
Against the Elites

After a three-hour journey since he bid farewell to his mother and little brother, Alex finally reached the Elysium Bloom, a hotel so luxurious it defied categorization. Seven stars weren't enough to capture its extravagance; it was a seven-star-plus, a monument to human ingenuity and obscene wealth.

The Earth, once a patchwork of disparate nations, had become a unified empire under the Aethelgarde. Currently, it goes by the name, “The Kingdom of Earth” a vassal nation to the Aethelgardes. Globalization had reached its peak, erasing most ethnicities and replacing them with a homogenous blend. Gone were the Asians, Caucasians, Europeans, Americans, Australians – terms that belonged to a bygone era (even 2024, for that matter). Technology had further accelerated the concept of a global village, and now most people looked the same, save for some skin color variations based on their location or, more precisely, their level of adaptation to the new and enhanced globalization. Thankfully, in the Aethelgarde Empire, diverse skin tones weren't a social issue anymore. For some, it was a different kind of peace, a peace unique to this era.

Even more impressive was Alex, a man who lived on the other side of the world, managing the three-hour journey to this opulent hotel several hundred kilometers away – and that with a second-hand hovercar at his disposal. This journey served as a testament to the incredible advancements in technology achieved over the years.


Below, the once-majestic Mount Olympus was no longer a rugged peak, but a gleaming crown of futuristic architecture. The mountain that once believed to be a mythical home for the gods, currently had been transformed into a breathtaking skyscape city named Elysium, its buildings scaling the mountainside like crystallized clouds. And at its topmost pinnacle, amidst some bioluminescent gardens, stood the Elysium Bloom.

Alex gripped his steering wheel seeing this marvelous piece of architecture for the very first time through his own eyes. He felt so out of place even in the sterile, chrome interior of the rented hovercar. The invitation to the interview at Cadmus Academy had come as a complete surprise, landing in his inbox like a misplaced diamond amongst many ordinary emails. He was just Alex Connor, a scholarship student from a backwater planet, not someone who belonged amongst the elites interviewed at a place like the Elysium Bloom.

Landing the hovercar on a designated pad, Alex disembarked, the mountainous crisp air touching against his skin. Stepping into the hotel lobby was like entering a completely new world. The air shimmered with invisible technology, the floor beneath his feet a kinetic walkway that shifted and flowed as he walked. A holographic receptionist, a woman sculpted from light and code, materialized before him. Her smile was polite, but her digital eyes seemed to scan him with a cold efficiency.

"Hello dear guest," she inquired in a voice devoid of warmth, a stark contrast to the usual greetings guests received. "Currently the hotel doesn't accept any guests, due to a private event taking place."

Alex felt a familiar sting of rejection hearing the words uttered by the receptionist. 'Here we go again, Always the discrimination' he thought, a sigh escaping his lips. Obviously, she judged him from his clothes and appearance. Despite this, he still managed a polite smile. "Hello! I am here for the Interview conducted by Cadmus Academy."

As soon as the words left his mouth, a flicker crossed the receptionist's digital form. "Are you here for the Interview?" she repeated, a hint of something akin to surprise in her voice.

"If so, can you tell me your name please?"

"Yes, that's right," Alex stammered, suddenly self-conscious under her scrutiny. "Alexander Connor."

The holographic receptionist's smile widened, a flicker of something like respect replacing the initial indifference. "Ah, Mr. Connor," she purred. Then, in a blink, the holographic display vanished, replaced by a very much alive woman with a warm smile.

"This way, please," she said in a gentle voice, a stark contrast to her previous cold demeanor.

Alex followed, bewildered by her sudden appearance. But what’s made him even more intrigued is her sudden change in demeanor. Was his name on some prestigious list he wasn't aware of? The walk through the lobby was a blur of opulent displays and hushed conversations. He caught glimpses of other interviewees, their clothes designer labels and confident strides screaming "wealth" and "privilege." A pit of unease formed in his stomach.

He reached the designated interview floor, a private section overlooking the breathtaking panorama of the city below. As the doors opened, a wave of unwelcome recognition washed over him. There, amongst the other candidates, sat a few faces from his past – his former high school bullies, their sneers still as sharp as ever. But it was another face that truly stopped his heart.

Across the room, sitting with an aloof air, was Sophia Vance, his childhood crush and eternal tormentor. Sophia, the epitome of aristocratic beauty, with her icy blue eyes and platinum blonde hair that seemed to cast a permanent chill around her. Back in school, she'd barely acknowledged him, a scholarship boy unworthy of her notice. She even toyed with him even after he gave up on her. It had been a constant source of heartbreak for him.

