled his eyes. "Six Two Seven"

"There is a kind of love called love at first sight." No.17 smiled.

"Okay, don't say those useless words." Number 18 snorted.

"Well, even if he didn't lie to you, he really ruined the remote control, but with Dr. Gero's character, it is impossible to make just one remote control, right?" Guess No.17.

"You're right, you can't blow up this place, the remote control will be destroyed all at once." Proposal No. 18.

"Don't worry!" No.17 shook his head, "This is Dr. Gero's research institute. While he is away, let's find information about the two of us. These information can help us understand ourselves better. , Such a large research institute, there may be other gains."

"Okay, listen to you." The 18th agreed.

The scene of the battle.

"Why? You tattered puppets have lost their wishful thinking, right?" Vegeta looked condescendingly at Number 19 lying on the ground.


On the 19th, a carp stood up and charged towards Vegeta.

Vegeta leaned back, propped her hands on the ground, and her feet pointed upwards.


The number 19 was kicked into the sky.

"call out!"

Immediately afterwards, Vegeta rose into the sky and appeared directly opposite the number 19.

No. 19 was so angry that she punched her.

Vegeta easily avoided No. 19's attack and hit No. 19's nose with a heavy punch.

Suddenly, a dark brown liquid came out from the corner of No. 19's mouth.

"It's really realistic, is it blood or oil?" Vegeta smiled.

"call out!"

No. 19 binocular laser flashes.

Vegeta escaped easily again, and an upside down golden hook kicked No.19 out of the air.


No. 19's body is like a cannonball, leaving a large crater on the ground.


Vegeta slowly landed next to No. 19.

No. 19 opened his eyes suddenly, seeming to have found a perfect attack opportunity, got up abruptly, and grabbed both of Vegeta's arms.

"Hahaha, I caught you!" No.19 laughed loudly, "I will never let go before I drain your energy. No matter if you kick me or scold me, I just won't let you go. , I will take you."

Vegeta:" "

What you said made me get goosebumps.

Emily has never said such nasty things to me.

"Never let go?" Vegeta let out a cold snort, bending her legs, and stepping on the fat faces of No.19.

No. 19: "..."

What do you want to do?

"Aren't you letting go?" Vegeta has already deformed No. 19's face from being trampled on.

There was no sound on the 19th.

"Are you really absorbing my energy with your hands to replenish your energy?" Vegeta smiled.

"Hey black, I just don't let go, what can you do to me!" No.19 laughed.


Vegeta squeezed his body suddenly.


Only a crisp sound was heard, and No. 19's arms broke off on the spot.


No. 19 sat down on the ground.

No. 19 looked dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Didn't I hold Vegeta's arm firmly?

Why did I fall?

No. 19 looked down and saw her broken arms in horror.

"This, this," No.19's face changed again and again in fright.

"What?" No.20 also widened his eyes, and looked at Vegeta in disbelief.

Why is this guy named Vegeta so good?

Vegeta smiled lightly, grabbed No.19's severed hand and looked at it.

"Sure enough, it absorbs energy from the palm." Vegeta smiled slightly.

On the 19th, he was dumbfounded, and his face was filled with endless fear.

"Although you have absorbed a lot of my energy, now you have nothing to do, right?" Vegeta chuckled.

"Yeah" No.19 is scared.

"Do you feel fear, you idiot puppet." Vegeta sneered.


On the 19th, I was really frightened. I quickly crawled out of the big pit and fled to the distance.

Vegeta slowly floated into the air, and pointed his hand at No.19's body.

"Hey, what do you want to do?" No.20 asked loudly.

"Don't worry, I will fix you after I clean up that android." Vegeta turned his head and said to No.20.

No. 20's eyes widened and her face was pale.

"Look at my Vegeta's big bang attack!"


Vegeta ejected a huge amount of energy from his hand and hit No. 19 on the spot.

There was a big explosion at the scene.

When everything calmed down, No. 19's mechanical head rolled down from the air.

Piccolo and others were all dumbfounded.

Is Vegeta really surpassing Goku?

"I do underestimate you." No.20 said in a deep voice, "but just by doing this, you are not our opponent of artificial humans at all."

"Huh, your mouth is hard." Vegeta smiled softly and landed on the opposite side of No.20.


The golden flames of Vegeta's body shattered and returned to normal.

"I have absorbed a lot of energy by him. Now is the best time to beat me. Come and try it." Vegeta smiled and looked at No. 20.

On the 20th, there is no intention to do it.

This guy must have a conspiracy, I won't be fooled. 0

"Didn't you just say it? It's absolutely impossible for us to win." Vegeta looked at No. 20 with interest.

"Hmph, no matter how powerful you are, it is absolutely impossible to be an opponent of artificial people." No. 20 said coldly.

"Then you come here, you bastard puppet." Vegeta insulted.

"call out!"

No. 20 turned around and ran.

I won't fight you.

I'll leave it quickly.

I want to go back and start on the 17th and 18th.

After they start, you will know the power of artificial humans.

"He ran away! Did he want to hide behind a rock?" Klin exclaimed.

"Hey, give me the fairy beans!" Vegeta shouted to Klin.

"Hey?" Klin hesitated, "but but"

"Quickly give it to me, do you want him to escape?" Vegeta angered.

"Give it to him." Piccolo told Klin.

"Understood." Klin nodded, took out a fairy bean, and threw it to Vegeta.


Vegeta caught the fairy bean and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Chirp! You bastard!" Vegeta cursed angrily while eating fairy beans.


The golden flames of Vegeta bloomed and turned into Super Saiyan again.

"You go home and have a leisurely tea, don't come to join in the fun, so as not to disturb me." Vegeta greeted Piccolo and the others.

"call out!"

After Vegeta said this, it quickly turned into a golden light and rushed into the sky.

Humph, Qi Tian, ​​you wait for me!

When I destroy the artificial man, I will go to you to settle the account.

The thing you bullied me before, I want to double it back.

The matter of artificial humans is the most important thing now.

"This bastard! Why let us drink tea?" Klin was indignant.

"He did lose a lot of energy. The artificial man absorbed a lot of energy in his body through his palms." Piccolo groaned, "If you played against the number 20 just now, Vegeta would probably lose. But Vegeta seems very confident, maybe What's the bigger trick 5.3, this guy is really a genius. Maybe, he has surpassed Goku?"

"Hey?" Klin was stunned.

Tien Shinhan scratched his head.

Son Gohan was also slightly startled.

"Uncle Piccolo, he can't surpass Dad." Son Gohan shook his head and said affirmatively.

"Gohan, I understand your mood, but I can't help it, it's the fact." Piccolo said.

"But Uncle Piccolo," Son Gohan wanted to say.

"You don't need to say any more." Piccolo replied.

Son Gohan:""

I want to say, Dad can still become Super Saiyan God.

Well, if you don't let me say, I have no choice but to stop.

"I'll see if the cyborg was really killed by him." Tien Shinhan said.

"I'll go too." Klin said.

"I want to go too. I have been cultivating for so long, I will definitely start to work." Son Gohan said.

"Understood, but don't fight him, you are not his opponents." Piccolo said, "He must be hiding in the rock. He is a man-made human, so you can't judge his position by breath. Once you find him, immediately. Tell Vegeta or me, we must act cautiously!"

The three of Klin nodded together.


The four people turned into four flames and flew into the rocky forest. .

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