
Dragon's Resurgence: The Potter Legacy

Following an attack in 1976 that left them in a coma, Charlus and Dorea Potter awaken to find a decade has passed. With their grandson Harry missing, they search for him, realizing their duty to uphold the legacy of House Potter. With Charlus and Dorea now awake and in control, they vow to find and protect Harry, determined to honor their family's name despite the challenges they face. I hope you're enjoying the fanfiction so far! I'd love to hear your thoughts on it. Whether you loved it, hated it, or have some constructive criticism, your feedback is super important to me. Feel free to drop a comment or send me a message with your thoughts. Can't wait to hear from you! If you're passionate about fanfiction and love discussing stories, characters, and plot twists, then you're in the right place! I've created a Discord server dedicated to diving deep into the world of fanfiction, especially my own stories. Whether you're a reader, a writer, or just someone who enjoys a good tale, I welcome you to join us for lively discussions, feedback sessions, and maybe even some sneak peeks into upcoming chapters, along with artwork related to the stories. Let's nerd out together over our favorite fandoms and explore the endless possibilities of storytelling! Click the link below to join the conversation: https://discord.com/invite/HHHwRsB6wd Can't wait to see you there! If you appreciate my work and want to support me, consider buying me a cup of coffee. Your support helps me keep writing and bringing more stories to you. You can do so via PayPal here: https://www.paypal.me/VikrantUtekar007 Or through my Buy Me a Coffee page: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/vikired001s Thank you for your support!

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16 Chs

Chapter 2

As Dorea and Melania gently led Harry away to assess his health, their soft reassurances and nurturing presence providing him with comfort, Charlus and Arcturus remained in the grand study of Blackmoor Estate. The room was dimly lit by the afternoon sun streaming through tall, arched windows, casting elongated shadows across the ancient oak desk between them.

Charlus, still adjusting to the shock of recent events, ran a hand through his graying hair, his expression one of grim determination. "We need to act swiftly, Arcturus. Harry's safety is paramount, but we can't forget about Sirius. He's been unjustly imprisoned for far too long."

Arcturus, his eyes sharp and calculating, nodded in agreement. "Sirius's incarceration was a grave miscarriage of justice. With Dorea and Melania tending to Harry, now is the perfect time to strategize. We must gather evidence, find allies, and expose the truth."

Charlus leaned forward, his voice low and resolute. "Our first step should be to contact those within the Ministry who still owe us favors or have a sense of justice. We need to uncover the lack of trial records and gather testimonies from those who can attest to Sirius's loyalty."

Arcturus's gaze hardened. "I'll reach out to our old contacts and leverage the Black family's influence. We have the resources to mount a formidable defense for Sirius. We also need to discredit Peter Pettigrew's assumed innocence. His disappearance after that night is suspicious."

Charlus leaned back, his expression thoughtful before speaking. "Arcturus, there's something you need to know. James, Sirius, and Peter... they were Animagi."

Arcturus raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Animagi? All three of them? Why didn't I know about this?"

"It was a closely guarded secret," Charlus explained. "They did it to support Remus. He's a werewolf, and they wanted to keep him company during his transformations at Hogwarts. They risked everything to become Animagi just for him."

Arcturus nodded slowly, processing the information. "That explains a lot. If Peter is indeed still alive, he could be hiding in his Animagus form. We need to find out what that form is and expose him."

Charlus's eyes darkened with resolve. "Exactly. Sirius's innocence hinges on this. We need to track down Peter and bring him to justice. I'll use my connections in the Auror Office to see if we can get any leads on unusual animal sightings or reports."

Arcturus's mind was already racing with plans. "And I'll ensure that we have the Black family's resources ready to support our cause. With Dorea and Melania taking care of Harry, we can focus on this task without distraction."

Charlus nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. "We'll get Sirius out of Azkaban, Arcturus. We'll clear his name and bring Peter to justice. For James, for Lily, and for Harry."

Arcturus, his curiosity piqued, asked, "Out of curiosity, what were their Animagus forms?"

Charlus allowed himself a small smile, a touch of pride evident in his eyes. "James was a stag, a magnificent creature that suited his leadership and bravery. Sirius transformed into a large black dog, fitting his loyalty and fierce protectiveness. Peter... he was a rat."

Arcturus snorted, a hint of disdain in his voice. "A rat. How fitting, considering how he turned out. It will be challenging, but knowing their forms gives us an advantage."

Charlus agreed. "Yes, it does. We'll use every bit of information we have to our advantage. We owe it to them to see this through."

Arcturus's expression turned thoughtful. "We should start with Gringotts. Dumbledore sealed James and Lily's will using his powers as Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot. However, the Goblins would have a copy of the will, as is the norm. They will release it only to the Head of House Potter."