Sophia's POV:

It was a very happy week for her after she got an Interview letter for the Empire’s most sought-after Academy, Cadmus Academy. It nurtures its students with their own values and teach them further about their specializations, but that’s not what makes this highly sought after, it was the very fact that after enrolling in the academy, they get a free ticket to the citizenship of Gaia, the Empire’s capital planet. It was on that humongous planet; the Academy is situated. So other than the fact that they can study about different Alien civilizations, their different advanced technologies and getting access to more advanced Gene-Optimization programs, this is what they valued the most. After all, only a handful of academies had the opportunity to bestow this kind of ticket to the Empire’s most advanced nation. It was the core of the empire.

Even though she got an interview with Cadmus academy, she isn’t eligible to a scholarship program, after all her family is an aristocratic family who, even in Gaia, is a well-off family. But what nagged her, and her family the most was that, though her family’s business spread throughout the empire, they have never been eligible to apply for the Gaia’s Citizenship. But if she were to pass this interview, no matter the cost, her family will support her with their best. After all, the benefits that they will get from the citizenship are very immense and important for the family.

Therefore, she came here happily to participate in this interview. Although, she was nervous deep down due to the coming interview, she believed that with her current knowledge and academic excellence, she is sure that she will be able to pass the interview. After all, apart from her, only a certain boy is qualified to be a student in the Cadmus Academy. But unfortunately, he isn’t from a wealthy family, so obviously he wouldn’t be here. After all, the scholarships from Cadmus Academy are very rare.

But her guess was wrong. After only an hour since she arrived at the hotel, she saw him. She saw the very man who surpassed him in academics and the very man who she fell in love with. So as soon as she saw him, what she thought was not how he with his poor wealth qualified to be here but some bittersweet memories accompanying her since a few years ago.

Sarah’s Flashback: Encounter

It was the sterile white lab of the Terra University that. It was very cold place with constant humming of machinery. But these humming were constantly ringing in her head, reminding her again and again that this sterile environment is anything but welcoming. Fumbling with the controls of a prototype – a self-cleaning machine for these very sterile environments – Sophia felt a million miles out of place. Unlike the other students who seemed to thrive in this sterile world, she stuck out like a sore thumb, intimidated by the starkness and the whirring symphony of machines. She never came to these labs as she had her very own lap in her home, but since she has to complete the necessary laboratory hours she had to come here.

Through the protective visor of her mask, a figure hunched over a workbench across the room caught her eye. He was lost in a world of intricate tools and whirring gears, tinkering with something that looked far more fascinating than Sophia's self-cleaning machine. Just when she was considering approaching him to ask what he was building, the lab door slammed open suddenly with a bang that echoed through the sterile silence, shattering the illusion of peace.

A hulking figure, Mark, the school bully, swaggered in, a smirk plastered across his face like a badly applied mask. When his gaze fell on Sophia wearing a protective masks and spectacles, his smirk widened, morphing into a predatory grin. She felt panic all over her body. It was like she was frozen, since she couldn’t even move her hands. Unlike most, Sophia had been shielded from Mark's cruelty by her family's wealth and status. But now that she was wearing these protective gears, it was sure as hell that Mark doesn’t know who he is just trying to bully. If She removed her mask, it was a sure fact that Mark will kneel down and apologize, but now she can’t even move her hand let alone do anything. Though she always acted as an arrogant rich second generation, seeing him here, in this isolated lab, sent a shiver down her spine that had nothing to do with the cold air.

Then, something unexpected happened. The quiet boy at the workbench, usually invisible in his own world, straightened up with a surprising speed. His voice, which is surprisingly firm, cut through the tense silence. "This is a sterile environment," he declared, leaving no room for argument in that same tone. "Leave."

Mark scoffed, but something in the boy's unexpected defiance made him hesitate. The atmosphere in the lab shifted, becoming thick with an unseen tension that prickled the hairs on Sophia's arms. After a moment, with a final sneer that landed harmlessly at the boy's masked face, Mark lumbered out, leaving the lab feeling lighter somehow.

Sophia sagged against the wall, her heart hammering a frantic rhythm against her ribs. Relief washed over her in waves, warm and comforting. Stealing a glance at the boy, she noticed him turn towards her, the visor of his mask reflecting the harsh lab lights. His expression remained hidden, but his voice, when he spoke, was surprisingly gentle.

