
Dragon Age: Inquisitor’s Path

Follow the adventures of a “short” tempered Qunari mercenary with the worst luck… And how she makes the best out of the end of the world.

Lemon_Square · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

The Day It All Went Wrong IV

After several more skirmishes with demons as they make their way towards the forward camp which is beset by demons pouring out of another rift in the fade. As Cassandra charges in to draw their attention, Varric and Solas take up position on a boulder to bombard them from a distance... While I, move straight towards the rift, raising my left hand, and it crackles with energy... And if I focus hard enough on it, the pain goes from scalding fire to a thousand or so pins and needles... Which, trust me, is a pretty good improvement... As I focus on the rift, I imagine slamming it shut like a door... And I feel drained, but it works, the remaining demons seem to fizzle away into nothing... And Liliana opens the gate from the other side...

"How did you get here before us?" I pant out as I lean against the staff.

"I have my ways, now hurry in we're debating the best way to get you killed." She says with a sly smile and a voice that is all too cheery...

"Eh, it's been that kind of day... Let's get it over with..." Malika says with a shrug as she catches her breath and enters the camp.

A man in a robe seems to be throwing a fit as I approach...

"And what is she doing here?" The man says with a look of indignation plastered across his face.

"She is here to help us, chancellor..." Liliana says as if this is the fiftieth time she's had to explain this to a child who doesn't listen.

"This is pointless, Seeker Pentaghast... Sound the retreat..." The man, apparently a chancellor, appears defeated.

"No..." Cassandra stares him down...

"What did you just say? Know your place Seeker, you serve at the behest of the Chantry, and as the highest ranking member of the Chantry you answer to me!" His face turns red as his voice becomes almost shriek-like.

"I serve Divine Justinia, while you are nothing more than a glorified office clerk... I will not abandon the people while there is still a chance to stop this madness." She holds firm, a look of resolve as strong as the hardest steel, deep within her eyes... Maybe she's not all bad?

"On your head be the consequences Seeker!" The chancellor says as he storms off to... Do whatever a Chantry chancellor does in the middle of this shit?

After that, both Cassandra and Liliana look at me...

"What? Did I get demon on my face?!" I start furiously rubbing my helmet.

"That's not it, there are two paths before us, the direct path where the fighting is thickest but is more direct and the mountain path where a scouting party has gotten lost but will most likely offer less resistance... And I and Cassandra cannot agree on which path to take." Liliana says, giving Cassandra an exasperated look.

"So... You're asking me?" Malika says giving them a look that says, "You beautiful, beautiful idiots..."

"Of course, we still don't know what effect attempting to seal the Breach may have on you... This may very well kill you, so we figured you should have a say in this..." Cassandra answers, albeit rather deferential considering how she's treated me so far.

"Isn't that just the sweetest thing anyone has done for me... Letting me choose how I'll die." I sniffle and play at wiping away a tear.

Varric laughs, "You know what Seeker, I think I like this one." He says shaking his head as he tunes his crossbow.

"Thanks, you're not so bad yourself Varric, and I think the mountain path would be best. Let's head out." I grab a few potions from a supply crate and do a once over to see if I can find a staff that fits me, but go figure... There isn't any...