Charlus nodded, his determination unwavering. "Then that's our first step. I'll go to Gringotts and get the will. It might provide us with more information or leads that can help us in our efforts to clear Sirius's name and secure Harry's future."

Arcturus agreed. "While you do that, I'll begin reaching out to our old contacts and gathering support. We need to move quickly and efficiently. The sooner we have all the information, the sooner we can act."

Charlus stood, extending his hand to Arcturus. "Thank you, Arcturus. For everything. We'll get through this."

Arcturus clasped Charlus's hand firmly. "Together, Charlus. For our families and for justice."

With a renewed sense of purpose, the two men set off on their respective tasks, determined to right the wrongs and protect their loved ones.

In a cozy, sunlit room within Blackmoor Estate, Melania and Dorea busied themselves with checking on young Harry. The walls were lined with bookshelves filled with medical texts and potions, while a soft bed occupied the center of the room.

Harry sat on the edge of the bed, his legs swinging nervously. Despite the warmth and kindness emanating from the two women, he couldn't shake the anxiety that had become second nature to him.

Dorea, her eyes filled with both compassion and determination, gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's all right, Harry. We're just going to make sure you're healthy. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Melania, equally gentle but with a more methodical approach, waved her wand over Harry, casting diagnostic spells. Her face, usually serene, tightened as the spells revealed the extent of his malnourishment and the signs of past injuries.

"You've been very brave, Harry," Melania said softly, her voice carrying a mix of sorrow and admiration. "We're here to help you now. No one will hurt you again."

Dorea nodded in agreement, her heart aching at the sight of the boy who so clearly bore the marks of neglect and mistreatment. "We're your family, Harry. You're safe with us."

Harry looked up at them, his green eyes wide with a mixture of confusion and hope. "Are you really my grandparents?"

Dorea smiled warmly, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. "Yes, we are. And we're going to take care of you from now on."

Melania added, "We have a lot to catch up on, but for now, let us ensure you're healthy and strong. You're very special, Harry, and we're so glad to have you with us."

Harry felt a warmth spread through him, a feeling of belonging that he had never known before. As Melania and Dorea continued their examination, he began to believe, for the first time, that things might finally be getting better.

Melania's wand paused mid-air as she studied the results of her diagnostic spells. Her eyes narrowed with concern. "Dorea," she said quietly, her voice tinged with sadness, "Harry has a severe case of malnutrition. He's been starved for a long time."

Dorea's expression darkened as she looked at Harry, who watched them with wide, anxious eyes. "And that's not all," Melania continued, her voice shaking slightly. "There are signs of multiple healed fractures. His bones have been broken and mended, likely without proper magical care. And these burn marks... they tell a horrifying story of neglect and abuse."

Dorea felt a surge of protective anger. She knelt in front of Harry, her gaze tender yet fierce. "Oh, my dear boy," she murmured, taking his small hands in hers. "You've been through so much. But we promise you, you will never suffer like that again."

Melania nodded, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "We'll make sure you're healthy and strong, Harry. You're safe now, and we will never let anyone hurt you again."

Harry looked between the two women, a mixture of relief and confusion on his face. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "Thank you so much."

Dorea wrapped him in a gentle hug, whispering soothing words. "We love you, Harry. You're part of our family, and we will always protect you."

Charlus Potter strode into Gringotts with the confidence of a man who knew his place in the wizarding world. His presence commanded attention, and it didn't take long for whispers to ripple through the bustling bank. Goblins and wizards alike paused in their activities, staring in astonishment at the man they believed had been comatose for a decade.

As Charlus made his way to the main counter, his sharp eyes scanned the room, assessing the reactions. Among the surprised faces, one stood out: Lucius Malfoy. The blonde wizard's expression flickered with shock, quickly masked by a veneer of indifference. But Charlus recognized the underlying fear in Malfoy's eyes. Lucius had been one of the masked attackers that fateful day.

Charlus's lips curved into a tight, humorless smile. He'd deal with Malfoy later. For now, he had more pressing matters to attend to. He reached the counter, where a goblin peered up at him with a mixture of curiosity and respect.

"Charlus Potter," Charlus announced, his voice firm and clear. "I need to speak with the account manager for the Potter family vault. There are urgent matters to discuss."

The goblin, Griphook, nodded curtly. "Follow me, Mr. Potter."

As Charlus followed Griphook deeper into the bank, he felt the eyes of Lucius Malfoy boring into his back. It was a feeling he relished. The Malfoys, like so many other Death Eaters, would learn soon enough that the Potters were not to be underestimated.

