

give it a try my first time writing. this story is about a guy reincarnated as Gohan.

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2 Chs



It's been one(1) year since the defeat of King Piccolo and he has been married to Chichi. And soon after Chichi told him that he was going to become a father. Ofcourse he was very happy but soon his happiness turned into fear for the safety of his child.

First everything was fine but when Chichi's stomach started to get big everything changed. First I thought everything is great because I can feel the slight movement of KI I thought the baby is growing healthy but two weeks later it began to grow rapidly. I was quite surprised and also happy because my child will be strong and even can give him a good fight but I was wrong because sometimes it grows sometimes it started to go down. This kind of thing didn't happen often at first but soon it becomes frequent as the time passed. Even Chichi started feel the KI getting bigger and smaller she was panicked and called her father but even the Ox-king was unable to find anything wrong. So he went to find Master Roshi to KAME HOUSE.

Soon Goku reached kame house and before he opened the door he heard two more familiar voices. As soon as he opened the door he heard Bulma's voice " stay away from me you old geezer" and 'boom' a frying pan landed on Roshi's head and he flew towards the door.

Master Roshi are you all right Krillin spoke as he came running after Roshi. Follow by a angry bulma.

As the two reached Roshi the both exclaimed in unison GOKU .

Goku greeted them both and helped Master Roshi up to his feet. Oh Goku what brings you here Master Roshi asked. Yes we haven't seen you since you defeated Piccolo what's going on asked Bulma. Krillin greeted Goku and waited for the answeres which he was also curious about.

Ohhh...!! Goku exclaimed as he remembered the reason for his visit as he explained his situation.

What Chichi is pregnant exclaimed all of them together. Master Roshi come close to Goku and about to ask Goku about the process of human biological reproduction but bulma cut him of and ask Goku to continue his story as they listen master Roshi was contemplating what could be wrong with him as for bulma she was thinking of and know disease in scientific way as for Krillin he was talking to Goku about his life what happened last year.

Soon Bulma and Master Roshi gave up thinking and decided to visit Chichi as heade towards gokus house.

As then reached Goku's hours Ox-king and Chichi were waiting for them as soon as the saw each other they greeted each other and started to catch up on old times. And Master Roshi also noticed the unusual behaviour of the KI which is coming from Chichi's belly. Also bulma suggest to take Chichi to the capsule corporation and have a body checkup and Chichi agreed as for Master Roshi he was seriously thinking about something the entire time when they went to capsule corporation.

After the checkup Chichi's results came and there is no problem for both the mother and the child. Everyone started to think what is going on with the KI of the baby. As they were thinking Master Roshi suddenly spoke " there's nothing to worry about" as he spoke he looked at Goku and said your child has unlimited potential even in he mother's womb he has unlocked his KI but not only that he is also controlling it . I think he will surpass his father and become a great martial artist. Everyone was shocked Goku was happy.

Is he even a human said Krillin. Soon he was hit by bulma."No my boy will not become martial artist but a scholar" suddenly screamed Chichi. Everyone was stunned as Goku smile awkwardly. Chichi started to talk about sending her child to school and finishing his education.

Bulma change the topic by saying now that It is clear that there is no problem with the baby have you decided the name yet .

Ox-king gave some of his choices at this time which distracted Chichi after listening to her father and after sometime it was decided that the name will be given when the baby is born.

As time passed time has come for our protagonist to be born. Soon Gohan was born. And bulma let Goku, Ox-king, Master Roshi and Krillin entered Why it's he moving asked Chichi. He is sleeping replyed bulma.

Do you feel it Goku asked Krillin. Yes he's very strong replyed Goku with a happy smile. He is atleast half as strong as you were when you first participated in the world martial arts championship.

So what will you call him asked Master Roshi. Goku thought for a minute and replyed Gohan his name will be SON GOHAN. I see you named him after your grandfather. "Yes" replyed goku.

As our protagonist heard this conversation he opened hi eyes and saw a blue haired women holding him and he knows whom it was it was Bulma. As I saw her I feel happy very happy because I am now in a different world not to mention I know almost the entire future and thinking of being a Saiyan I was so happy that I started to laugh but seeing this scene every one was happy. And bulma passed me to Chichi as she hold me and looked at me I feel a bit of embarrassment. But soon it was gone because everyone had their turnd as then hold me.

I was very happy because it was my chance. In front of me is Goku, Krillin, Master Roshi Heroes of universe seven (7). Soon I started to feel tired even if my power is high I can not function with out sleep not to mention it's only been around one hour since I was born as I closed my eyes in master Roshi's arm.


I'll be make the time go a bit fast for next 4 years till RADITZ come.

STIFF_FINGERcreators' thoughts