
Dragon Age - Dark Times

With blood every history is written. And sometimes...only a small amount of it needs to spill, to push a wave of calamity.

Soulcrystal · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


Rising up from his bed a small boy about the age of 6 looked drowsily around and yawned greatly at the same time. The still half-closed deep blue eyes then landed on a middle-aged woman dressed in plain linen dress with a white apron at the front.

"Good morning, young lord." She smiled at the boy and then went ahead and straightened up some of the boy's disheveled black curls.

"Morning, Nan.", he answered back quietly and then went ahead and got out of his bed to get his clothing.

After dressing himself up with black leather pants, a white linen short shirt that was tugged half underneath his pants, and fastened with a brown leather belt he dragged himself back to the bed and sat down.

One could still see he was still tired because he was still wobbly on his feet. But knowing he had to wake up he soon put his boots on as well and looked at the woman.

He saw her being very happy for some reason.

"Looks like I really won't need to be dressing you from now on. Is it maybe because you are going to start your training from today onwards? Is the little Nero finally becoming a man?" The woman smirked and teased the young boy.

The boy that is called Nero just sighed "Nan, is it really that surprising that I am doing this on my own now?"

"Of course, most other noble children don't even bother and keep servants doing that task for them even to their late years...Some don't even know how to use their tools..."

'Right, I forget that I am in medieval times now. Freaking backwater thinking is driving me insane already. And let's just not forget the shameful accident...' Just thinking about his old memories in this world got him to blush a little again.

The maid saw that and giggle a little.

That giggle made Nero somewhat uncomfortable and he stood back up leaving the room. You may ask why he felt uncomfortable, but that was easy to explain.

Some people may like kinky things like being surrounded by a few women and being pleased by them but he was not one of them. Especially when the only thing they are doing is washing you clean from top to bottom with their hands.

It all started when he was 4 years old and running around too much and getting himself dirty like most children would. Though his activities were more of the training kind.

He still clearly remembers how the servants giggled and teased him when he held both his hands in front of his little friend so they could not see it.

The blush on his face was also more endearing to them. Some even tried to actually play around with his defensive posture and came close to do something he would rather forget.

From that point onward, many servants in this court knew about the little lord that had a very shy nature in front of women. Some even thought he was rather mature to actually feel ashamed at that young age.

Having that little accident, Nero started to do most things on his own like he used to as an adult but his mother was not happy about that.

She always started to scold and bicker when he turned out not clean enough or did too many things unbecoming of his status altogether. But she also got used to it at some point and blamed it on him becoming way too much like she was once herself.

But who was he to blame for the bad hygiene system in this world? It was practically needed to have someone scrub him completely clean to appease certain standards.

So at some point, he appointed only one female to do that task and made sure you invest some time into "inventing" some high-quality products for that matter.

That person responsible for that was his Nan, Miria. She was the lady with brown long hair that was now in his room. She was probably doing the bedding at the moment after having woken him up.

When Nero went through the halls and pathways of the castle, he finally arrived at the dining hall where his father, mother and older brother were already sitting and waiting.

"Good morning, dear mother, dear father." Nero bowed lightly in front of them before he sat down on a chair. "And you as well, brother." Now he grinned lightly.

"Honey, did you do your clothing again?" Asked his mother now from the side.

Nero looked down at himself and smiled wrily. he knew why she asked now. "Yes, mother. Please don't yell at Nan for that."

His mother only sighed and didn't say anything more about it.

A young man around 14 was chuckling now. It was his older brother that he mentioned. "Hey, little brother. Your fame is growing with the ladies."

Nero looked at him. "Is that so?", he asked back.

"Yeah, I even heard how the daughter of our guests last time was struck by your cuteness."

"Enough. Stop trying to rile him up, Aulus. Your brother is popular...You should be happy for him. He will find a woman for himself easily. As for you in that matter..."

"Come on, father. I told you I am too busy for her. My fiancee can wait for a while, right? Our marriage is in two years anyway.", sighed Aulus now after hearing his father start an old conversation.

"Look who is not wanting to talk about such things. Now you should know how your brother feels.", smiled his mother at her firstborn son. "Isn't that right?"

"I don't really care about that", answered Nero flatly. "Father, did the instructor for my combat training arrive?" Nero was more interested in the words that his Nan told him earlier.

Every youth at the age of 6 started training in some profession. In noble houses, it was a lot better than on the street.

Nobles could get various training like in diplomacy, stewardship, martial, or the rather religious kind of training that was associated with learning like a schooler.

Since Nero was basically a genius in this era with his 12 years of school knowledge and his engineer diploma it was a foregone matter to never need that training.

Even though he already knew he would need to still go through it so that he was not seen as an idiot from others. There was also of course the language problem. He still needed to learn how to write and read once more.