"Are you alright?" he asked, concern lacing his words and softening the sharp edges of the lab's sterile environment.

Sophia could only manage a shaky nod, speechless for a moment. The fear that had gripped her was slowly dissipating, replaced by a strange sense of gratitude for this unexpected savior. She looked around the lab, noticing the meticulously arranged tools and the whirring machine operating flawlessly. There was an air of quiet competence about the masked boy, a quality she found oddly comforting in this sterile world.

"Thank you," she finally managed to whisper, her voice barely audible. "For... everything."

He gave her a small nod, a gesture that spoke volumes in the sterile silence of the lab. "No problem," he replied simply, his voice conveying more than the words themselves. "Just glad it didn't get out of control."

For the brief moment, their eyes met, a silent understanding passed between them. Despite the mask, she felt a spark of connection, a sense of shared relief that transcended the barrier separating them. Then, as quickly as it appeared, the moment was gone.

"I should get back to work," the boy said, turning back to his workbench. His focus shifted back to the intricate device he was tinkering with, and the conversation was over. But in the sterile silence of the lab, the memory of that shared moment lingered, a warmth against the cold.

Over the next few weeks, Sophia found herself drawn to the lab more often than usual. It wasn't just the groundbreaking self-sustaining machine the masked boy was working on, though that was certainly impressive. There was something about him, a quiet intensity and unwavering focus, that captivated her. She'd watch him from afar, stealing glances at his work and marveling at his ingenuity.

One evening, as she lingered after everyone else had left, she saw him finally removing his mask. Exhaustion etched lines on his face, but his eyes sparkled with intelligence and passion. A jolt of recognition hit her like a lightning bolt. It was Alex, the scholarship boy, the one she barely acknowledged in the hallways. The one she bullied. Shame washed over her like a tidal wave.

She remembered her own disdainful behavior towards him – the petty taunts, the deliberate ignoring. And even worse, there was the time she'd noticed him staring at her across the cafeteria. Misinterpreting his shy gaze as a dare, she'd publicly ridiculed him, her cruel words echoing even now in the quiet lab. Tears welled up in her eyes, stinging behind the mask she still wore.

He didn't seem to recognize her, his gaze sweeping past her as he prepped the lab for the next day. She knew then that she had to disappear, to vanish from the lab before he recognized her. From that day on, Sophia avoided going to the lab when he was present.

The guilt gnawed at her. She couldn't escape the memory of Alex's kind face, a stark contrast to the coldness she'd shown him. A new feeling bloomed in her chest – a realization of her own feelings for him. It wasn't just gratitude for saving her from Mark, but a genuine admiration for his intelligence and a budding sense of love.

Encounter: Flashback 1

The cafeteria buzzed with the usual lunchtime chatter. Sophia sat with her friends, idly playing with her food. Across the room, she noticed Alex stealing glances at her. Her friends, noticing his attention, nudged her with sly smiles.

"Looks like someone has a crush on you, Sophia," one of them teased.

Sophia scoffed, a surge of annoyance rising within her. How dare this scholarship boy even look at her? "Please," she said dismissively. "He's probably just trying to figure out how to get me to do his homework."

Her friends burst out laughing, their cruel words echoing in the room. Alex, who had been trying to catch her eye, visibly shrank back in his seat.

END of Flashback 1

Shame burned on Sophia's cheeks now, the memory was sharp and painful.

Encounter: Flashback 2 (Terra High School)

The school gymnasium thrummed with nervous energy. The annual science fair was underway, a showcase of student ingenuity. Sophia, surrounded by her usual crowd, scanned the room with a bored expression. Her gaze landed on Alex, his face flushed with excitement as he presented his project – a self-built, solar-powered phone charger.

Although the concept was simple, the craftsmanship was impressive. Murmurs of appreciation rippled through the crowd. A small spark of pride ignited in Sophia's chest. Maybe this scholarship boy wasn't such a dud after all.

Suddenly, a mischievous idea took root in her mind. A cruel joke, a way to deflate his newfound confidence and assert her dominance. Leaning towards her friends, she flashed a sly grin.

"Hey," she whispered, her voice laced with malice. "Wouldn't it be funny if his precious charger just... stopped working?"

Her friends, eager to please, immediately understood. One of them, a burly boy named Adam, snuck towards Alex's project, a sly smile playing on his lips. With a practiced flick of his wrist, he tripped the power cord connected to the outlet.