Griphook led Charlus to a private office and gestured for him to sit. "What can Gringotts do for you today, Mr. Potter?"

Charlus leaned forward, his eyes hard. "I need access to the copy of James and Lily Potter's will. It was sealed by Albus Dumbledore, but I understand that Gringotts keeps its own records. As the Head of House Potter, I demand to see it."

Griphook nodded, not missing a beat. "Of course, Mr. Potter. We will retrieve it immediately. Please wait here."

As the goblin left the room, Charlus allowed himself a moment to breathe. The path ahead was fraught with challenges, but he was ready. The Potter legacy demanded nothing less.

As Charlus waited, the door to the private office opened again, and Griphook returned with an ancient-looking scroll. The goblin handed it to Charlus with a respectful nod.

"Here is the will of James and Lily Potter, Mr. Potter," Griphook said. "If you require anything further, please let us know."

Charlus unrolled the parchment carefully, his heart heavy with the weight of the words he was about to read. He scanned the document, taking in each detail. It was a painful reminder of all that had been lost, but it also held crucial information for the future.

The will stated several key points:

**First**, it named Peter Pettigrew as the Secret Keeper for the Fidelius Charm that had protected James, Lily, and Harry. Charlus's eyes darkened at this revelation. Peter's betrayal had cost his son and daughter-in-law their lives.

**Second**, it confirmed Sirius Black as Harry's godfather. This was a relief, as it reaffirmed Sirius's rightful place in Harry's life and bolstered Charlus's determination to clear Sirius's name.

**Third**, the will contained a specific instruction that Harry was not to be placed with Lily's sister, Petunia, under any circumstances. James and Lily had been explicit in their distrust of Petunia and her husband, Vernon Dursley, to provide a loving and safe environment for Harry.

Charlus clenched his fists as he read this last point. The very thing his son and daughter-in-law had feared had come to pass. Harry had been left in the care of the Dursleys despite their clear wishes.

Charlus stood up, the will tightly gripped in his hand, and made his way out of the office. As he walked back through the main hall of Gringotts, he locked eyes with Lucius Malfoy once more. There was no need for words; the look on Charlus's face said it all. He was back, and he would set things right.

Outside the bank, Charlus Apparated back to Blackmoor Estate, where Arcturus, Melania, and Dorea were waiting. He strode into the drawing room, the will still in hand.

"I have the will," Charlus announced, his voice carrying the weight of his resolve. "It names Peter Pettigrew as the Secret Keeper and Sirius as Harry's godfather. And James and Lily explicitly stated that Harry was not to be placed with Petunia Dursley under any circumstances."

Dorea's face tightened with anger. "Then Dumbledore violated their wishes. Harry should never have been subjected to that household."

Arcturus's expression was equally grim. "This gives us leverage, Charlus. We can use this to challenge Dumbledore's decisions and push for Sirius's release."

Melania, who had been caring for Harry, entered the room with a determined look. "Harry is resting now. We'll make sure he's well and safe here. But we must move quickly."

Charlus nodded. "We'll expose Peter's treachery, clear Sirius's name, and ensure Harry's future is secure. The legacy of House Potter demands nothing less."

"Is it time to call the Legion?" Arcturus asked.

Charlus turned to Arcturus, his expression thoughtful. "Yes, it's time. The Legion has been waiting in the shadows long enough. We'll need their support if we're going to challenge Dumbledore and the Ministry."

Arcturus nodded, a grim determination in his eyes. "I'll send word immediately. They'll be ready to act when we need them."

With that, Arcturus left the room to make the necessary arrangements. Charlus knew that calling upon the Black Dragon Legion was a risky move, but desperate times called for desperate measures. The legacy of House Potter depended on their success, and Charlus was willing to do whatever it took to protect his family and restore their honor.

Arcturus Black, accompanied by a small retinue of trusted advisors, made his way to the headquarters of the Black Dragon Legion, a clandestine organization known for its ruthless tactics and unwavering loyalty to the cause. Among them was Alastor 'Mad Eye' Moody, a grizzled veteran whose reputation for fearlessness and ferocity was legendary.

The Legion had played a crucial role in the war against Grindelwald, employing unconventional and often brutal tactics to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. Under Charlus and Arcturus's leadership, they had come close to victory, their relentless onslaught pushing Grindelwald's forces to the brink of defeat.

However, their triumph was short-lived. In the final moments of the conflict, Dumbledore had swooped in, engaging Grindelwald in a duel that would ultimately decide the outcome of the war. While the Legion had done the heavy lifting, it was Dumbledore who emerged victorious, stealing the credit and overshadowing their contributions.

