
The Coronation

The maid stood before me, head down. At this point I don't even have control over what I think is my body. "How are the preparations going?" I asked. "All as planed your highness. His highness and the priests are waiting for your arrival before the sunsets." The maid answered. I raised my hands and she went quickly and brought me a wide towel large enough to cover my whole body. I dried myself up, while she brought me a slipper to wear. We went back to the room. There was already 3 other maids waiting inside with an elderly woman who looked more like a queen and she was a true beauty. "long live her majesty EM SI AMOONRAA ... long live the queen .. the goddess daughter of the amoonraa" said the elderly woman Nefert. "rise my dear" I said. "your highness every thing is just the way you wanted i know you don't like maids to help you but I was hopping you would bless them with the honor of serving you before your coronation. "Nefert said. "I shall do but only this time otherwise I will ask for them when I need them. Am I clear Nefert" "Yes, your majesty."They all answered. After They were done with my make up and clothing. They helped me wear all sorts of golden accessories, after that they left, All except the Nefert.

"what do you think I choose you for my nephew EM SI?"

I didn't know what to say so I waited for her to answer it herself.

"You are the daughter of EMET. A great destiny is written in your name. The prophesy shall be fulfilled. At the night of the full moon death will be hiding in the shadows. A warrior will be born . He shall fight death for EMET to live again. You have to live and rule the kingdom till the day of eclipse. or the whole kingdom will fall. "

"I will do my best to protect the kingdom. You have nothing to worry about Nefert."

"I still have to warn you. Many people will try to harm you and stop you from fulfilling your destiny. Don't let them, Don't let them. don't put your trust in the wrong person, EMET' s spirit live inside you she will guide you along the way. listen to her, connect with her put don't let your guard down."

I nodded at her. so does this mean I am EMETS soul .Is that what they think? I hope whatever this is to end well. I have a bad feeling about all that.

EM SI RAA point of view...

Nefert left and a heard I heard Knock on the door. This is my sign to leave for the coronation.

Two grads Infront of me and another two behind, They guided me to a chair more like a saddle. I sat down and they carried it. We made our way to the inner temple were the rituals of the coronation are made. Once I entered the whole crowed bowed down on their knees. The guards stopped and put me down. One of the priests grated me and he gave me the key of life made of pure gold with EMET'S and RAA'S name craved on it and a mace with my name and their name on. but there was another name SEB BES RAA. His majesty the king. With the priest guiding the way till we reached the sanctum or I would rather call it the Holy of Holies. The highest priest was waiting for me along another man with a crown over his head obviously the king, Or shall I call him my husband to be. This is not just my coronation as the queen but also my wedding day.

SEB BES RAA was only a teenager not fit to rule the kingdom, which is why Nefert choose me to rule by his side. As her student and the only other woman who mastered the art of magic and the voice of EMMET on earth. At least that what they think I am. Nefert predicted this day would come and that I will be the queen on the day I was born . SEB BES RAA is the only hire to the thrown and the late king died of sickness even though he was still young I was meant to be his bride to take care of SEB but things turned out that way.

"Long live the pharos... Long live the pharos... Long live the pharos.." that was all we heard till we reached the castles. I have to share a room with SEB. The kings wing to be more exact. the moment we reached the royal wing NEFERT was waiting there to complete on final ritual to protect me from being consumed by the other soul inside me. we summoned her to see glams from the future. to know weather or not I will save the kingdom. and if there is any danger coming our way. we have to find a way to send her back before its to late. I know that she is another form of my self living in the future but that doesn't mean it is save for her to stay.

NEFERT point of view.

The rituals were done and the queen is now ready for her big night. even though the spirt lives inside her and that will make her weaker by the day but with some of my powers inside of her she will be protected. I have to watch everything she eats and drinks for the whole week till the time comes. The spirit inside of her is strong and smart she will benefit the kingdom and if the queen and her got along the queen will be able to open her power vessels and she will be the most powerful sorcerer ever existed in the history of the kingdom great things will happen. but if they didn't get along the queen will die.

I just wanted to say that this is from my imagination and it has nothging to do with any historical facts. I am just inspired by ancient eygpt.

Esraa_Marzoukcreators' thoughts