
The West Supreme Kai

"Why?" She asked, her guard still up despite having been told that I was the one who brought her back.

Wow. Rude.

Although, not at all unexpected.

"Out of the goodness of my heart?" I said, though my tone made it seem that it was more of a question than an answer.

Her eyes narrowed at me and she slowly shifted her body into a fighting stance.

I thought Kais were supposed to be polite?Then again, my entire existence is based off one that wanted to personally end all mortal life in all the universes, so maybe I shouldn't be so quick to rely on stereotypes.

"I want you to be my teacher." I told her as I crossed my arms.

Might as well cut the bullshit.

She's vastly stronger than me whilst I'm still in my base form, but transforming into my Super Saiyan form will drastically put me over her in terms of power.

Still, appearances and all that.

Can't have my future teacher/sparring partner think they are partnering up with someone who's hot-headed and rushes into everything.

"Teacher? Why?" She asked, "How do you even know of me?"

"How I know you is unimportant." I told her. "But as for the why, it's just a simple case of quid pro quo."

"What?" She asked with a raised brow.

"Something for something." I groaned, forgetting that Latin wasn't a space language for some reason. "You do something for me, I do something for you. I did just bring you back after all."

"And I'm grateful, but I have duties. Responsibilities. If you know of me, then you should already know that." She says.

"Yes, yes, the busy inner workings of a Kai." I said dismissively, causing her to narrow her eyes at me once more. "You are no longer needed in the grand scheme of things. Your fellow Kai has already grown used to your absence."

"Fellow Kai?" She mutters before looking at me with some sort of realization. "Are you talking about Daikaioh?"

"No." I replied. "Your Grand Supreme Kai, along with the South Supreme Kai had both been absorbed by Majin Buu."

"Then, the Kai you speak of is--"

"Shin." I answered, cutting her off. "The Supreme Kai of the East."

She gripped the side of her head, all this information I'm telling her must be hitting her like a ton of bricks.

"Shin...?" She muttered, almost in disbelief. "He was the one who destroyed Majin Buu...?"

"Not at all." I answered bluntly. "After absorbing the Grand Supreme Kai, Buu was going to take his rampage to another planet, but Bibidi had been killed shortly after sending Buu away. Every time Buu was sent to a planet, Bibidi sealed him inside some sort of cocoon and then reawakened Buu once he had arrived. Since Bibidi was dead, Buu was, and still is sealed inside his cocoon."

"Then... where is this cocoon?" She asked, her tone shifting.

I raise an eyebrow at her question and take pause.

I know very well what that tone of hers means. Anyone who watches any sort of show or anime knows that damned tone, and it's the tone of someone who is going to, thinking of, or about to do something very stupid.

"I don't know." I lied immediately.

"You don't know?" She asked, her voice shifting to one of disbelief.

"Is that so hard to believe? These events took place millions of years ago." I said to her.

Although I technically wasn't lying. I have no idea where Buu's cocoon was. All I knew was that it was somewhere on Earth. And I don't have time to go on a scavenger hunt.

Besides, going after the cocoon now would disrupt what I plan for Buu. Not to mention what would happen if Babidi was left to go do whatever he wished.

I'd rather just have the assurance of wiping him off the face of the universe myself, along with his lackeys.

"And yet you somehow know everything about me, my fellow Kais, and Majin Buu. You're saying that you know all that, but you don't know the location of the cocoon?" She retorts.

She had a fair point.

A man mysteriously revives her out of nowhere and just starts blabbering on about events that he shouldn't know, only to conveniently not know the one piece of information you want?

I wouldn't believe that either.

Which is not good for me, since I'm apparently dealing with one of the only Dragon Ball characters who actually have a brain between their ears.

"Maybe I know it's location, maybe I don't." I reply with a dismissive shrug. "But one thing's for certain, I'm not gonna let you go off and get killed over a million year old vendetta."

"You're telling me where it is." She says, suddenly glaring at me and getting into a stance that seems to indicate she's ready for a fight. "Even if I have to force you to tell me."

Her power erupts and I only raise a curious eyebrow.

She's pretty stronger. Stronger than I thought she would be. Obviously, she's stronger than me. Monstrously so.

I probably would've been shaking in my boots eight years ago.

"Surrender. I take no enjoyment in hurting the precious creations of the Kais." She said.

But this wasn't eight years ago.

"You've overestimate yourself, Miss Kaioshin." I told her, my mouth turning to a smirk as I walk towards her, stopping when there's only about ten feet between us.

"What?" She asks, raising a brow.

Instead of telling her, I decide to go ahead and give her a demonstration.


I release my dark colored energy from my body, which causes her eyes to widen.

"Your... How is your...?"

Before she could utter another syllable, my aura shifts from dark purple to bright gold, dark clouds form in the skies above as yellow lightning continuously strikes down on the ground.

The West Supreme Kai eyes widen even further, her face quickly shifting from confidence to what looked to be both awe and absolute horror.


My aura erupts towards the sky, causing more and more lightning to come crashing down.

My hair turned upward, the signature golden color of Super Saiyan encasing both my hair and aura, causing the West Supreme Kai to stagger backward.

"Y-You... What are you...?" She asks, her voice soft and hushed.

I suddenly disappear from her line of sight and reappear right in front of her, holding two fingers underneath her chin. I tilt her head up to look at me, smirking at her as I did so.

"Your student, obviously."


Lila - 6,790,300,000

Zyleth (Base) - 478,000,000

Zyleth (Mastered SSJ1) - 76,480,000,000


Hey guys.

Since I've seen a few of you guys asking and requesting for it, I set up a Pátréon for if you want to read ahead.

If you're interested and want to read up to 15 or more chapters ahead, head over to https://www.pátréon.com/OmniSpectra.

Thank you guys much for reading!