
Update on the Rewrite

Hey guys, I am still alive... ha!

(for those that wished me death for daring to rewrite my story, lol. Calm your tits)

First, the most important question: Will there be a harem? Yes!

Pokemon, gonna catch em all!

Anyways, I think I will only publish the first Chapter at the end of August/first half of September.

Sorry for that, but I got several writer's blocks because I didn't like the new starts of the story that I tried out. But eventually, I found one now that I feel happy about.

If I don't like the start, I can't continue writing no matter what :S

Good news, tho. Psylocke will attend Hogwarts ^^ (and a second mutant - Luna needs a friend)

My idea was that since it is a Harry PotterXMarvel world, so why not let some magical mutants attend Hogwarts? Creating some additional conflict by making the pureblood fanatics claim that mutants are supposedly muggles that stole magical powers, or so. depending on the type of mutant power - since people with abilities like Hank/Beast (the blue ape-like guy) are considered creatures, etc. Oh, and imagine the potential of a Death Eater mutant?! Wtf!

That said, Psylocke 616 is British, and she somewhat fits the age requirement if we think of Olivia Munn in the movie Apocalypse. I don't want to pick mutants that were never British citizens in any of their many Comic versions. So, no Jean Grey or Emma Frost attending Hogwarts. Sorry, my fellow men of culture.

But I think that mutant stuff is a good idea, right? ^^

Also, I dropped the idea with the gaming system that I mentioned in the previous update of the story. It only adds a lot of work and I realized that it is simply not worth the time and effort - it can become quite frustrating easily to handle the stats so they make sense, etc.

Aside from that, I never wrote stories with a system and stats so far, so I don't have experience and may fuck up, which can lead to decreased motivation, etc. Let's avoid that.

Well, having said all that, the story will somewhat remain on its old course. Though, the protagonist starts in his third year this time - while Harry will join Hogwarts for his first. So, the protagonist is a year mate with Cedric Diggory, the Weasley Twins, etc.

Husbands will be cucked (I think you can guess one easily, and there might be a second one too, and maybe even a third, hehe (shameless laughter). Cucking is fun - only if you are the one doing it).

I also made some plans for years to come at Hogwarts. School intern dueling tournaments - that qualify the winner for regional tournaments and so on, some quidditch (with superhuman strength), hunting stuff to devour in the Forbidden Forest, playing funny and nasty pranks, etc. Using the Chamber of Secrets as a sex dungeon, sexy magic, etc., etc. ^^(don't judge, but I always found sex magic an interesting topic)

Anyways, my favorite part of every Harry Potter fanfiction is the fourth year, so I developed quite a nice plot for that part (I hope). Small Spoiler: Fleur's background will be different with some family drama (no teenage angst and bullshit like that), but her mother is one of those 'ambitious' Veela and she wants Fleur to get herself a rich/influential boy. And naturally, Fleur doesn't want to be a simple golddigger whose only talent is to be sexy and being good at eating carrots.

Yet, Fleur's mother Apolline already has a rich pureblood heir of proper breeding in mind, and Fleur's parents/Lord Delacour promised Fleur in exchange for an alliance.

During the Tri-Wi-Tournament, Fleur hopes that she can use that year to find a solution for her problem. Will the protagonist help her? Who knows?

After the tri-wizard tournament, the protagonist's seventh and last year at Hoggywarts arrives. He will mostly use that time to mess with Umbridge and to plan on how to combat Voldemort and his band of boot-licking idiots.

After Hogwarts is over, and our boy Voldy on his not-so-nice date with a pissed Lady Death, the protagonist will explore more of the Marvel Universe. Wakanda, for example, to get that sweet vibranium. The good stuff. Imagine what funny things could happen if the protagonist devours it? heh.

But until all the major events start to occur (Iron Man, Hulk, etc.), the protagonist will also find a way that enables him to venture into the Game of Thrones world (this is the only other world he visits).

Why? Mostly becuase I want him to eat some dragons (I never liked Daenerys), and because Valyrian steel can be a nice and more magical alternative to vibranium. I also plan to make the protagonist a crafter/enchanter, and the GoT world is full of resources, especially Valyria.

The Night King is most likely a highly magical being, so that frozen guy is a nice snack that shouldn't be wasted (Devouring Flame, etc). That guy really died a pitiful death in the show.

Eventually, the first major events will happen around 2004/2005. Tony Stark becoming Iron Man, etc. That's when the protagonist starts messing more with the Marvel world. GoT was basically a little vacation since I don't like these time skips. Lokis invasion will happen around 2012.

The next bad boy to slap after Voldy will be that smurf-colored Apocalypse. That won't be just a project for the protagonist, but also for the X-Men & Co. (The protagonist won't be a global problem fixer). But hopefully, if my skills as a writer are adequate enough, that Apocalypse situation will be Psylocke's time to shine as an individual and character.

After that, Thanos will eventually come knocking, introducing himself as the next bad boy to slap and kick in the nuts.

And after Thanos, the Phoenix Force is a sassy b* and wants the protagonist to take on an entire galactic empire ruled by bird people or so. (I keep it vague on purpose)

Alright, that was some kind of update. I didn't really fully plan all the events that will happen after Hogwarts, but I have a crude outline and some ideas that I hope will be entertaining enough.


LordRhyolithcreators' thoughts