
Chapter 2, A Fiery Adventure Begins Part 2

Mercury Black had always been a peculiar sort of fellow.

Abandoned by his mother and raised by an overbearing, abusive assassin father, the silver-haired man had always believed in one quality; strength.

He hasn't survived this far by being weak. His father had always been somewhat of a prick, frequently blowing what money he made from his assassination jobs on alcohol and coming back to their hideout in the mountains raging drunk.

Marcus Black believed sternly that only the strong survive, and was determined to pass this belief onto his son. If Mercury even showed a hint of weakness, he was mercilessly beaten by his father, who was often in one of his drunken rages. The first few beatings Mercury had taken in stride, hoping that his father would change for the better.

Alas, that was not to be.

Mercury remembered his father's methods to mound him into a cold-blooded killer.

The first time Mercury is hurt- really bad- he's 4 and his father is teaching him to toughen up. To fight. To kill. Marcus takes the confused boy outside one cold starry night, and tells Mercury to hit him as hard as he can. The assasin's son was confused and frightened, he wanted to go back inside and sit by the warm fire but his father blocked the path to sanctuary. Marcus told him he was weak for refusing to cause harm to another. He was still young and innocent, too naive to understand the real world

His father was happy to give him a lesson.

Marcus slapped him on the side of his head driving his fragile body to the grassy floor. Once the pain had settled he began his cycle of punches and kicks. Marcus hits him again, again. and again. He took care not to seriously injure the boy- bruises and cuts only since his aura is not yet unlocked . Nobody is around to hear the screams, the world had let Marcus brutalize his 4 year old son.

The second time Mercury is hurt, he sees it coming. 5 years of training with a master assassin gives young Mercury a good sense of when strikes are going to land. Being Marcus Black's son only enhances that. Marcus' foot lands square in the middle of his chest anyway, and Mercury feels his aura drain. The blow sends him tumbling, and Mercury rolls to rebalance himself on his feet. Marcus' next blow strikes his rib again, and Mercury hadn't ever felt this much pain. He felt the wind exploding from his lungs. He gasped for air, as his body curled into a ball on the floor.

"You are slow. You are weak. You are careless," Marcus said, standing over his son. There is no hint of remorse or compassion in his eyes. "If I were the enemy, you would be dead. They will not show you mercy. They will not hesitate to end you. You are lucky I do."

He walks off, and Mercury's intense hatred only burns steadier.

The third time is the worst. Mercury was now 18, holding his own against Marcus's deadly strikes. Mercury blocked his father's lightning-quick blows then countered when he sees a vulnerability. His steel toed boots made an awful clanking and scraping sound as they connect with blades. His legs ache more than they ever have. His mind is racing, but he can feel how tired his body was. His father doesn't falter.

Block, roll, shoot, block, kick off. Block, kick, duck, roll, block. Block, block, block, block-

"Fuck!" Mercury roared as a blade pierces his left calf. The last blow had drained his aura- he'd been too distracted to notice. His father surely would have. Mercury's momentum threw him into the corner as he crumples. Marcus doesn't miss a beat. He drives the other blade into his hip causing Mercury to cry out in agony.

"You are still weak," Marcus said calmly, He pulled the first blade out, and brings it down on Mercury's right ankle. It shatters the bones and Mercury is blinded by the pain. "You are still not good enough. You are a disgrace," he plunges the blade into his left calf now. Mercury passes out from the pain before long.

When he awakes, Mercury is different. His hatred has solidified itself, rooted itself into his core. He wants nothing more than to murder his father. He wants to not exist. He wants to curse whichever deity put him into existence.

Present Time

Mercury stirred the stew carefully in the pot, having an asshole for a father taught him a few things. One was to not fuck up his meals, Second was stay clear when he's in a drunken stupor, Third was to keep the damn house clean. Mercury learned the third one physically when he failed to clean up broken glass left by his father's beer bottle. The bastard accused him of breaking into his liquor cabinet then used said broken glass to slash his face, nearly hitting his eye. To say the least, Mercury has learned that day.

Today's stew was going to be special tonight.