Understanding and using it per mouth was already getting easy for him at least.

"You seem to be already informed about it?", asked his father back with a smirk.

"Hmm, just a little." Nero nodded and didn't want to rat out his Nan but by the looks, he seemed to know she was the one telling it to him.

"Well, your instructor is already at the training ground. You can go there after you ate up."

"Hoo? Do you want to become a warrior? Are you trying to imitate your big brother?", smirked Aulus, who seemed rather proud of himself at that moment.

Nero only smiled at him and let him be delusional.

Nero's mother looked a little bit worried now and she frowned a little.

"Can we not postpone his training at least for a year or two?", she asked her husband.

Nero's father raised a brow in response. "You know that he himself wants to do it. At some point, you won't be able to keep him pampered..."

The mother remained silent at those words and glanced over to Nero.

"Don't worry, mother. I will become very strong. And if you are worried about me getting injured, I will make sure to take it easy at first..." Nero knew she was probably overprotective about him and since he was such a handsome cute child, it was worse.

Not only in the matter of his appearance but that it was basically a strong bargaining chip that could be used to marry him into another good house. "Also, you were also a warrior, right mother? You should know how important a good body is."

"Hmm, fine." His mother was thinking about it for a short moment and then agreed with a smile.

"Thank you. Love you, mom." Nero grinned now and that got even his mother to widen her eyes.

She then stood up and walked over to him. A big hug and cuddle attack was the result of his innocent smile. "My little baby is such a sweet boy!"

"Ugh, mother. I am suffocating!", said Nero in a muffled voice.

Both other males had to smile and chuckle at that action.

Later after they finished dining Nero went with his father to the training grounds and was introduced to his instructor. It was an old veteran with white hair already showing on his head. he served the Fereldan army for most of his life and is now roaming around training up new warriors.

Nero took his first lesson very eagerly. Finally using a real practice sword felt so much better than those twigs he used until now. He did try to swing a sword once but was scolded very badly for it by his mother. So from that point onward he kept away and waited until it was time.

The instructor told him to swing the sword around and Nero did just as told.

The old man looked at Nero and watched his swings. Then thinking about something he whispered to his father so he could not hear.

Nero's father widened his eyes when he heard the contents of what he tried to say, Nodding with a smile he looked at his son with a clear happy expression.

Noticing that Nero stopped swinging and looked at them both.

"Who told you to stop, child?", asked the instructor.

"Oh, sorry. I just thought I heard my name..." ignoring the obvious he kept swinging the sword again.

--*Skill Swordsmanship Level 1 learned.*--

--*Progression System Initiated. Greetings, Host*--

'There it finally is!! For fucks sake. I waited so long for your appearance!', screamed Nero in his mind. 'Status!'


Name: Nero Cousland

Race: Human (Nephilim - Sealed)

Age: 6

Main Class: None

Sub Class: None


HP: 60

MP: 60

Strength: 6

Dexterity: 6

Willpower: 6

Magic: 18

Cunning: 6

Constitution: 6


Devil Trigger (Passive/Active) LVL-Sealed: Your demon heritage grants you power. A random bloodline is generated after the first activation.

Adaptable Body (Passive) LVL-MAX: Your body is adaptable to anything. Passively increases users' understanding of martial arts.

Swordsmanship (Passive) LVL-1: The ability to handle a sword effectively. Increases the fluidness of the art. Also increases damage dealt with swords + 5%.

'What the hell? My magic stat is the highest one? It's practically skyrocketing. Hmm, could it be because of my Nephilim heritage? Actually, I may have screwed myself over with that wish of mine...At least I was really not scammed by that god entity'

Yes, he had wishes fulfilled when he was reincarnated here. He could choose his name, race, and a single power to take with him.

'Well, whatever. I guess I am a balanced character otherwise. And from the looks of it, each year in age did give me 1 point in each attribute while my magic stat increased threefolds of that.'

He chose to be a Nephilim and wanted an Adaptable Body and since he was already going that road he wanted to be called Nero. Some quick thinking also got him the Progression System.

He basically tricked god in giving him this system that would record his status like in a game. His argument was that Dragon Age had it and God only sighed and agreed to give that bit of extra to him.

It was nothing special since it did not have things like a shop or free stat points but for that matter, the adaptable body would come into play. In the end, the system was just a means to divert God's attention to that matter instead of the previous wish.

God actually wanted to nerf the Adaptable Body at first but Nero did not let him finish and asked about the system and that actually succeeded.

As soon as he gets into magic at some point in his life, he will just make gravity become heavier and increase his stats like that. Not that he will be weak later on anyway, with the devil trigger and all that. But can't hurt to be safe than sorry.

I can change the last bit. I kinda think no system would also be good since it is basically only there for recording. It does not change stats or gives increases in power.

Soulcrystalcreators' thoughts