
Dragon's Consort

Despair and Hope are two sides of the same coin. After all, one cannot despair if he does not hope. Disowned by his family, his fate is to live the life of a slave. Regaining his freedom, his only goal is to give himself a better life. Alas, the only fate that awaits him is death. The death of his family, his loved ones and the few people in the world he cares about. [Omni-Gene Unlocked] Watch Rybane's Epic journey as he travels through scorching deserts, raging waves, unconquered mountains and even the underworld itself. He will go against fellow humans and beasts alike, warring against the Gods and their schemes to reunite with his estranged. He will become a monster. If that's what it takes to get home. Author's note: The first 12 chapters are part of the prologue so they might seem a bit rushed. Grind through the prologue and I promise you will be hooked from the first arc. Stay tuned, it will get better as you read.

Runeless · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs


They took my mom.

They took my wife.

They took my son.

Now they even took them.

Dawn's Crest was an adventurer party of considerable renown in Basil. Their bonds forged by years of blood and steel, they were the shining stars of Basil's Adventurer Guild.

Now, Dawn's Crest was no more.


Two months ago, under the cover of darkness, the Kraglins launched a brutal and coordinated raid on the unsuspecting town of Basil.

The attack began in the dead of night, when the town was at its most vulnerable state.

The Kraglins, with their natural ability to blend into the shadows and navigate silently, crept through the town's outskirts, avoiding detection until it was too late.

The first signs of the attack were the faint sounds of crumbling earth and stone as the Kraglins emerged from hidden tunnels they had dug beneath the town.

They moved swiftly and silently, their glowing eyes the only hint of their presence as they spread out to cover as much ground as possible.

Chaos erupted as the Kraglins began their assault.

They targeted homes and buildings methodically, breaking down doors with their chisel-like claws and dragging out screaming inhabitants.

The Kraglins showed no mercy, swiftly killing any children they found, their high-pitched screams piercing the night.

The adults were not spared the horrors, as the Kraglins captured men and women, dragging them back into the darkness of their tunnels.

Fires broke out as the Kraglins set buildings ablaze, using the chaos and confusion to cover their retreat.

The town's defenders, caught off guard and overwhelmed by the suddenness of the attack, struggled to mount an effective resistance.

By the time the guild and adventurers organized a counterattack, the Kraglins had already inflicted significant damage.

Throughout the night, the battle raged on. The Kraglins fought with a ferocity born of desperation, their territorial instincts driving them to repel any who dared to challenge them.

The defenders fought valiantly, but the Kraglins' knowledge of the town's layout and their ability to manipulate the earth gave them a distinct advantage.

As dawn approached, the guild and adventurers finally began to gain the upper hand.

Using torches and makeshift weapons, they forced the Kraglins back, the brightening sky beginning to disorient and weaken the creatures.

The Kraglins, realizing they could not sustain their assault in the daylight, retreated back into their tunnels, dragging their captives with them.

By morning, the town of Basil was left in ruins.

Many buildings were reduced to smoldering husks, and the streets were littered with the bodies of the fallen.

The survivors were left to mourn their dead and rebuild their shattered lives, haunted by the memories of that terrible night.

The attack left an indelible mark on the town, a grim reminder of the Kraglins' power and the ever-present threat lurking beneath the earth.

In the months following the initial devastating raid, the Kraglins continued their nightly assaults on Basil.

Despite the town's defenders becoming more adept at repelling these attacks, the Kraglins remained persistent, launching raid after raid.

Although each raid was repelled, the constant threat took its toll, and the number of adventurers willing to defend the town gradually dwindled.

Realizing that the situation could not continue indefinitely, the guild master decided to go on the offensive.

He organized the most successful adventurer parties into scouting teams, assigning them to different sectors of the Forest of Dyre.

Their mission was clear: locate the Kraglins' hideout, rescue any captives who might still be alive, and eradicate the Kraglin threat once and for all.

The Forest of Dyre, dense and foreboding, stretched out towards a remote beach that connected to the ocean.

It was in this area that the scouting parties began to disappear, one by one, swallowed by the darkness of the forest and the treacherous caves along the coastline.