Draconic Adventures

Desmond hated life sometimes, life can be a bitch when it wanted to be. Did this type of thing happen to every rookie Huntsman? He bet it didn't, karma was just screwing him over. Desmond could only assume their guns are spewing thousands of bullets, he was too terrified to peek his head out and check. Desmond wondered how confident they were feeling to close in on him, the last time he checked they were armed with melee such as axes and swords. Desmond's fairly sure he can take them on, since they were untrained goons, however, those girls who he appeared to be siblings are a different story. They carried themselves opposite to the rest, most likely superior fighters.

Wait, why had the gunfire stopped? Desmond listened in hearing footfalls approaching fast. Here come the melee units, Desmond had to react fast and cut their numbers. The dragon reached behind him, gripping the hilt to his heavy blade, with a mighty pull upward he brought his signature weapon, Draco in front of him.

As expected angry mobsters hurdle the bar counter, wielding red axes and sword, a whistle of steel was Desmond's only warning. Desmond threw his massive blade to the side parrying an axe swing hard enough to knock it to the side. The dragon brought his knee up deep into the first mobster's gut, hunching him over, then used his free hand to grapple the fabric of his clothing and throw him head first into a second mobster, both falling to the floor.

Desmond's hips twisted in time to narrowly miss a mobster's katana lunging forth, placing himself under Draco's pommel. Desmond took the opportunity to drop Draco's pommel into the back of the mobster's skull, forcing him down. The clicking of guns alerted Desmond to dive on his stomach, sliding behind a velvet couch. The bullets sprayed towards the couch, exploding into feathers. Desmond could've sworn he heard a cry of distress from Junior, funny how the guy worried more about furniture than murdering two teenagers. The dragon slammed his shoulder into the couch, hard to send the couch straight at the gunman, breaking  their firing line like bowling pins.

While in disarray Desmond charged forth bullets ricocheting off the flats of blade. The fire-breather spun on his heel bringing Draco around in a full circle, striking the guns from their hands. Desmond flipped the sword catching the blade cautiously before taking a batting stance and swinging the crossguard, catching one mobster in the head.  The second tried backing away but Desmond's foot smashed on his, keeping the criminal still for Draco's pommel to pound his nose. The dragon shoulder checked the second into the third,  sending their bodies clashing into each other.  Desmond swapped his focus on a charging mobster preparing for a telegraphed swing. Desmond's boot springs forward kicking the mobster back a few inches away, positioning him perfectly. Desmond swings down Draco's hilt, driving it in the mobster's cranium, creating a sickening crack.

Desmond winced at the sound, watching the poor mobster Get pulverized on the ground. The dragon was ninety percent sure he's alive, ten percent chance he may die from brain trauma. Now since the mobsters were taken care of, that only left him with one problem.  Getting back at the green haired girl who caused this. The dragon turned to the green haired woman in question, being assaulted on both sides by a pair of beautiful twins.

Desmond had all the right to leave her to those criminals. But What kind of Huntsman would allow that? Desmond took a step forward only to take a step back, avoiding a steel club surging towards him.

"You want something done right, " Junior lunged, thrusting his club into Desmond's gut bouncing him back five meters. "Do it yourself!"

Draconic Adventures

Emerald threw her left Sickle to the side, deflecting Militia crimson claw while ducking Melanie swift roundhouse. The twins constantly switched positions in an attempt to confuse the thief on which one will attack. How siblings should be, they were coordinated and synchronized attacking as one whole.Militia went high sending a flurry of slashes as Melanie struck low trying to kick her opponent off balance. However, Emerald was quicker than the two being able to keep her distance and deliver range attacks with her pistols. That achieved little since both combatants were agile, blocking and dodging her shots effortlessly.

Emerald swayed aside from Militia downward slash, placing herself in the path of Melanie's spinning kick, gashing the thief's cheek before delivering a second kick that launched her skyward. Emerald's body slammed against the wall, creating a dent in it.

"I'm impressed she lasted this long, Sis." Milta smiled cruelly. "Usually the common pest would be dead already."

"All rats die, Sis." Melanie said to her aggressive twin.

"You have a point there, " Emerald retorted wiping the blood from her small cut. "Hell, I don't got much to live for, but you bitches aren't getting satisfaction. I choose where and when I die and it's definitely not going to be in this shithole." The thief spat, displaying her defiance.