The lights on Alex's project sputtered and died. A stunned silence fell over the crowd. Alex whirled around, his face paling as he frantically checked the connections. Embarrassment burned in his eyes, a stark contrast to the earlier excitement.

Sophia and her friends erupted in laughter, their cruel cackles echoing through the gymnasium. Shame pricked at Sophia's conscience for a fleeting moment, but the thrill of dominance quickly overshadowed it.

From that day on, Alex seemed to withdraw further into himself. He avoided her gaze, and the spark of passion she'd glimpsed in his eyes had been replaced by a deep-seated resentment. Sophia, however, reveled in his humiliation, relishing the power she held over him.

END of Flashback 2

The memories left a bitter taste in Sophia's mouth. The carefree cruelty of her teenage years seemed monstrous now, especially in light of her newfound feelings for Alex. Shame burned through her, a constant reminder of the pain she'd inflicted.

As she remembered these haunting memories which were only a select few she did for her, she made a vow. She would only return to the lab when Alex wasn't there. If he was present, she'd keep her mask on, a physical barrier to hide her shame.

One afternoon, Sophia found herself talking with a group of friends outside the lab. Lost in conversation, she absentmindedly reached up to remove the mask she always wore. Suddenly, the lab door swung open, revealing Alex on his way out. He stopped short, his eyes widening in shock as he recognized her.

"Sophia?" he stammered, his voice laced with disbelief.

Sophia's heart hammered against her ribs. Her friends, oblivious to the tension, started giggling. "Looks like someone finally recognizes his secret admirer, setting their sights a little high for a beggar, wouldn't you say? one of them said, nudging Sophia towards Alex.

Shame burned through her. She wanted to explain, to apologize for her past behavior, but the words wouldn't come. All she could manage was a choked sob before turning and fleeing down the hallway, leaving a confused Alex and a group of taunting friends in her wake.

End of Flashback: Encounter

The memory flooded back to Sophia with startling clarity, triggered by the sight of Alex across the room. Shame washed over her. She again and again remembered her own childish taunts, the way she'd treated him like he was beneath her notice. All this time, the boy who'd protected her, the one she'd secretly admired, had been Alex.

The interview process unfolded around them in a blur. Each candidate was called in one by one, spending a mere few minutes with the interviewers behind closed doors. Sophia, however, found herself lingering longer than expected. Her own interview stretched on for a grueling four minutes, filled with probing questions about her academic achievements and family connections. As she exited the room, her heart pounded not from nervousness, but from a growing despair.

Ignoring the curious glances, she retreated to a corner seat, her gaze fixed on Alex. He seemed completely engrossed in a book; his brow furrowed in concentration. An impulsive desire to apologize, to somehow bridge the void between them, welled up inside her.

Hesitantly, she leaned forward. "Do well, Alex," she whispered, surprised by her own words that escaping her lips. They were a stark contrast to her usual Icy demeanor which she developed after the incident with Alex and her friends.

Previously, though she was a girl with Cold demeanor, she still engaged in bullying, but now she is just like a robot without any emotions.

Alex, startled by her voice, looked up. Their eyes met for a fleeting moment, a spark of surprise flickering in his before he averted his gaze. Returning to his cold demeanor.

This made her feel like a thousand ants crawling and drilling her heart. She wanted to cry and apologize. But she knew, she knew that he won’t forgive her. She, his main bully, asking for forgiveness, I am sure he will just spit and go away.

Finally, after what felt like Eternity, A voice was heard, “Mr. Connor, we are ready to see you now. Please come in and bring any necessary certificates or documents you may have with you.”

End Of Sophia’s POV

Alex couldn’t figure what he heard, the one person he hates the most, wishing him well. Did he hear it wrong? Just now he was wondering how to counterattack if she says any spiteful words. But to his wonder, his archenemy, wishes him well.

‘Maybe That was a sarcastic comment. I won’t forget what you did even if you changed into this cold persona… I will never forget…’

“Mr. Connor, we are ready to see you now. Please come in and bring any necessary certificates or documents you may have with you.”

It was his turn. He stood up with a nervous air and walked towards the interview room. His back was stiff, his shoulders squared, but beneath the stoic facade, there is a hint of vulnerability. After all, this is the only ticket to ensure a good life for his dear mother and brother.

“Mother, Ben, Wish me Luck!” Murmuring, he went inside the Interview room.

Little did he know, this very moment would become the turning point, setting him on a path towards his destiny.