Despite feeling betrayed by Dumbledore's actions during the war against Grindelwald, the Black Dragon Legion remained fiercely loyal to their leaders and their cause. They continued to operate in the shadows, their ranks filled with seasoned warriors and skilled tacticians, biding their time and waiting for the opportunity to strike back against those who had wronged them.

Their chance for retribution came during the war with the Death Eaters, decades later. As the dark forces of Voldemort rose to power, the Legion reactivated, their brutal methods and unwavering commitment to victory causing tension between them and Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix. While the Order advocated for non-lethal measures and sought to minimize casualties, the Legion believed in doing whatever was necessary to achieve their goals.

The fundamental difference in ideology between the Black Dragon Legion and Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix led to friction between the two factions, with Dumbledore and his followers, including James Potter and Sirius Black, wary of the Legion's ruthless tactics.

James, a valiant and principled young wizard, had been raised with a strong sense of justice and compassion. He believed in the power of unity and cooperation, striving to find peaceful solutions to conflicts whenever possible. While he respected the Legion's commitment to their cause, he often found himself at odds with their methods, which he deemed too extreme and morally questionable.

Sirius, fiercely loyal to his friends and family, shared his grandfather Arcturus's determination to see justice served. However, his rebellious nature and disdain for authority sometimes put him at odds with Dumbledore's more cautious approach. While he admired the Legion's resolve and unwavering dedication, he couldn't always condone their tactics, especially when they resulted in unnecessary harm or bloodshed.

Despite their differences, James and Sirius understood the importance of unity in the face of a common enemy. They recognized the need to work together with the Legion and other allies to defeat Voldemort and his Death Eaters, even if it meant setting aside their reservations about certain methods.

As tensions simmered between the factions, James and Sirius found themselves navigating a delicate balance between their loyalty to Dumbledore and their respect for their families' legacies. In the end, they remained committed to the fight against darkness, striving to uphold their values while working towards a better future for the wizarding world.

Despite their disagreements, both groups recognized the importance of defeating Voldemort and his followers, and begrudgingly worked together when their interests aligned.

As the war raged on, the Black Dragon Legion played a crucial role in striking fear into the hearts of the Death Eaters, their reputation for brutality and unyielding determination serving as a formidable weapon against the dark forces that threatened the wizarding world. And though their methods may have been controversial, there was no denying the effectiveness of their actions in the fight against evil.

As Arcturus entered the meeting room, he was greeted by the steely gazes of the Legion's generals, each one a seasoned warrior with a fierce determination to see justice served. Alastor Moody, with his distinctive magical eye and scarred visage, stood among them, his presence commanding respect and admiration.

"Generals," Arcturus began, his voice steady and commanding, "the time has come to once again rise up and defend our honor. The Potter legacy is under threat, and we cannot stand idly by while our enemies plot against us."

The generals nodded in agreement, their expressions hardened with resolve. They knew what was at stake, and they were prepared to do whatever it took to ensure the survival of House Potter and the Black Dragon Legion.

"Prepare your forces," Arcturus declared. "We march at dawn."

As Charlus and Dorea spent time with Harry, they were struck by the resilience and bravery of their young grandson.

"You're a remarkable boy, Harry," Charlus said, his voice filled with admiration. "To endure so much at such a tender age... It speaks volumes about your strength."

Harry smiled shyly, his eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and sadness. "Thank you, Grandfather," he murmured. "But it wasn't easy. The Dursleys... they weren't very kind to me."

Dorea's heart ached at the pain in Harry's voice. She reached out and gently squeezed his hand. "You're safe now, Harry," she assured him, her voice soft but firm. "We won't let anyone harm you ever again."

As they listened to Harry's stories of his life with the Dursleys, Charlus's anger simmered beneath the surface. "No child should have to endure such cruelty," he declared, his voice tinged with indignation. "I swear, Harry, we'll do everything in our power to ensure that you never suffer like that again."

Tears welled up in Dorea's eyes as she looked at her grandson. "You're a Potter, Harry," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. "And Potters are known for their courage and resilience. You have that same strength within you."

Charlus, seeing Harry's curiosity piqued, decided to share the rich history of their family. He settled back in his chair, his voice taking on a storytelling tone. "Harry, let me tell you about the origins of House Potter. It all began with a man named Aeneas, who lived during the Roman Empire."

Harry's eyes widened with interest. "Aeneas?"

"Yes," Charlus confirmed with a nod. "Aeneas was a potter by trade, a humble craftsman. But his life changed dramatically when he was conscripted into the Roman Legion. The year was 43 AD, during the Roman invasion of Britannia."

Harry leaned forward, captivated by the tale. "What happened to him?"