Militia wanted to test that theory, pouncing towards Emerald with her claws extended. Her left sickle sweeps across knocking the claws to the side before her right sickle uppercuts Militia taking a chunk of her aura. The green haired pickpocket hooks her foot around Militia  ankle, pulling the red themed girl off balance.Militia falls head  first to the floor, depleting the last of her aura reserves.

Emerald sways to the side avoiding Melanie's axe kick, countering with a overhead slash. Melanie's hand reached up and caught Emerald's arm delaying her attack. The white themed girl threw her knee into Emerald'a side before thrusting the thief back against a table. Before Emerald could move Melanie's heel presses against Emerald's throat, attempting to crush her wind pipe. The thief's gasps for air, she raised her pistol and fired a shot off into Melanie's shoulder. Melanie's winced in pain as her aura moved to repair the damage giving Emerald an opportunity to clutch a bottle that sat upon the table and smash it against Melanie's cranium. The blunt force sends Melanie's body spinning in a full circle before dropping to the ground.

Junior swings his club at Desmond like a batter trying to score a home run. The dragon held his own blocking and parrying his strikes, unable to throw in his own attacks. Junior retracts the club only to jab the tip at Desmond's forehead, causing his head to snap back.  The dragon skids across the dance floor, shaking off the blow. Junior closes the distance fast, landing two mighty blows on Desmond driving him back with every shot. Junior wasn't made leader of a mobster gang for nothing, the big guy can certainly dish out damage. Desmond would compare Junior to a pro Huntsman if he hadn't seen better, in fact Junior's moves may carry strength but they are greatly telegraphed, so why couldn't he counter them? Because Desmond was nervous, he's trained to fight Grimm not people. Fighting Junior's goons was the easy part since they lacked aura, though the Boss has his unlocked. Desmond didn't know how many hits it would take to deplete his aura and he needed this to end non-lethal.

"Stay still, Kid!" Junior's club slammed against Desmond's sword, spraying sparks in all directions. "I open in a couple hours, and I need time to clean the blood stains from the carpet."

"I have a counter offer," Desmond rams his shoulder into Junior's chest, pushing the mobster back. "How about we quit fighting all together, I'll apology for intruding on your property, the girl over there will apology for-"

"No I won't!" Emerald shouted in the background.

"And you'll apologize for trying to kill us!" Desmond scowls, he receives his answer in the form of a club flying near his chin.

"Let me get this straight, " Junior's hand suddenly grappled Desmond by his collar lifting him upward. "Your street rat friend, broke into my club, try to steal from me and you expect to walk out of here?"

"J-Just to clarify, " Desmond cleared his throat." I' am a concerned and innocent citizen looking out for the public's best interest."

"You're carrying a fake license." Junior raised an eyebrow. "I'm sure that's a capital crime, kid."

"I knew it!" Desmond's hand ignited in flames, slamming down on Junior's face. The mobster screamed in agony and threw Desmond to the side. The dragon landed and bounced back performing a spin kick, his boot connecting with Junior temple. Junior soared across the room landing on the DJ set. Desmond gathered and shot fire from both hands, blasting Junior's spot. Junior rolled off the DJ set, the fire blast setting the machine ablaze. Fire began to spread rapidly throughout the club. Junior panicked, rushing to the fire extinguisher. He didn't get far as fire sprouted in his path. More worried about his profits, the info broker turned to his men with a scowl.

"Help me, you idiots!" Junior demanded, the mobsters complied with haste, tending to the flames. One of them tried stomping a fire out but apparently his slacks were flammable and caught on fire instantaneously.

"Oops..." Desmond's guilty expression as similar to a boy who had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Was that too much?" The dragon looked down, noticing his hoodies was on fire.

The thief girl considered this the best time to make a run for it. Desmond thought the same, following behind her.

"First one who brings me that faunus' horns, gets a pay raise!" Junior declared with spite, as he swatted at the fire with a towel. The big man immediately dropped it when the fire consumed it.