The beach, once thought to be a potential escape route, had become a place of foreboding.

Dawn's Crest, an experienced adventuring party that Rybane had once been a part of, was assigned to investigate these mysterious disappearances.

Comprising of skilled warriors, mages, and the protection magic user Hestia, they ventured into the beach caves with a mix of caution and determination.

The caves were a labyrinth of narrow passages and echoing chambers, the air thick with the smell of salt and decay.

As Dawn's Crest delved deeper, the sense of being watched grew stronger.

Suddenly, from the shadows, the Kraglins launched their ambush.

With their intimate knowledge of the caves and their ability to blend into the stone, they overwhelmed the party.

In the ensuing chaos, the Kraglins dragged the members of Dawn's Crest deeper into the caverns.

Screams echoed through the tunnels, quickly swallowed by the oppressive darkness.

Hestia, using her protection magic, managed to create a barrier that held the Kraglins at bay just long enough for her to escape.

Desperation fueled her flight, and she navigated the treacherous paths back to the surface, her heart pounding and mind reeling from the horror she had witnessed.

Emerging into the faint light of dawn, Hestia was the sole survivor of the ambush.

Her account of the Kraglins' attack and the fate of her companions brought a chilling clarity to the guild master and the remaining defenders of Basil.

The Kraglins were not just a threat—they were a relentless, calculating enemy that had to be confronted with even greater resolve.

The tale of Dawn's Crest and Hestia's narrow escape became a rallying cry, a grim reminder of the stakes and the need for a decisive strike against the Kraglins, wherever they might hide.

More importantly, it was a wake-up call for Ryne. It was time for him to decide whether to continue his journey to the East, or to try to save his friends.

The choice was obvious.

He wouldn't lose any more ground.

He wouldn't give up on anyone.


Standing at the entrance to the beach caves, I took a deep breath, feeling the salty sea breeze whip around me.

The sun had just dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the rocky landscape.

I thought about Hestia and her insistence on coming with me. She had argued passionately, her eyes full of concern and determination.

But I couldn't let her.

This plan was too risky, and I knew she would only get in the way. It wasn't safe, and I couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to her.

I had left my sword behind, knowing it would be useless for the plan I had in mind.

My hands were empty, but my resolve was not.

As I stepped into the cave, the darkness enveloped me, the air growing cooler and damper with each step. My senses were on high alert, ears straining to catch any hint of movement.

The Kraglins were here, waiting, lurking in the shadows. I could feel their eyes on me, watching my every move.

Suddenly, they struck. From the darkness, the Kraglins emerged with a flurry of movement, their glowing eyes and sharp claws creating a terrifying tableau.

I reacted swiftly, dodging and parrying their initial attacks with my bare hands, making it look like I was putting up a fierce fight. I knew I had to sell this performance if my plan was to succeed.

The cave echoed with the sounds of struggle—grunts, growls, and the scraping of claws on stone.

My movements were deliberate but calculated to appear desperate. I allowed myself to be driven back, cornered by the relentless onslaught.

Then, with a final, well-timed blow, a Kraglin struck me at the back of the head.

Pain exploded in my skull, and I staggered. I let my body go limp, falling heavily to the cave floor.

The world spun around me, and darkness closed in.

The Kraglins, satisfied with their victory, gathered around my unconscious form, their guttural voices echoing off the cavern walls.

Forcing myself to bear through the pain and remain conscious, I closed my eyes as the First Phase of my plan had come to a successful conclusion.

I had successfully infiltrated the Kraglins' Den.


Hey everyone! Hope y'all are having a nice day!

I know you guys are wondering, what are Kraglins?

Well, wonder no longer, because the Codex Arcana, written by an enigmatic mortal who prevailed against all odds, is finally here.

Try reading it, I plan to make it an extensive guide of all monsters and creatures that are encountered in the story(or not).

Other than that, please vote by using power stones and add the book to your collection to show your support.

Dropping a comment would be nice as well, as it helps motivate me to write more.

Thank you, and have a nice day!