"Aeneas was no ordinary soldier," Charlus continued. "He was part of a special group of Legionnaires who possessed magical abilities. These wizards were recruited specifically to combat the powerful magic of the Druids who lived in Britannia. Aeneas proved to be incredibly skilled, and his bravery on the battlefield earned him great respect."

Charlus paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in before continuing. "After serving his time in the Legion, Aeneas settled in Camulodunum, which is modern-day Colchester. He integrated into life in Britain, embracing the culture and people. To signify his humble beginnings, he took the name Potter."

Harry looked up, intrigued. "Why did he choose that name?"

"Because it reminded him of where he came from and kept him grounded," Charlus explained. "But there was more to his life in Britannia. Aeneas fell in love with a Celtic witch named Clodagh. She was a strong, kind-hearted woman with powerful magic of her own. They married and started a family, blending their magical heritages."

Dorea smiled softly. "And that's how the Potter family began, Harry. Aeneas and Clodagh built a life together, and their descendants have carried on their legacy ever since. We've always been known for our courage, resilience, and the strength of our bonds."

Harry's eyes sparkled with newfound pride. "So, our family has always been about blending different worlds together."

Dorea nodded, her expression warm. "Yes, Harry. The union of Aeneas and Clodagh brought together two very distinct types of magic, creating something unique and powerful in our family. This is what we call Family Magic."

"Family Magic?" Harry repeated, curiosity evident in his voice.

"Exactly," Dorea continued. "Aeneas' magic was martial in nature due to his training with the Legion. It made him faster and stronger than the average wizard, and his spells were more potent in combat. This was a result of the rigorous discipline and physical training he underwent as a Legionnaire."

Charlus interjected, his eyes gleaming with pride. "Aeneas' magic gave him an edge on the battlefield, allowing him to perform feats that were almost superhuman. It was said that he could cast spells with remarkable precision and power, making him a formidable opponent."

Dorea smiled, picking up the thread of the story. "Meanwhile, Clodagh's magic was Druidic in nature. The Druids were deeply connected to the natural world and could harness its energies in ways that were profoundly different from the Roman wizards. Clodagh's magic was gentle and nurturing, with a strong affinity for healing and the elements."

Harry listened intently, absorbing every word. "So, when they combined their magic..."

"It created a unique blend," Dorea explained. "The Potter Family Magic is the result of their union, combining the strength and discipline of Aeneas with the harmony and healing of Clodagh. This combination has been passed down through the generations, making us who we are today."

Charlus leaned forward, his gaze intense. "Harry, you carry that legacy within you. You have the potential for great strength and resilience, as well as a deep connection to the natural world. Our family has always been about balance, about integrating different aspects of magic to create something greater than the sum of its parts."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "Our family crest features the Hebridean Black Dragon, a symbol of both power and protection. The dragon represents our family's strength and determination to protect those we care about. The Hebridean Black, in particular, is known for its fierce loyalty and formidable abilities, much like our ancestors who fought bravely to protect their loved ones and their way of life."

Dorea added, "The dragon also signifies our connection to the natural world, as it is a creature deeply rooted in magic and the elements. It reminds us of Clodagh's Druidic heritage and our duty to live in harmony with nature."

Harry looked at his grandparents, feeling a mix of awe and pride. "So, the dragon represents everything our family stands for—strength, protection, loyalty, and harmony."

Charlus nodded, his expression softening. "Yes, Harry. It is a symbol of our family's enduring legacy and the values we hold dear. You, as the next generation, carry that symbol forward. You are a Potter, and you have the strength of our ancestors within you."

Harry felt a surge of determination. "I want to live up to that legacy. I want to honor our family's history and make you proud."

Dorea smiled, her eyes shining with love. "And you will, Harry. We believe in you. You have the heart of a dragon, and together, we will help you unlock your full potential."

Charlus placed a comforting hand on Harry's shoulder. "Remember, Harry, the legacy of House Potter is not just about the past. It's about the future you will help shape. You have the potential to become a true dragon of our house—strong, wise, and fiercely protective of those you love."

Harry nodded, a newfound determination burning in his eyes. "I won't let you down. I'll do everything I can to honor our family and its legacy."

Dorea hugged him tightly. "We know you will, Harry. You have the heart of a true Potter, and that means you are destined for greatness."

As the family embraced, the weight of the past mingled with the promise of the future. Harry's journey was only beginning, but with his grandparents by his side and the strength of his heritage within him, he felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Together, they would reclaim their rightful place in the wizarding world, and Harry would grow into the dragon he was meant to be—a beacon of hope and strength for House Potter, and a force to be reckoned with in the battles to come.


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