Scene Change

Desmond watched Emerald sprint into the alleyway like an Olympic athlete, how she had more stamina than him was the million dollar question. Perhaps because she's an experienced criminal and gets cardio daily? Desmond followed her but before his head could peer into the alleyway, Emerald grabbed his collar and swung him beside her.

"They went into the alleys!" A mobster yelled.

"What are you doing, we have to move!" Desmond snarled.

"Just shut up and stop squirming." She hisses at the boy, paying more attention to the passing guards than the boy.

What the hell?" The mobsters paused inches away from their targets. "How the hell did they—wait that animal has wings, They must of flew over the buildings." The mobsters scattered in different directions.

Desmond released the breath he didn't know he was holding. The dragon pondered how they weren't covered in bullet holes. The dragon realized it must had something to do with the thief's semblance. Did she turn us invisible?

"How did you do that?"

Emerald's eyes fall upon the dragon Faunus, contemplating all of her current options. "Does it matter? We got away." The green haired girl backs away from the boy, realising that they were a little too close for comfort.

"Was that how you stole that diamond in your hand?" Desmond took a step closer, aware of her next move. "Since you basically on Junior's hit list you wouldn't mind if I take that off your hands right? Would give him less of a reason to butcher you."

The girl's face contorts into a slight, annoyed frown. "No need to remind me, but I'll survive. Always have." She continues to step away from the boy, not breaking eye contact.

"I see, but you already made a mistake." Desmond's eyes narrowed darkly.

"I've made plenty of mistakes. You'll have to be more specific." Emerald steps back again, startled by the boy's sudden intimidation.

"You forgot I'm a faunus, " Suddenly a long black appendage uncoiled around Desmond's waist, lashing out like a whip and entangling around Emerald's ankle, lifting her upside down. "With more than one appendage."

"My tail is the strongest part on my body, you feel lighter than paper."

Emerald lets out a short yelp as she's pulled into the air. She takes a moment to calm herself, though her annoyance is evident on her face. "Gee, you really know how to make a girl feel special, don't you." Her sarcastic tone is obvious in the delivery of her lines.

Unable to reach her weapons, the girl gazes around the area, looking for anything she can use but finding nothing of value. "Fine, you got me, put me down and I'll give you the damn diamond."

"There's no snowball's chance in hell im letting you out of my sights until we get to the owner so you can apologize." Desmond glared similar to a disappointed Parent. "Then you will kindly go to jail." Desmond added nonchalantly.

Emerald clicks her tongue, angry that her attempt at tricking the dragon failed. "Yeah, how about no?" With no conceivable way out of the situation, the girl plays her last card. "Do you actually think prison is the best place to send me?"

"Really?" Desmond deadpans. "You won't be able to rob hardworking citizens and I doubt Junior's boys will follow you behind bars. Plus considering your...situation. I'm sure the prison will offer you a warm bed and three square meals a day...I wouldn't eat that shit though."

Emerald responds with a sarcastic laugh. "You're not that smart for a huntsman. The big heads in charge don't care about people like me. I'll either be back on the streets in a few days, running for my life, or hanging from my neck in a prison cell because someone decided I looked at them funny."

Desmond winced at the claim, saddest part is he believes they would. Isaac taught Him from a young age that life was tough for those who lack status. If They take one look at someone lesser than them, they rub them off like dirt on shoes. Desmond didn't experience it, he hope he never has to.

"...come on." Desmond began walking without another word.

Scene Change

The overweight jeweler was least to say, furious. His face was so cartoonishly red, that Desmond thought he would blow steam from his ears. Every slur he shouted was accompanied by spittle flying from his lip, his breath carried more heat than Desmond's flames. Luckily this was only directed at Emerald instead of him but he somewhat felt bad for the thief.

Emerald sighs, letting the man continue with his tirade, having expected it from the beginning. "I'm sorry for stealing your diamond. I had my reasons but I doubt you want to hear them, so I won't bother saying anything."

"You're damn right I don't!" The jeweler glared, wiping the sweat from his brow. "Huntsman!"

"Huh?" Desmond looked around to see where, but soon remembered his false title. "Yes, Sir? How can I help yo—"

"I want this rat, to suffer the full extent of the law!" The owner growled. "Make sure they throw her in a cell with the most vile criminals in Remnant, she'll be an example!"

