
Accident Aftermath

Where on Earth could I be bleeding from? With my hands secured around the jacket and the cat. I walked carefully back to my car. I must have hit my head hard enough to make a gash. I don't have a first aid kit on me, so it would have to wait until I get home to dress it. Now I just needed to call a Tow truck, and hopefully get a hold of Aaron. No way would I let Bastion know that I was hurt. I've known Bastion since college and he could be such a worry wart. Or he would tease me endlessly.

Sighing, I pulled open the door and got into the car. I know it wasn't good to leave it running after an accident, but it was really too cold not to have it on. Sitting in the seat and letting the warm air blast on me, I realized how cold I really was. My legs started to grow numb and tingled with the warm air. I opened my jacket to let the cat roam around, but it stayed glued to me. There was a small rumbling in its chest as I continued to absently pet it. I think it was comforting me more than I was it.

While I continued to stoke the soft black fur, I called the nearest tow company and told them of my situation. With the tow truck on its way, I nervously typed the number in to call Aaron. It rang three times before he finally picked up.

"Rose, what's the matter? I just saw you a few minutes ago." Now that I was finally calming down, my body was slowly staring to ache, and my head was now starting to throb. I groaned before going into the whole accident. With every moment I spoke, I could feel myself getting more and more fatigued. After I spoke with him, he gave a loud sigh.

"Sit tight, I am on my way. Do not get out of the vehicle under any circumstances do you understand? Ask the Tow truck driver to sit with you until I get there." He huffed angrily before hanging up. I had never once been the receiver of his anger. It was a new feeling to me, especially because he was one of the few that I cared about their opinions towards me. So, I sat there, clutching the cat to my chest until the tow truck finally showed up.

But by the time his head lights came into view, my eyes where feeling very heavy. My body felt numb and ached all at once. If I shifted, sharp stabbing bolts would rocket up my muscles and it always earned a weak groan. The sound of opening and closing doors pulled me out of my dazed and half sleep stupor. The creaking of metal against metal made me inwardly cringe as the final door slammed shut. Then a moment later, a shadow crossed through the blaring beam of lights. It brought a momentary brief relief to my pounding headache that hammered away at the back of my head.

A loud knock came from my window, bringing me fully awake as I squeaked in surprise. With the light glow of light, and my already blurry and skewed vision, I could barely make out the silhouette of the person standing before my door. Cautiously I hit the button to roll down my window.

"Ma'am would you like me to call the ambulance, you look awful." He had a thick southern accent as he spoke. It was thick and warm. Even more warm and gentle than that of the night breeze that threatened to turn me into a numb popsicle. I just slowly shook my head, not really able to provide much of an answer. My mouth felt dry and tired. He let out a soft grunt before opening my door. The cat in my hands hissed loudly in response to his sudden jerky movements. I rubbed it's head gently, trying my best to soothe it even though I myself was starting to lose it.

"Don't mind the little thing. It's still in distress after I almost hit it. Do you mind if I wait in your truck while my friend comes and picks me up." I asked almost mumbling. With a small grunt, I took it as a yes and practically stumbled out of the car. The driver caught me in his hands, slowly standing me up before dragging me towards his tow truck. I kept the cat close to me as he helped me in, then closed the door softly. Although I couldn't really make out what he looked like, he seemed genuinely nice.

I watched his silhouette as he worked around the car. He reached in, turning the key off before walking back to towards the truck. I watched him get in with one swift motion, like he had been doing this his whole life. In the dim light of the cab, I could see how young he truly was. Maybe a few years out of high school. Short black hair poked out from underneath his cap. Dark green eyes sat focused on the outside world as he worked to turn the truck around. He wore a thick fur lined coat with thick cloth woven gloves on his hands.

He looked so warm and comfortable in his grease worn clothes. I shivered, knowing I was basically wearing nothing, holding a scared cat to my chest. I wish I had planned better. But nothing like this never happened to me before, so I just assumed that it would never happened. How childish of me. The shiver caught the man's eyes and he warily looked me over before finally parking his truck and shedding his coat. Casually, he draped it over my shoulders.