"Ha!" Emerald lets out a loud, single laugh. Smirking, she stares directly into the store owner's bloodshot eyes. "Good luck with that. People don't give a damn about any 'example'. Whatever gets food in their mouths. Don't go thinking that seeing one street rat in chains is going to change that."

She turns to face Desmond, reaching her limit. "And you. Grow a backbone. Yes sir, please sir, may I clean your boots and kiss your ring sir? So weak."

"How dare you!?" The larger man looked about ready to strangle Emerald before.

"Sis, stop acting like an idiot and sincerely apologize to this proud, averagerly sized man." Desmond's words cut through the tension like a hot knife through butter.

Emerald stares at the boy, bewildered by his sudden outburst but quickly realises that this could be her only chance out of this situation. She growls, feigning a forced submissive attitude. "Fine."

She turns back to the store owner who, though still noticeably irate, appears to be just as befuddled by Desmond's sudden statement as Emerald was. "I'm sorry. What's happening in my life doesn't give me an excuse to make yours harder. This won't happen again and I'm sure my 'Bro' would be happy to pay for any damages that might have occurred." She gives the boy a sideways smirk.

Desmond forced a strained smile to his lips, it took most his willpower not to incinerate the green haired deviant or the jeweler, because the asshole got spit on his jacket.

"Sure, I'll pay for whatever my fucking sister destroyed." he grinded his teeth together.

"Do you expect me to believe you two are related, you're a--"

"Faunus?" Desmond's eyes flashed red signifying boiling anger while still maintaining a constructed Smile. Hopefully the jeweler didn't catch on. "We're technically half-siblings. Unfortunately, my sis never got enough oxygen to her brain when she was developing as a fetus. "

"What is that suppose to mean?" the Jeweler crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow.

"In simpler terms, she's nuttier than squirrel shit and she has no control of her actions or what she says."

Emeralds eye twitches at the dragon's statement. "Dad had a way with women but he sucked with kids. Why else do you think we ended up so dysfunctional." Emerald places her arm on Desmond's back with her hand positioned to dig her nails into his back. "Smart Guy like you, in a place like this? You must have seen a few idiots like that in the past."

"Y-Yeah really, dysfunctional if we weren't related I would've killed her already." Desmond face remained stoic, transferring his aura to dull the pain alittle. But Emerald regretted her choice soon enough when Desmond's skin suddenly felt like hot coal.

The Jeweler's assistant failed to buy the act, though she simply shrugged, she wasn't paid enough to care.

"Fine...But I suggest you keep your misfit deeds under control or else I'll be forced to deal with you two myself." The heavy man warned with a glare, Desmond internally laughed at the empty threat. "Now, I suppose you expect payment? You Hunters always do."

Emerald's brow raises as she forgets the searing pain in her hand. Even after all this, he would still get payed? The girl knows when she sees something of value and this 'friendly' huntsman, this 'brother' of hers, might just be valuable.

The heavyset man held his hand out, getting a checkbook slapped into it by the smiling assistant, her smile was faker than theirs. He wrote a price down elegantly before ripping the check from the book and allowing Desmond to pick it from his hand.

"Will that cover your fee?"Desmond's response was instant, his jaw hanging loosely. There were so many zeroes on the check, it could be considered a wolf's howl.

Emerald's eyes light up momentarily at the sight of the sum. "Damn. Huntsmen make that much? You've been holding out on me, Bro."

Scene Change

Isaac Royal had always taught his dragon prodigy to be a gentleman to the ladies. Although Desmond wondered if that extended to malicious thieves. This girl had wasted an hour of his life, fighting mobsters and getting yelled by a fat bastard. Now he's feeding her in his favorite restaurant.

The thief in question is currently eating the delectable dishes without a care in the world. "This is great, Bro. The food isn't bad either."

"Call me bro one more time, and you'll be cooked like the steak you're eating." Desmond snapped. "How did you do it?!"

The girl smiles, knowing that her teasing is getting to the false huntsman. "Do what? Like I said before, you'll have to be more specific." Placing a bite of her meal in her mouth, the girl savours the taste that she would likely never experience again. That is, unless she could figure something out.