"What are you doing? It is colder than hell out there! You are going to need it more than me." I tried to protest, but he gave me a one lopsided grin before turning his heater on blast and then hoping out of his truck. My heart warmed, touched that he would be so hospitable towards a stranger. I watched him walk towards the back of the tow truck in the mirror until he disappeared out of sight. He was out there for quite a while until I heard the crunch of metal, and the whirring noise of gears and cable. As the last sounds of crunching metal could be heard and the whirring stopped. I saw two head lights come blaring into view.

The throbbing of my head only got worse the closer it got. Eventually I closed my eyes, hoping that the dark behind my eye lids would lessen my pain. After a brief moment, I could hear the talking of two men outside the door. It was muffled, and with the pounding in my head, I couldn't make out the words. I knew for a fact that one of those voices very well belonged to Aaron. I leaned my head against the warm metal of the tow truck, wanting so very badly to go home.

The gods must be listening, because as soon as my head the door frame, it swung open, and I tumbled out. The air escaped my lungs as my back suddenly came into contact with a strong set of arms. Wincing, I looked up and met two of the most angry sea foam eyes I had ever seen. I gave a sheepish grin and moved a hand to pat his shoulder. I better smooth things over before we go into work tomorrow.

"Please do explain to me why your car is completely totaled. You've had only a half a glass of wine. Are you that much of a light weight you can't control your vehicle?" He asked angrily. I rolled my eyes and glared at him. I could handle my alcohol just fine; he didn't have to patronize me.

"No, you dolt. I almost hit a cat and the roads are slick. You know they don't salt these roads; they barely plow them. It was just a very unfortunate event." He sighed heavily as he stared down at me, his lips set in a thin line of disappointment. It was like he was scolding a child, except that this child was the same age as him. "Listen, this is the first time I have ever screwed up this badly. Give me a break and take me home. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow, and I want my sleep." I tried playfully whining. But his lips never cracked a smile.

"I am taking you to the hospital Rosaline. Your head has a nasty gash, and it looks like it has been bleeding for a while. Work can wait, your health can not." Without putting me down, he walked through the inch of snow that had now accumulated on the ground. I gritted my teeth, not wanting to go to the hospital. It was the last place I wanted to be. I watched both of my parents die in the hospital and I didn't want to ever share the same fate.

"I don't need to go to the hospital Aaron. Please just bring me home. I have a first aid kit." A wave of panic rushed through me. The last place on Earth I wanted to be was a damned hospital. After my mom and dad died in a car accident, I always feared them. I wasn't in my home town any more, but every hospital carried the same sense of dread I felt when I watched both my parents die, and the pain I felt when they where taking care of my injuries. So I could only plead with him and hope that he wouldn't take me there.

Gripping me tightly with one arm, he set me on my feet and faced me towards a white Lexus. It looked dull in the moonless light. Barely visible as it sat camouflaged with it's surroundings. The snow melted on top of the hood and cascaded down and off the ledge. He opened the door for me, letting me climb in. As I settled in the seat, he held his hand out for me to give him the coat. With a defeated sigh, I passed it to him. He slammed the door as softly as his anger would allow him to before he trudged over to the man next to the tow truck.

They sat talking again, Aaron passed him a card and the young man pulled out his phone. A small black box sat connected on the bottom of his phone. Almost like a card reader. It dawned on me that he just paid to have my car towed. What did he think he was doing? It was my responsibility to take care of my own vehicle, not his. The cat inside my jacket squirmed uncomfortably as I tightened my arms around myself. It gave out a small yowl and I released my grip. I tried soothing it, shushing it, and rubbing it's head until it fell peacefully back to sleep in my lap.

Irritated and annoyed, mixed with an immense pain, I returned to glare at the silhouette of Aaron. His posture was stiff as he managed his way back to the car, the stubborn aura around him not once going away. I didn't like this side to him, especially because it was not his job to worry about me. I just needed a ride home. In fact, if I knew he was going to act this way, I never once would have called him. With a swift pull on the handle, he opened the door and climbed inside. I watched him silently buckle before throwing his car into drive.

"For what it's worth Aaron, I thank you for coming all this way to grab me. I really didn't know who else to call. Outside of work, I don't have anyone I can rely. I'll pay you back for the tow as well." I mumbled as I leaned against the car door. Fatigue was now starting to sweep over me in his familiar presence. A deep sigh came from him as he drove, clearly still upset at the situation. It would smooth over between us eventually, it always did. I'm just glad that in my time of need, he always steps in and saves the day.