"How did you manipulate me?" Desmond hissed at the thief. " I'm supposed to be a Huntsman, a guardian to the people, a symbol of hope. But I let someone like you go free from the law, my kindness should've been over there. Why didn't I send you back on the road with the words "dont come near me, I'll steal your belongings." tattoed to your face.

Emerald chuckles lightly, amused by Desmond's outrage. "You want the truth? You really want to know how I did it?" She leans in, staring into the boy's eyes..

Desmond's cheeks flustered his eyes turning blue as he leaned back a little before answering. "Yeah..how?"

"Because you're nice." The girl smirks before leaning back in her chair. "When you valiantly came to my rescue, I started thinking to myself 'what's this guy up to?' 'What's his game?' Then I realised. You're just an all around nice guy. I don't know how or why you're like that, but it makes manipulating you very easy." She continues smirking while twirling her knife in her hand. "You should be careful. The next person who figures that out might not be as nice as I am."

"You re supposed to be nice?" Desmond's sighed, downing his fruit punch to calm his nerves. The dragon stared in the thief's eyes, orange meeting crimson once again. "What are your plans now?"

The thief shrugs, nonchalantly. "No clue. I'll probably just go back to living on the streets, scrounging for the scraps of rich people like you huntsmen. I'll survive for a while but my luck will run out eventually. Then I'll probably be caught and killed." She speaks with little care of the subject she's discussing, even though that subject is her own mortality.

"Of course, I do know this reeeally nice huntsman. He's not necessarily bad in a fight but he's horrible with people." She feigns a forlorn sigh. "If only he had a smart, talented and beautiful companion who could not only fight but could also make sure no one tricks him again." She glances at the dragon, checking to see if her obvious offer had reached him.

"I'm sorry, social cues aren't my thing." Desmond started blankly at the illusionist, raising a finger to the waitress for another refill. "You're gonna have to be more straight forward."

Emerald lets out an exasperated sigh, adding her own refill to the order. "I was more correct than I thought." She clears her throat. "You're the socially inept huntsman with a heart of gold and I'm the smart, beautiful and talented girl who's good with money, can hold her own in a fight and knows when someone's trying to play me for a fool." She stares into his eyes, honestly growing tired of all the games. "Do you get it now?"

The first time it didn't click in Desmond's mind, he heard about Beacon students forming teams in the academies. The dragon was envious, having his own team to stay with and befriending them.

Oh how fate was mocking him.

"You're a thief," Desmond said simply his left clawed finger tapping the woodwork of the table. "Thieves don't have loyalty, what's keeping you from stabbing me in the back and running off with pockets filled with lien?"

Emerald shrugs, understanding the dragon's reasoning. "If I was an idiot, There'd be nothing keeping me from doing exactly that." She pauses, leaning in once more worth both hands clasped on the table, in clear view. An attempt to show that she had no intention of wronging him, for now.

"I'm a thief. It's true. No reason to deny it at this point. Thing is, because I'm a thief, I know potential when I see it. I could steal everything you have and live well for a while but it would run out soon enough so I figure, why not stick around? Actually earn some of that money, and keep earning it. Like a job but more shooting and stabbing and sneaking around. Basically, I'd be doing what I've been doing except I'd be getting paid for it and no one would want to run me out of town."

Her expression morphs into a smile. "To put it simply. Why run off with pockets of lien when I could be getting so much more." She shrugs once more, starting to get comfortable with the conversation. "Plus, you don't really have a choice. You need me."

Desmond couldn't argue with that, criminal or not the thief had a brilliant head on her shoulders. The dragon heard of thieves being charming, manipulative, and cunning in movies, the green haired beauty is the total package.

Isaac once said. "Bad people must offer more to gain trust." and Emerald was offering a hell of a load. Basically, Desmond was her meal ticket so she'll fight like hell to keep him, but honestly would she risk her own life for him?

Stupid question

She wouldn't.

"Fine....But I have rules." Desmond glared. "Yes, a rebel like you needs to follow my rules."

Emerald chuckles for a moment, maintaining her smile. "Well, I wasn't expecting you to invite me home any time soon." As the waitress brings their refills to them, she takes a quick gulp before shifting her attention back to Desmond. "Tell me. What are your rules for this charming rebel?"

"No pickpocketing, that includes the wallet you just stole from that waitress" Desmond accused.

Emerald makes no attempt to hide her displeasure at being found out, though she waves the wallet in clear view of the waitress who hurriedly rushes over to collect it. "Try not to drop it next time, alright?" After handing the girl her wallet, the thief momentarily glares at Desmond. "Anything else?"

"You May only pickpocket when the situation allows it." Desmond added. "Rule 2: You are officially representing a Huntsman, that means we have to serve the people and protect them, even if they're loud mouth assholes." Desmond grumbled, being reminded of the jeweler.

Emerald's eyes narrow. "Fine. But when it comes to splitting the loot, I want 80%. As for the payments, you can choose how much I get, though I would suggest letting me hold on to the money." She directs an accusatory finger towards Desmond. "You might be a huntsman but you're an easy mark."

"50% and fine..." Desmond palmed his face, he should expect a few lien going "missing" from their payments. "Rule 3...actually lets make this a question, to test your loyalty. If a village was on fire, who would you save? The people getting attacked by Grimm or me trapped in a burning house?"

Emerald's eyes gleam, having already figured out an answer to the question. "Trick question. You're a dragon. Considering how hot you were back at the club, you're probably heat resistant at least. So, in that situation, I suppose the 'correct' thing to do would be to save the people."

Desmond's smug expression flipped into a visible wince, he then cleared his throat. "Correct, your loyalty is to the people of Remnant. Technically, you are a civilian also which means I shall protect you with my life--" The dragon suddenly gagged, like he tasted something foul. He swallowed briefly before continuing. "Yeah...you're under my protection."

Emerald giggles, not a chuckle or a diminutive laugh, a genuine giggle. She found the dragon amusing. "This is going to be fun."

"However..." Desmond's lips curved into a Cheshire grin. "Fail to follow my demands and a penalty will be given."

"Like I said, this is going to be fun." The girl leans in, smirking and unabated by the threat on the surface, though her mind is swimming as she contemplated what someone like him could possibly threaten her with.

The waitress had perfect timing apparently, laying down what can only be described as a heart attack served on a plate.

"Here's your double deluxe choco madness cake, complete with extra whip cream and three cherries on top. " The waitress smiled. "Don't worry about paying for it, consider it thank you for giving my wallet back." She nodded gratefully before taking her leave.

"Tell me..." Desmond slides the cake away from Emerald. The dessert was massive enough to make anyone gain a thousand pounds just by glancing at it. "When was the last time you had cake?"

Emerald raises her brow, thinking that he had to either be a total idiot, which wasn't out of the question, or plotting something. "Oh, I have it at least once every week. You know, the constant running for my life tends to keep me thin."

Oh!" Desmond falsified his shocked expression. "Then I suppose tasting a magnificent treat like this wouldn't matter to you would it? Neither would enjoying the better things in life such as, a warm bed, a full belly, and maybe being a decent member of society."

Emerald sends a nasty grin towards the fake huntsman. "Depends. What are you trading for?"

"Good question," Desmond sliced a part of the cake, sitting the piece on his plate. "Cooperation."

"Cooperation...for cake?" Emerald silently stares at the supposed huntsman for a few moments before breaking out in laughter. "You're such an idiot." She takes a deep breath before wiping away the tears welling in her eyes. "Deal."

"Nice doing business with ya," Desmond neglected the insult, leaning back in his chair. "We haven't been properly been introduce huh?"

"Guess I should know the name of my meal ticket." Emerald's amuses expression slowly turns into a thin smirk as she leans back, mimicking Desmond's actions. "Mine's Emerald Sustrai. Yours?"

"Desmond Royal, Huntsman and mysterious Faunus." Desmond spoke proudly, offering a handshake.

The thief accepts and grasps the dragon's hand firmly while with her other hand, she attempts to sneak his cake away from right under his nose. "This is going to be interesting."

"This is the beginning of a toxic relationship." Desmond groaned tiredly. "Very toxic..."

The End Of Chapter 2

Sorry I planned to do, but I got tired and no one likes lazy writing.